Women hate thread

Women are subhumans

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Nah. They just should NEVER be given control of a country though.

why are asian women addicted to bwc?

they are sheep that need to be led. get one that hasn't been brainwashed into thinking her 20s are meant for fucking niggers and a career.

women are meant to compliment their male counterparts, make homes and raise children. modern society is degenerate and needs to end.

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i liek my mom

that does not look like a woman to me

There's only one man who can save Finland.

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women are worthless. They are impossible to work with.

They can be quite useful when enslaved.

Female coalition lol

Hate women

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She’s not a woman, she’s a feminist.

Not with that hairline and pencil neck

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Every race is.

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>doggo woke gf up
>bedroom light wasn't dimmed when the switch was flicked
>someone cut her off while driving
>someone doesn't immediately respond to her if she's asking for help
>customer service doesn't fulfill her request or answer her immediately

>if she's mad or upset everyone around her should be mad and upset
Wtf. This behavior has become more frequent since the quarantine. It use to happen once in great while but it's becoming increasingly common and it's infuriating. Maybe it's because I'm happy go lucky and she's a bit more serious.

>brainwashed into thinking her 20s is meant for a career
Maybe that's her issue. She's been moody since the quarantine and she hasn't been able to go to work. Recently learned she has a hard time entertaining herself.

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Holy this, i play counter strike source among some other games, and females playing games almost always put their real pic and name. They do infact get tons of attention from the simps on the server

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The wine every week thing really made me despise women

Rather be single forever

human or not

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have this

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reminder that a man who bends over backwards to appease a woman in hopes of getting a "chance" in lieu of her complete lack of sexual attraction to him is a simp

the type of man who positions himself as financially stable and reliable and a "good guy" because he knows physically and sexually he has nothing to offer is a simp

basically any man who tries to get women to settle for him by being a doormat (what manospherecels call a "beta provider") is a simp

a good rule of thumb is if you have to spend more money than it would take to get a hooker, you're a simp, and if it takes more effort or resources than your inherent physical appearance and/or social skills (charisma) and/or intimidation/violence, you're a simp

you can cry and piss and moan and throw a hissy fit that being a low test little clean cut choir boy does not for a sexually attractive man make, but I didn't make the rules

just remember one thing -- a masculine man who's androgenic in appearance and behavior has never been incel, and the proof is in the pudding by looking at the 4channers in this thread


take it to heart, I'm just relaying something you already know

Is it because they wont fuck you?

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Wasn't sacred band the elite Gayreek unit from the Antiquity?

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In this day and age never ask a woman to marry you. Fuck her until she looses control and impregnate her. Then don´t marry her, only living with her and the children. She has to stay to get payed her "housemoney". If she leaves you only pay child support.

>Rat and a whale
kek baguette user

Coronachan is showing the real face of the world.

This thread has been moved to

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Friendly reminder that women will be replaced soon

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Shut up fag

american culture

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Would not even Pump and dump

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EMPOWERMENT is the cheat code to reprogram a liberal, Western female to do whatever you want. She'll happily participate in any depravity you can imagine—and some you can't—if you convince her it will be empowering.

Nope in a lot of states and provinces co habitation for 3+ years means you’re common law

I work with a few. They are fucking annoying but most actually work decently

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>fucking with superman
>not beeing pregnant after that
>seaching for better bull

nothing wrong with that

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Canada has been moved to

Whites who want to sleep with blacks are EXTREME outliers.

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Fuck the roasties but any guy who does this is a fucking retard

>Larping as Moot for 0 reason
Fuck off

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And it's always been like this. I remember going on forums in the early 2000s, before social media made it common to use your real picture/name online. And yet still a lot of women had their real picture in their profile. And they did get a lot of special treatment, like men would avoid flaming them and be extra nice when it came to helping them with questions.
It's the main reason why "Tits or GTFO" became a thing here IIRC, because this place is supposed to be user and not full of women expecting a hoard of white knights to give them special treatment like they did on every other forum.

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They are just desperately trying to get impregnated

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>Common law marriage
>Don’t even have a prenup to offer you legal protections

Daily reminder that incels are lower than niggers.
And any white guy who is an incel should kill himself for failing the aryan race

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>It's always the woman's fault if she's a single mother

And they say whitey don't have a culture.

>italy and usa are handling the situation so much better

Only cuckold would vote for women


>that caption
>"Beautiful, hilarious, warm"
>I don't know anything about dating
A simple rule: Don't be fat. There, now she has a boyfriend and is an expert at dating.

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The guy on the right went to my university. He is a slayer.

why do mutts do this?

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White people have weird fetish

ok roastie

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The fuck did you reply to me for you mass replying nigger faggot


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I'm not even white nor am I an incel

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>>It's always the woman's fault if she's a single mother

The majority of women choose to be single mothers, and initiate the vast majority of divorces.

Thank you for this, I will reach out to her and beg her for her CashApp.


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there's a difference between being celibate and being an incel


>Not with that hairline and pencil neck
he has improved

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90% of fagposters are Canadians. They are destroying this site

I hate Canadians so god damn much.

Yeah when a female joins a server it seems tons of peple just turn into a different person, they turn into what that female will perceive as cool, and it ends up looking like a bunch of beta males competing for one female, whether it's on a counter strike server or not, it's reality.

I'm happily married and get laid several times a week.

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Ok and?

Fuck gays, fuck china, fuck pajeets, fuck homosexuality, fuck degeneracy

Problem now fag?

How would all of you guys raise a daughter?? Assuming anybody would ever want to breed with yall

Poor amerianons, no such thing here.

Not "always" but it usually is yes. Most single mothers were never married to the father, and even the ones who were she usually just used him to make a baby and then dumped him for alimony. Maybe 10% of single mothers didn't plan on being single mothers but it's fine to hate on the other 90%

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dude my dad died when i was 6 and my mom refused to remarry because shes a huge Christian.

They only took some half measures because our right wing male president pressured them to do something. It was also reported that he attempted a coup in the cabinets, trying to transfer power from the state council to an unknown security council called "Fist", formed by the military, the police and some other institutions.

i'm happy you're an exception, but im not sure if you're trying refute statistics or are blind to to state of society.

Best thing I'm going to read all week. What a dumb cunt. Shame they have children. For all my dad's faults he never banged young boys dressed as laddies in their bed. God bless him.

can we stop pretending we hate women
be honest, I'd choke myself on a cute girl's feet just to see her smile at me and so would you
we love women and acknowledge that we were made to serve them

You have to be 18+ to post on this board, baby boy.

Cant work nor bear children. Good for some incels and good for lowering pussy value but no real replacement


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I'm mad

Women are just humans, retard. The fact that they are in positions of power (where they shouldn't) it's a failure of MEN.

Came here because I love women.

no one can save them now
haha very funny memeflag nigger try harder next time

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Lol that whore he cuffed got btfo based but gay

This jewish psyop again?

found the incel mudslime

>Incels: the thread