Cdc 2 weeks ago

cdc 2 weeks ago
>masks only work in one direction
>only sick people need them!
cdc today
>we just realized masks DO work in two directions
>everyone should wear them
>OOOPS! :^)

so what else are they blatantly lying to us about?

Attached: dontwearmaskgoy.jpg (592x768, 79.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They want enough people to get sick to keep it going and also they want the masks for themselves, and now that enough people are infected, they want to stop the game.

>so what else are they blatantly lying to us about?
Vitamin C cures many diseases and can prevent falling ill to covid19.

>cdc today
>>we just realized masks DO work in two directions
>>everyone should wear them
>>OOOPS! :^)
Where does it say that?

same here
my province was one of the first to get quarantined, a month ago our city council distributed leaflets at our doorstep not to wear masks unless showing symptoms. yesterday they distributed masks home by home and told us to wear them whenever we go out for necessities

The Chinese Desease Center and World Hate Organization (on CCP payroll btw) should be disbanded at this point.

The Crisis has truly shown us that the people working there are dolts without any semblence of profesionalism.

After this is over, we will need an audit of these incompetent shills and firing squads for their handlers.

Surgical masks do not form an airtight seals with the face. They are not effective in stopping the virus from entering the body if the person is not infected you dolt.
Your quotes are also heresay, cringe.

health care workers need them more because they do procedures that make a ton of aerosol virus & they are sorely lacking in PPEs

if medics run out of masks, suddenly your grandma gets placed on auto-DNR because nobody wants to risk themselves to treat her.

Yeah, it's getting pretty transparent at this point.

They NEED hundreds of thousands dead so they can have their planned war with China.

Attached: fuck-america.jpg (800x480, 136.19K)

Any kind of masks are good, always better than no mask situation

Talking can spread covid, in absense of masks

Even homemade masks are good

>nobody needs face masks
>call rabbi, tell him to stock up on masks
>goyim you should buy masks now
mystery solved

Every institution is a joke.
They have no clue so they try to make up for it with authority.

>so what else are they blatantly lying to us about?
Everything, imagine trusting a single fucking word out of the mouths of these faggots, there isn't a single alphabet agency that isn't compromised. Americans are actively being murdered by their government every single day

They're attempting to quell mass hysteria.
People automatically assume someones sick if they are wearing a mask unless your going full mask, gloves etc.
Personally I'm just keeping my distance from people.

this. everyone is winging it because this is a totally new situation but they're acting like they've got it under control.

surgical masks are better than nothing you seething reddit fag

i clicked the last one for the chick now i'm fucking irritated you asshole poo

Asymptomatic spreading is the most common form. Also wearing a mask stops you from touching your face. If everyone wore a mask nobody would need to worry about people coughing everywhere because the mask would catch it.


>so what else are they blatantly lying to us about?
Lyme Disease, I have it and it's hell on earth

Cancer's worse

Look at him, he took took the CDC's bait hook, line, and sinker. They couldn't say "we don't have enough masks and healthcare workers are more important than you", so they downplayed the effectiveness to try and conserve supply. They apparently forgot that this bug travels asymptomatically, which widespread mask usage would have dramatically cut down on. Of course, most of the idiots here are still walking around without a mask on "because it's weird", so we were probably fucked no matter what.

yea bait and switch wtf

Educate yourself maybe. Papermasks work if everybody wore them because droplets get blocked. If you are infected never ever use a mask with ventilation. So either everyone must wear a papermask or everyone must wear a fpp2 or 3.

nice paywall faggot

There is a hierarchy of who gets to survive. Doctors and nurses are higher on that hierarchy than you are, because they may be needed to keep the elite alive. They will tell any lies necessary to keep the hierarchy intact. HCQ will be discovered to be preventative, but will only be available to doctors and nurses. Screencap this - next week they will be pushing the "HCQ does not help unless you are sick" narrative while shoveling it into the mouths of all the designated survivor class.

2nd of Feb
"CDC does not currently recommend the use of face masks among the general public. While limited person-to-person spread among close contacts has been detected, this virus is not currently spreading in the community in the United States."

"CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19. You should only wear a mask if a healthcare professional recommends it. A facemask should be used by people who have COVID-19 and are showing symptoms. This is to protect others from the risk of getting infected. The use of facemasks also is crucial for health workers and other people who are taking care of someone infected with COVID-19 in close settings (at home or in a health care facility)."

it's not very different. the advice for a while has been to wear a mask if you're sick. it's true that face masks are a waste when used by citizens. its more important for healthcare workers to have them since they need to deal with other infections too.

OP must be a chink shill trying to stir up anger towards the CDC.

Attached: cat its over 1585540730645.gif (220x256, 511.79K)

>airtight seals
muh airtight seal. it isn't spreading in a vapour. you need directed spray & contact like from a sneeze or a cough or to transmit via hands. these masks stop sneeze and cough particles from going right into your mouth. it isn't a gas attack

Remember back in school, the point-dexters, the nerds, the stuck up smart cunts who yeah, sure, they were "smart" in one sense but actually total retards in understanding anything but passing exams? They run the world and they are terrible at it.

but the CDC are not lying. user was just shit at relaying the advice. to effectively block the virus you need full PPE, including eye protection and to know your infection control procedures and be disciplined. civilians are the worst, the way they use PPE nullifies their usefulness.

you may argue that some protection is better than no protection, and that's granted assuming the protection is not compromised by the user. its safer for people to stay home since they are prone to make mistakes.

what about the sick people walking around NOT wearing masks? how do you protect yourself against them? they're so full of shit.

Evry single one of you idiots who "sarcastically" boosted the signal on their lies that you knew to be lies is just as guilty.

Fuck you.

>"because it's weird"
I have to admit that years of seeing bug people wearing masks for no reason makes the idea seem a little weird. Now when I go out the only people I see with masks are blacks and mexicans.

>you may argue that some protection is better than no protection, and that's granted
you're full of shit too. look at pic in OP. you think the average person looks at that and takes it for granted that some protection is better than none? it's literally telling you not to wear anything to protect yourself.

The CDC and WHO in one picture.

This level of ignorance and incompetence would almost be funny. If shit wasn't so fucking serious.

Attached: DrNick2.png (200x192, 32.75K)

why would they say this anyway? what's their agenda

>. it's true that face masks are a waste when used by citizens. its more important for healthcare workers to have them since they need to deal with other infections too.
Ordinary people wearing a mask doesn't prevent medical workers from wearing them too. The only reason there's a shortage at all is that chinks and jews descended like locusts back in January and picked the shelves clean, either to mail them to their homeland or just to price-gouge later

Attached: 1585476760620.jpg (786x911, 50.71K)

>Now when I go out the only people I see with masks are blacks and mexicans.
havent really seen this with spics but niggers are definitely wearing them like they're some sort of status symbol. wont be long until they'll be selling diamond and gold encrusted masks and niggers will be lapping them up. not looking forward to this new reality though where niggers have a legitimate reason to go everywhere with their faces covered.

i monitor this government bidding site called unison marketplace and the US government was literally ordering masks to be sent to china as late as Feb. i wish i would have capped all the orders i saw but i didnt think much of it at the time cause it just looked like the US was providing aid to china.

And people are stupid enough to believe it. Of course masks do work in both ways, to prevent sick people from spreading virus and healthy people from catching it. It's not 100% but it does help. Even for the dumb argument that it works only in one direction, a bunch that catch the virus are asymptomic so how do they know they're sick when they don't have it. The best solution is for everyone to wear masks.
Countries that are so rich have such sheeps not having a brain to think logically. Those countries can't even produce basic things such as masks and doctors and nurses don't have enough of them.

>you think the average person looks at that and takes it for granted that some protection is better than none?
you misinterpreted my toast, i'm talking about granting you that point in an argument. re-read it.

>what about the sick people walking around NOT wearing masks? how do you protect yourself against them?
you don't go outside, that's more effective than putting yourself in danger. i'll tell you that in healthcare PPE is not generally considered the best way to control hazards. it's actually the last resort after elimination, substitution, engineering and administrative options have been exhausted. healthcare staff are getting infected (although at a lower rate), because despite their discipline in following infection control protocol and the care taken in designing hospitals to slow down the rate of infection, a slip up can happen.

if you absolutely must go outside, then learn to don and doff properly, know about where to dispose your used PPE and how to wash hands in a clinical setting. as for normies, forget it, they are a lost cause.

jews, all of them.

I'm ugly I'm not letting my chance to hide my nose and mouth go to waste

good point. in any case, it's best that healthcare workers have the remaining masks to use and distribute to patients as required.

Got pics salsa user?

I can read the whole thing without any paywall...

>>Any kind of masks are good, always better than no mask situation
>couple of werks ago
>all masks were gone from stores in my city
>read online about DIY masks
>search around house for anything that could be used
>find vaccuum bags
>fold and wrap it around my face, then put bandana around it to jeep it in place
>look like an old west bankrobber
>at first feel a bit ridiculous and ashamed walking around in public with it, but then find it funny
>strut like a cowboy
>greet people with a friendly "howdy"
>throw out the occasional finger-guns
>even after i bought real masks i still wear the bandana ontop of it just because i enjoy it

What does it matter. You cant buy a mask since early Feb. Online or on store. The general public wont be able to get any for at least another year.

here's one. US government sending much needed masks to US embassy in slovenia. for what? all our US doctors and nurses in slovenia? or possibly for our ambassadors to protect themselves whenever they leave the embassy? we're literally being lied to by the government so they can make sure they're protected first

Attached: slovenia.png (971x615, 38.48K)

love it user

Attached: 1583331933639.jpg (900x675, 201.89K)

It's because they're not enough because the chinks bought them all up before admitting they had an outbreak.

What a champion

Attached: 1513505669307.jpg (400x300, 69.63K)

Yeah but we want to go to war with the Chinks anyway. This is unnecessary bullshit.

Ha good one. I've been selling 25 packs to my friends for the last 2 months. They are the general public. Pays to run the tool crib at your work

the order is obviously for the healthcare team at the embassy. healthcare workers are supposed to discard masks after seeing a patient, so the number isn't that high for practical purposes.

>the order is obviously for the healthcare team at the embassy.
this is a shill response. there's no healthcare team at the slovenian embassy. that's total nonsense. the order is quite obviously for the protection of the ambassador and staff.

This was common sense and I don't know why the CDC was telling people not to wear masks. Unless Trump staffed the agency with incompetent retards, but just look at Asian countries with how prolific mask usage is there. It's to stop you from infecting others, not to stop yourself from being infected directly. But everyone preventing others from getting sick would also increase the odds you individually wouldn't get sick.

There's no concept of looking out for your fellow Americans in this country anymore. People hate the idea of a federal government and people hate the idea of taxes. I literally don't understand it. A society of brainlets isn't going to be a society much longer.

and now the chinks are flooding the world with FAKE counterfeit masks

Nigger that's the reporter's opinion. It says in the article that the CDC and the WHO haven't changed their positions.

