Holy shit!

Holy shit!

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He's right you know

kill yourself shill rat

We should just test fewer people and then we won't have so many cases.

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The US has the highest dumbness x population score of any country.

I bet that same guy was calling him Trump a xenophobe when he restricted travel from china lmao

Total cases are a meme, nobody has antibodies so everyone is going to get it. The only statistic that counts is deaths, and for me I'm most interested in deaths outside the vulnerable demographics. I'm not going to lose my head over some 90 year olds dying of the flu, that's to be expected if anything

>most incompetent leader
>not abe
If only these cucks knew what was going on over here lmao.

That nigger lied and didn’t test anyone who wasn’t a public worker or very sick. Everyone in my city is coofing. Japan gonna get rekt by this shit

But you wear masks.

Didnt Japan peak the curve a long time ago with minimal deaths?

Only the northern island which is basically a reverse California(they have all the agriculture and pothead surfers but are hyper-traditional and don’t give a shit what the rest of the country thinks)

They’re good, rest of us are fucked.

Not n95, they stop sick from spreading but not healthy people from getting it. And most people are retards and mess with their masks, don’t wash their hands, and smoke.

Abe taking steps to sharply reduce the average age of Japan.

I take it you faggots are forgetting NYC public officials telling people they should go outside and if they don't go to the lunar year parade, they're racist? Boy I find it really odd how apparently, all those people who autistically screech #notmypresident all day suddenly complied with everything Trump said, thus fucking up their beautiful liberal cities while they overdose on aquarium cleaning chemicals.

Oh wait, it didn't work that way.

Zion Don is just the goofiest. Not the least competent.

I think Brazilerino's leader is probably the worst.

Euroniggers BTFO

the US has tested over 850k, China only tested around 350k. test more people and have more positive results

The US is the biggest country that's actually testing, US stats are completely unremarkable and shutting the economy is peak clown world

I don´t like Trump but I think a Dem President would not have made any difference. They also answer to money.

Redditors are all complete faggots upvoting everything bad about trump without giving it a second thought.

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Big brain poster

What? The country with the largest amount of ports of entry, and the home to the most profitable business in the world, the place where the same people who post comments like this were kicking and screaming to let people immigrate to, the country doing the most testing, and the most verification of this testing has the highest number of confirmed cases, even though we know for a fact china is lying? No. Can't be. I wonder who's behind this?

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>Believing Chinese numbers
>using those numbers to make an anti American political point and subvert the public trust
Everything checks out

it really wouldn't have. Fauci said in an interview January 27th that the CDC was following protocol and they thought they'd be able to contain the outbreak.
why it failed is because they didn't know the incubation period nor how long it was communicable.

the only difference with a democratic president would have been the media wouldn't have been chimping out. however Trump slowed it by a month with his "xenophobic" travel bans, in spite of objections. that's probably the only difference.
the reality is it really wasn't anybody's fault. they came across something unknown and the general rules didn't apply.

Had China told the truth from day one instead of letting 100k people fly out for holiday wed be fine.

>basically a reverse California

Sounds incredibly based.

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>sealing off the borders to spent the next month to cope on twitter about ratings instead of preapring for a pandemic
>just the sniffles
>it's over by easter
hi drone

no they're not

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this is what happened
ok let's test
after 4 years of fake impeachment bullshit i think we see right through this fucking sham

Yeah, it’s fucked. I’m waiting for the lockdown. People are gonna get wrecked because of Abe.

Hospitalization rate, retard.

not an argument

doesn't change the facts

He's not the least competent but the most well-known. No other president would've acted differently apart from first calling the outbreak a hoax from his political opponents and claiming it would maybe die out on its own to saying that nobody know it would become an outbreak to claiming that he always knew it's a pandemic.
He's just a clown leader who keeps people entertained.

>per capita

my sides

Per capita is an alt-right nazi dog whistle.

FUCK TRUMP and praise communist jews.

Hes Jewish right?

Why doesn't this fag add up all the total numbers of Europe and compare it to the US since it's the same size then. Why did a country that's 1/5th of our population have close to what we had in cases with a lot of people dying? He shut down travel to China and people REEEEEd, he shut down travel to Eurotrash and peopl REEEEEd, he is allowing doctors use a drug we've had for decades that looks like a cure and people REEEEEd. These people don't want to fight this, they want it to spread so they can blame Trump since everything else they've thrown at him has been a nothing burger, now they want an act of god to help them even though god hates those atheist faggots

Yeah let's do a China and just not test great idea.


You tell em michelle

>trump says he will quarantine New York

>CIVIL WAR!! Tyrant

>we have the most cases trump did this

If 100 million americans needs to die for trump to lose and go to prison so be it. In fact america deserves this for encouraging orange hitler and allowing hate speech

He's right, we need a president that can cure anything just by wishing it so.

>it's a eurotrash thinks they are exceptional thread
it'll sink in eventually what a pandemic is. hopefully sooner for the retards posting here.

You have to use per capita numbers bumbass

Based on that, then why is this asshole getting so much praise when his state has the most cases by far?

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orange man bad

Only the number of death matter, it's just the fucking flu, bro. Here we only test people already dying, because we don't have fucking Q-tips. If we did the same amount of test as you, we would have way more infected people.

let's see next week

>or the densest

I'm not sure. Americans are pretty dense.

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no hospitals are inflating the numbers to get more "funding" I bet there are zero deaths from
cancer/shot gun wounds/old age.
Everyone has died from 'covid-19 like symptoms'

Eurocoofers btfo by per capita yet again

Racist sexist bigoted per capita shows its face again aaaaa

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Fuckin ayeeeeee. Hillary stank puss Clinton would have saved us all I'm sure.
Kys when op? That might be worth a thread.

The reason is simple. The USA is doing more testing than anybody else combine! My God you guy are retarded.

What facts? Are people really playing stupid and pretending China is sharing honest numbers?

Look very fucking carefully.
Our lives are flirty game of grabass for these verified do nothings.

I am absolutey convinced that the death toll in China is at least 20 million from this thing.
The amount of hostility toward our country and praise of China by our propaganda outlets has really revealed just how much chicom shills have infiltrated the US. Little chink eyed bastards almost give the kikes a run for their money.
Almost like they serve the same master.

Eli Pariser is the most beta cuck faggot Jew the Left has to offer. Listen to him at your own peril.

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>orange man bad

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What? why have I never heard of the northern island before now.
The promised land of conservative potheads

Collectively, the EU has almost 300,000 cases and over sixteen thousand deaths.

It's leadership is non-existent in this crisis and it could not be clearer what an abject failure socialized health care is...

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Nonwhites do Jewish scams weeks after the Jewish run dried up all of the dumber white people. So the nonwhites have no one but to do it to each other. That's why they're always in the shitter.