@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/29/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin outside WH 3/29/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/29/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FtN 3/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 3/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow on ThisWeekABC 3/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow on SunMornFutures 3/29/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on F&F 3/29/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on MtP 3/29/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/29/20
>TrumpTweet: WE WILL WIN THIS WAR 3/28/20
>TrumpTweet: "We will stop at nothing to protect the people of our country" 3/28/20
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 3/28/20
>Pres Trump/DefSec Esper @USNS Comfort Send Off Ceremony 3/28/20
>Pres Trump arrives @Naval Station Norfolk 3/28/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I don’t think that’s what isolation means desu senpai

Yes, but it is one poll during the pandemic (raises incumbent approval)
Another poll showed the opposite
I need more than two conflicting datapoints to draw a trend

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thats how I spent my quarantine. what did you do?

You have watched the Sandals podcast right?

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Hey I just remembered Biden had a interview or something on CNN a day or two ago, anyone want to fill me in on how that went pls?

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Thank you Mr. President for letting us know several months ago that this was a pandemic. We know you tried to inform the masses years ago that coronavirus was not a hoax but they wouldn't listen. All those DAMN liberals were denying the virus existed but you saved us all by being honest. You're truly a medical expert who is a natural. Thank you again Mr. President.

ABC Poll (as bad and untrustworthy as any other poll btw)
> Biden voters: 24% "highly" enthusiastic, Trump's: 53%
> Bernie primary voters: 15% backing Trump over Biden

There is heavy talk in the grapevines about replacing Biden with whoever, some floating Cuomo but I doubt

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-29 Biden consolidates support, but trails badly in enthusiasm Poll.jpg (1281x623, 157.83K)

>i will wait for the next fuck-drumpf poll that correlates to my point of view to form a totally not biased opinion to shill in here

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> Yes, but it is one poll during the pandemic (raises incumbent approval)
I'm not talking about either the Approval poll or the head to head, but the state of Biden supporters and Bernie supporters.
That's pretty much independent from whatever Trump is doing and says more about teh infighting in the democratic party

>There is heavy talk in the grapevines about replacing Biden with whoever, some floating Cuomo but I doubt
and yet they wont be able to unless biden dies or drops out. its pretty unlikely that would happen at this point

kek good luck
basically at this point the DNC would be better off washing their hands of this election and putting up a fall guy like mittens was in 2012 because every candidate is either a dud or a grenade

Now everyone on the flight is infected. Trump just bio-bombed all of mesoamerica!

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> and yet they wont be able to unless biden dies or drops out.
Why not? Second ballot is free for all, doesn't need to be for the candidates in the actual primary IIRC.

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Literally did try to stop that on January 31st, Donna Changstein.

>There is heavy talk in the grapevines about replacing Biden with whoever

They can't replace him with anyone

Bernie will cuck for Biden and so will his supporters. See: Hillary

100% Boomer vote incoming because he's keeping them alive lol

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1 it was a town hall
2 it was fucking hilarious
He tried to interract with pre-recorded questions videos. He tried to give out his personal phone number but forgot it. Then he forgot what he was talking about and they cut to commercial.

>Why not?
because hes on track to win 1st ballot and he is gonna widen his lead as he shows that he is gonna be the winner

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My future gf is asking how I'm doing during Coronavirus
This is a good sign

> Bernie will cuck for Biden and so will his supporters. See: Hillary
But they didn't. See: Fox News exit polls, 2016 election [1], of the people who replied
> the next president should change to more liberal policies than those of Obama's
23% voted for Trump. Those were clearly BernieBros.

This time they felt even more betrayed by Warren helping to tank Bernie, and by Tulsi, which used to be his Lieutenant, endorsing Biden outright.


Every day is now a rally for him, genius.

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She just needed a lift.

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>exit polls

trump is on fox and friends now


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infect her with your baby maker

It is not perfect science but it is a signal and it is not hard to imagine people (for instance, in the Rust Belt) that would otherwise prefer Bernie voting for Trump on "no TPP, do away with NAFTA" alone.

Now that Trump actually did both it is not hard to see the same thing playing

he bought the ticket. he knew what he was getting into. I say, let him spread



You all know Trump is in a phone interview with Fox & Friends right now, right?

I didnt see anyone posting a fox/yt live link

> bought the ticket
JEJ, he didn't. ICE air flew him for free

Citation needed for each of those claims.

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yang was a bigger betrayal than warren honestly


>trusting a chink
That was a mistake

Only 20?
What is he? Gay?

You should peach him again, number one.

>gun grabbers are establishment shills
You don't say!

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thats a lot of cope

A based CSPAN caller said Trump has been trying to close the borders for 3 years already.



>I unironically support him.

lol nice, I might have to watch it now

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>I’m here for the boogie woogie

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>thinking gun manufacturers aren't the establishment itself
are you new here? theres more guns than people


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That's suppose to be Trump? Worst meme of him ever.

Doesn't even look like him at all.

They could replace Biden with anyone & it would be an improvement. They have settled on the worst candidate all because they believed the polling

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This is costing us a fuckton of money, which is to say debt.

Its unworkable. We have to liberate someone. We need hard assets to develop. I think we need to annex Hong Kong. Thats what we should get in remuneration. And if they dont like it, we can kick the tires on some of those other chi-com flunkies.

just fugg her already

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> He tried to interract with pre-recorded questions videos
JEJ, link to video?

wtf is that a greenscreen?

What’s with all the xenophobia?

I have a brillian plan
Only reason it hasn't worked so far is due to very bad luck

Soon, soon...

The daily press briefings are giving him more publicity than his rallies.

> I think we need to annex Hong Kong
JEJ, no!
> becoming sharing a land border with the chinks
That's how you get cooties. Make it Taiwan

Get her pregnant.

Yeah all the progressive/liberal people I know identify themselves with their opposition to Trump and not their association with Biden. Way back when the Obama wave was tied to a ton of stuff like the new trendy mac's. Nothing on the Biden front.

You should double space your lines, next time. Jlumpfkins gultists would be FORCED to read your damning posts if you did.

I dont know who the elites would actually back though if they could just pick. None of the contenders lost by a little. They all sucked ass and the few that werent total whackos were rejected by the base.


I think youre right

I bet you 2 are happy to be in confinement so you dont have to see each others in RL more than once a month.

Yeah, MS Paint makes everyone look worse, but what can you do?

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>she's a sick puppy in my opinion

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I'm trying! >:(

>in the UK

I don't think either of us mind too much, and we're both quite autistic, in a sense

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How does Trump outsmart the libtards every time?

Daily reminder this coronavirus is a RNA virus, renders the vaccine development will be extremely hard if not impossible.
Death to America.

Is Biden actually the worst dem candidate, or are we doing the thing we talked about and just spinning it so that whoever won we say is the worst?

It was all on electability & who they thought could beat Trump in the swing states. They thought Joe would be it, his connection to Obummer & a return to "the good old days". What they failed to realise is no one wants that & ppl will take 4 years of Trump to get rid of Democrat BS of the Obiden tier garbage.

America IS the hard asset you uninformed citizen! Mainland lower 48 America is worth over $400 trillion! The Dems changed the farming laws in the 90s so the subsidies paid US farmers to grow onions for Chinese pigs. Once they go back to ranching the price of meat will go down while the quality goes up. More meat means bigger healthier children with bigger healthier brains.
Do you even know the effect of beautiful pristine shale on the global oil economy? Wake up and believe in America fag. This empire ain't over. We haven't even taken Canada yet. YET!

>t. Chinese person

No link from me, sry. It was on CNN, I watched online to deny them (uuu)'s

>12 STD

>America IS the hard asset you uninformed citizen!
this but unironically, the dollar is backed by the greatest country in the world, one giant pile of gold can't compete against that

shes a goddam dirty bitch whore cunt and should be dragged into the street, thrown against a wall and shot in the face and left to drop on the street for the rats to eat and the dogs to piss on, that shit eating vile loathsome despicable street walking whore.

>he has to update the country in his fuck ups every day
>”durrr it’s like a rally”

Yet his approval ratings keep going up

Hey anons, have you ever wondered how the chinks get that "hairstyle" with the bald middle?
webm related

Gotta say those "Tiktok" challenges are much more hardcore in the chinese language version of the app. Some other chink managed to shatter his teeth doing exact the same challenge

Attached: chink haircut.webm (540x720, 1.94M)

>if you take a look at these polls here
Kys simp

Because smart is not for them.

Screw that. China has to pay. We shouldnt have to do or pay for a goddam thing. We are being attacked and we deserve compensation.

He gets strong black support because of muh Obama. I think bernie would have been the weakest since blacks hated him and his base of youth voters didn't even bother to vote in the primaries.

not this again

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>webm related

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Cry harder little bitch

Howe do you know this is BS, look at how when the Imperial College London forecasts was shown to be BS, certain ppl suddenly came down with the Kung Flu & have managed to recover in record time. Oh and you are supposed to be in isolation for 14 days, Charlie only needs 7 days

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I see no problem. What could possibly go wrong?

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Do you enjoy being that hate filled and delusional?

>Ivanka without make-up

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>not my REAL left-wing media polls!

I hate Instagram
Outlaw the app and all similar apps

We need to outlaw the internet at this point

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Trump isn’t going to do shit to China. He caved on calling it the chinese virus. He even started one of his briefings by saying he was sorry and he loves Asians.

i highly recommend doing some research on this guy. this story is mild compared to some of the other shit he's been up to.

Yes thank you. Remember no other country gives. Our president is on TV right now bragging about how american companies will make millions of respirators and ventilators and give them to the world.

Yes, he is.

Suck a dick you fat faggot

calm the fuck down brian

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Lmao stay mad and die angry

Janet killed all those kids at Waco. This did not encourage citizens to give up their sole protection from a duplicitous and evil government operative.

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Good morning everyone:

They will pay. The zoomie zooms will remember this! Fuck GHYNA!

Haha u so mad

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easy there kek, was just pulling your leg
lets put down the guns

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Only federally owned land could be used to back the dollar plus air rights, wave spectrums, ocean rights, etc.

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guten morgen!

How is roo-land handling this?

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Lmao imagine being so retarded that typing a three letter word is beyond your abilities

I hope Biden is replaced by Cuomo. Will be way to easy to destroy that Chinese owned pedo fuck. Cmon dnc you have to have at least one non pedo.


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Reason number 2 why you must take a girl to the pool(or preferably your own private hot tub).
1 make sure she's thin
2 no makeup
3 check for tattoos and scars

holy shit thats a lot of federal land, sell that shit off

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fine but you're not allowed in my TP-castle

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Jokes on him, I’m neither far nor gay. What an idiot.

Seth Rich was murdered in a botched robbery. Washington DC has a rather high murder rate. He happened to work for the Clinton campaign, and foreign intelligence operations seized on that to create a conspiracy theory. The right wing in America tends to be susceptible to conspiracy theories, especially ones about the clintons, so it took off from there. There is zero evidence that Seth Rich leaked Hillary’s emails. The closest you can get is Assange saying “we don’t reveal sources.” That’s literally the best evidence for the conspiracy.

blows my mind there are people who get to live like that
such incredible jealousy

Why is 80% of the media pool colored women.

Lmao you were here yesterday posting this same pasta after you got btfo

So how is your morning? Doing well I hope.

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>t. doesn’t know about the sword of Damocles

I had a bunny exactly like this one. Name was Lucky, but that proved to be overly optimistic for him.

Waco will never be forgotten. They don't teach it either. When people find out about it, they learn to hate. Whenever you see a single mother arguing for the Dems, tell her to come burn your children alive herself. Guarantee she has no idea what happened at Waco.

Stories like this really show all sides of the blackpill. You know the old ass chink isn't "hot" to any of those women, they're just whores willing to use their vag for resources. Some broke ass redneck blonde haired country boy would be a more erotic fuck to an Asian lady than an extreme beta bux king. Of course, the broke ass country boy has trouble getting in proximity to women who lust for him where the beta bux king has them come to him.

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