Which time period of our great people would you prefer to live in?
1. Ancient Greece during the Classical Period (4th century BC)
2. Ancient Rome during Pax Romana (2nd century AD)
3. Great Britain during the Early Middle Ages after Christianization (9th century AD)
Pic related. You know my choice. The only one that our people spend entire seasons reenacting out of sheer pleasure.
If you could go back in time
Other urls found in this thread:
Absolutely medieval
>The only one that our people spend entire seasons reenacting out of sheer pleasure.
Step up, step up! Get your authentic mid-evil turkey legs and Zelda ocarinas right here!
Mid/late middle ages as a well respected craftsman in my small local village which was founded almost exactly 1000 years ago.
Preferably as a blacksmith.
Rome under Trajan. I'd say Marcus Aurelius, but the Antonine plague is too scary.
classical Greece, of course
early middle ages europe was a fucking shithole where you would get lynched for being out after dark (because it would mean you're a thief) and where if you went against god you'd just be killed.
Oh btw going against god is literally fucking anything that they don't do regularly.
The Crusades, as a soldier in Godfrey’s army.
desu probably like 100,000 years back in the pacific northwest
it'd be completely uninhabited
Early Rome
A year before anyone found oil in America
Im finding that oil first
Those shekels will be mine
Ah, the fantasy of living the good old times, when everything was so amazing and you'd most certainly be a noble in a palace with a legion of slaves you could freely do whatever you intended to and live like a king.
Nah bro, you'd be a peasant covered in animal feces until you died at 30 like everyone else did, farming land for your landlord every single day of your life. Or you'd be obliged to go die for the said lord at age 13 because he decided he was angry at his neighbour.
Shes built for Big Korean Cocks
If u deny it means u unironically agree
People weren't dying at 30, that's bullshit. If you survived early childhood you'd live into old age, assuming you weren't killed by a war or disease or some other unnatural cause, which still happens today anyway.
The 1990s, things seemed less complex back then
>until you died at 30 like everyone else did
This is a myth.
1980s, 1990s
get fucked rose colored fags
>imagine the smell of her titty sweat
Early middle ages
None since I'm not a brainlet who wants to live before modern medicine and antibiotics where half of my kids would die before they were 3 and I'd be in chronic pain constantly from manual labor.
>the unwashed smell of yeast infection
Probably Rome during the Pax Romana, I mean it's kinda like the Greek Classical period but bigger and better. Great Britain during the 9th was as shithole full of barbarians, not worth it.
Why is ancient Greece the earliest? Motherfucker I'm helping write the Vedas
>be a slave to the myth of technological progress
>see thread that wonders about the Western world before technology enslaved us all
>yeah let’s inject some pessimism into it
No you’re right. Amazon warehouse wageslaves working overtime right now have it so much better.
>what is reading comprehension
I’m asking you to make a choice faggot. I’m not saying the choices are better than modernity.
Ideally, we would combine modern technology (in the broadest sense of the term) and the best aspects of all three. But we have narcissistic liberals and kikes like yourself preventing such a synthesis.
None of you actually want to go back to these time periods. Spend a week or two without modern sanitary practices and you'd all break. Enjoy waking up every morning shitting in a bucket next to your bed and hoping to god nobody is outside to see you pour it out your window. Otherwise you have to walk your own shit bucket to closest river and back walking through puddles of your neighbours shit along the way.
Now because we have seen the peak and we are just about to see it collapse.
Cringe and hollywood-pilled. What is there to be expected from a leaf anyway.
I'd personally go to the future when we have VR headsets, I'd then put one of those on and tarp as an elite chad who fucks women 24/7 and gets to spit everybody else around him.
The optimal period to live in, in terms of nutrition, medical care, and all around living standards would be to be born in say 1935, so you'd be only 4 at the outbreak of WWII then 15 at the outbreak of the Korean War and 18 at its conclusion, thus avoiding the onerous duty of going to war. Then you'd be able to enjoy the 40's and 50's and even the early sixties to the max. This was the ultimate in good living, health care and dentistry. Women were incredibly hot back then, no Billie Ellish sub human garbage let me tell you. Fine pussy. The clothes were very cool then too.
Every age has its inconveniences and indignities. God knows there is no shortage of those in our disgusting age. I'll trade shitting in a bucket for patriarchy everyday of the week and twice on sunday. I'll do without modern dentistry in exchange for not having to live in a fucking demoralizing democracy and never look back. I'll work my fingers to the bone on a farm over sitting in a cubicle like a soulless zombie in the blink of an eye.
It's like you don't even realize that you live in a dystopia.
We're talking about europe, not india
Pajeet please
2020, everything else sucked.
Ancient Rome, but perhaps 9th century Britain. I'd have to think about it.
I'd go to Sanford Florida on February 26th 2012 late at night to analyze grass sounds
>he doesn't know about the lead poisoning
You live in the US where the poorest people you have live a life brazilian monkeys like myself could never dream of achieving.
Your poor ghetto-dwelling food-stamper nigger has a standard of life our 1% best CEO's have.
You have a police force that actually does stuff and shoot armed niggers in the face all day every day.
You all have access to cheap cars, food and houses, sanitized sewer and water. In Brazil 46,3% of the population has no access to a sewer system. You read that right. They bury their shit in the backyard or throw it in the nearest water source.
You have fucking asphalt.
You have access to broadband fiber internet and cheap electronics.
You have one of the strongest currencies in the world.
Living in the US specially if you're born there is the easiest mode life has ever been EVER in all of human mankind.
So who's being pessimistic here bro?
These things are nice, but there is more to life than them.
*I meant in all of human history
pre ww2. I'd help the germans win...or even better,1300 ad,I'd annex everything up to Wien in the west and Kiev in the east and Krakau in the North and the adriatic sea in the south
and the Aegean too
Wow you are so smart
Im sure you are the only person who ever thought of that
>muh myth of progress
>checks flags
Checks out
If you weren't there you can have no idea about the boundless sense of optimism and high spirits of pre Kennedy assassination USA. It was an amazing place and time, especially out west. I'd opt for Los Angeles.
Of course the seeds of our destruction were already sown (((by them))) nevertheless it was a gracious period to live in even if it did have a very rough side, but if you were a man you knew how to deal with that kind of shit and nobody cared if you carried a gat on you.
I'd like you to swap lives with the average third-worlder and then say it again.
You THINK there's more to life because you haven't been through actual shit one day of your life. There's not. You only begin to think so when you're so well off you're bored, actually.
It's not as fun being poor as in the movies, user. Being hungry hurts.
Stop with the projection and get down off your high horse. You don't know a thing about me. Living in a third world country is not the same as going back in time to experience what was a first world country in that era. Apples and oranges. There is more to life than just being a well fed fatso sitting in an air conditioned room. In fact, if you don't think so, I'd say it's you who is the one who hasn't experienced much.
>he doesn’t realize he’s enslaved
MyTh Of PrOgReSs
In this thread, bored americans say their lives suck while living in the easiest mode life has ever been.
Well, if you're so bored you want to go back 600 years in time, maybe that does suck after all. Such a pity.
Come to some rural state in Brazil or Mexico and you'll get a good feel of what life was back then, it's still pretty much the same some places.
I'd love to see you spend three days without your computer and cellphone.
Cringed and fagpilled
When Israel had king David not even kidding
>You THINK there's more to life
>There's not.
Fuck off memeflag. Your blind allegiance to technological progress has left you empty and alone inside.
Go back to plebbit and never return.
>In this thread, bored americans say their lives
Show flag
Patriarchy? There wasn't even such a WORD back then when women were literally soulless possessions to men.
Hell, my grand grandfather came to Brazil from Italy in the 20's, no one on immigration ever took her FUCKING NAME. That's how they felt about women until the 50's.
>Comparing Ancient Greece and Empirial Rome to Brazil and Mexico
Show flag kike
And? It seems like you're making my case for me. What's the catch?
Whenever the fuck importing noggly-niggers for labour started being a thing. I'd tell them to leave them in their mud huts, as it won't be good further down the line for empire's desendants.
Nah brother, that's a disgust for living in a hellhole where all my education counts for NOTHING and I'll live in poverty anyway to the bitter end, surrounded by violent uneducated niggers everywhere while there's no law at all is called "reality", a thing spoiled americans know absolutely nothing about.
God bless you all, I'd rip an arm off and eat it smeared in shit to live one year of the life you are so bored of.
Did you know that literacy was very common in the middle ages and that serfs had more holidays and time off than the average modern worker. Stop sucking back the propaganda.
I would go back to December 30th 2019 and make sure I didn't fuck up as hard as I did
Yeah see our middle ages weren't like that because we aren't subhumans.
>where all my education counts for NOTHING
Just your knowledge of how to conduct electricity, assuming you know that, would count for a lot. Or could anyway, if you were smart enough to leverage it.
>These things are nice, but there is more to life than them.
That's true and really if you looked past the wealth and prosperity and looked at the people themselves, America 1946 to 1963 had this breed of people...they were different than now, they had different manners, a different sense of humor, a different sense of manners. That's definitely the kind of world I grew up wanting to live in but it doesn't exist anymore. The fucking drug culture of the sixties ruined it, shit on it. Fuck you Ken Kesey. Fuck you gay rights assholes. Fuck you communist civil rights activists. The niggers were already well on their way to getting everything they wanted beyond their wildest dreams but they weren't intelligent enough to see that and so they got seduced by the fucking troublemaking jews and now nobody has been more fucked up by this than the niggers themselves. They abandoned all morality and chose to be complete assholes not just to whites but to each other. And yeah they had pretty good morals back then. They had a lower divorce rate than whites did.