What the fuck is wrong with Poland?

Why the fuck are they such incomplete human beings? All throughout history Poland has been an irrelevant shithole, its historical role was to be controlled by German interests or Russian interests; Poles are proud of fucking nothing, the Soviets saved them from total extermination by the Germans, the Soviets saw that they shat in a hole on the ground and used wooden fucking plows and gave them toilets and tractors, they saw a braindead superstitious culture and tried making them an industrial scientific people, the worst of the Soviet years affected them badly because their fucktard leaders chose not to take full Soviet industrialization, collectivization, and planning (proof that the Soviets should have exerted direct control).
They threw socialism away, Poles helped to fucking kill the USSR, these incomplete human beings assisted in putting a bullet in the working class's head so they could finally have the honor of scrubbing the shit out of French and German sewers but "independently". What a fucking joke. They gave away socialism so they could remain hated and feared by Western Europeans anyway, except now their life quality is utter dogshit and they're fucking proud of their thoughtless mistake to this day.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why does this country seem to be uniquely shitty and stupid?

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pierdol sie stary

We didn't inherit anything from Rome or Frankish Empire so we are a shithole. Though it's not a terrible shithole, not everybody can be on top of things.


All slavic nations are shitholes. Slavs always were and always will be the nigger of europe.

>gave them toilets and tractors
They stole my grandparents tractor
t. Pole


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>Why the fuck are they such incomplete human beings?
because they're only good for cleaning toilets

Go cope more kike

Why you should become christian NOW:

>Disunited and shattered faith
>Constant argument amongst each other, maybe a bit of war like in good ol days
>Most christians are non Europeans
>you get to be brother with niggers, mexicans, bugs
>Its ok to breed black african cuties and racemix
>you get to worship best god in history, one that ordered circumcisiom
>You get to kill anyone not your type of christian regardless if they are white, black, good ol religious wars
>You get finest wisdom in the world in form of Bible, written by...well..umm..newermind, god, yes, god
>you get to turn the other cheek

Join now!

Fuck catholics, protestant, orthodox, evangelical, presbyterians you are heretic and my christianity is right, as heretic you will be murdered if you dont accept jesus in the right way.
>My way!!!

Europe on abrahamism, divided and sad.

>30 year war
>French religious wars
>Saxon wars
>Wendish crusade
>Livonian crusade
>Danish crusade
>Cathar crusade
>Hussite crusade
>War of three kingdoms
>80 year war
and more...

>Religious wars in pagan europe, complete list:
Zero, zip, zilch, nada, niente

According to my in-law polish family:
They hated Soviet because everything was taken away from them. If you didnt agree like a good goy, you would be ousted and lose what little you had. Would rather shovel your own shit than others.
It was enough to make my Grandparents In Law flee to America despite not knowing a single bit of English and having to work as janitors until they learned enough English so that they could get actual jobs with the degrees they had (civil engineering)
The poles can be pretty smart people but their cult-like beliefs seems to hide that a lot of the times I believe. Also best food in that region. Polish barszcz is the best version of beet soup

It is making quite a recovery since the fall of the Iron Curtain. Poland's main problem is being sandwiched between two very aggressive and very strong nations. Given an extended period of peace and not terrible economic policy, it becomes one of if not the fastest growing economy in Europe. I am an outsider to the country even though I spend a lot of time here and from my perspective it has advanced leaps and bounds over the past 30 years. The most notable difference being the past 20 years.

Poles are many things, but they are also resourceful and industrious. In the right conditions they could thrive.

Nah Pollack land is a nice place nice ppl the sense of humour is good though I wish they'd bitch less God they love bitching

Supposed to be op

>the Soviets saw that they shat in a hole on the ground and used wooden fucking plows and gave them toilets and tractors, they saw a braindead superstitious culture and tried making them an industrial scientific people, the worst of the Soviet years affected them badly because their fucktard leaders chose not to take full Soviet industrialization, collectivization, and planning (proof that the Soviets should have exerted direct control).

What the hell are you talking about. Our only post war marshal was soviet, when he left our military, police and intelligance all head GRU at its top. All polish communist party actions were consulted with the soviets, and when we found something we could get rich on(uranium), the soviets did a border correction in under 30 days, and for the uranium mines we got part of belarusian swamps.

5 out of 6 heads of state in communist poland were active KGB agents, And the only one that did not, was a trockist, who by miracle managed to avoid getting offed(was in prison when stalin died all of the sudden).

All our industry was build to create stuff for Russia. starting with the non fully colectivsed agriculture and ending with the mining and steel industry(which we had no need for).

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ah and as the tractors go. The soviets both forbid the production and the selling of soviet tracktors to Poland till early 60s. So the tracktor part is really bogus. Only tracktors in Poland till 1963 were those being used in soviet military bases in Poland. Even the Palace of Stalin(later Science) soviets build for Poles in middle of destroyed warsaw, was mostly build by hand, and all machines were taken back to kalinigrad dissassambled after the build was finished.

first polish traktors we had were urusu (after stalin died). And it wasn't because the soviet ones were worse in any way, no they were just build for gigantic flat fields that don't really exist in Poland. Plus they ate full like crazy, and unlike soviets Poland did not have their own sour of crud oil.

>Poland's main problem is being sandwiched between two very aggressive and very strong nations.
But user, the Ukraine is not strong and Belarus is not aggressive.

we were relevant until the 18th century. then we got some of your favorite - democracy. really makes you think.

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they're bleached gypsies

everything makes sense once you can accept this simple fact


Democracy isnt that bad. You just shouldnt allowed for inbred aristocracy to gain the full power

based poland

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From now on anyone that posts brother hate outside of bantz is considered a Jew.


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Great people.
Love the Poles.
Good people.

>6 out of 8 pics are (((polish)))
Really makes you think

Oh man, i love these threads, they always follow one rule:
>the worst of a war record a country has, the more butthurt it is towards Poland

Let's see where OP is from....
>the only war they won is the civil war

yeah, flag checks out.
We've been quite effectively destroying, literally, everybody on this continent for 900 out of the last 1,000 years.
No other nation ever made its neighbours so eternally asshurt.

Hey, kid, want a challenge?
Without Google, name more than 1 war Poland lost.
-No, technically WW2 doesnt count
-partitions werent even a war

Ready? Set? Go.

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Shut up. Poland is nice and decent.
A Goy Guide To World History:

>all infected girls were antifa and progressivist
Based Simon.

>butthurt chink trying to deflect from the chink flue
polacks are based af you fucking mutt

And you didn't give it a second thought, that it is only a thread in the manner of "divide and conquer".
Only so you hate one another.....

>says the cuck that is paying for their entire economic growth in taxes


Socialism is fake and gay.

Literally anything is better than 999 beer flu threads.
Im so bored i'd discuss nail clipping techniques.

To be fair most countries are irrelevant shitholes full of garbage subhumans. Poland's not special, but it's close to some less shit countries so it stands out.

>t. 3/8 german 1/4 black 1/2 jewish mutt




He's likely a fucking chink with coronavirus trying to deflect polish hatred for chinks

Another day, another mutt thread.

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Fuck you OP. No one gives a shit about your weird political historical ranting.

Krakow is a nice city. Lots of attractive women, good food, clean streets. Keep doing what you are doing Poles.

Dirty jew seething that Poland named Christ as King. They are onto your lies and schemes, satan.

shove a talmud up your ass, satan

Gotta admit Pollock's have dropped the ball alot. Should just nuke them.

The Deluge

you've tried this thread at 2 AM CEST you goddamn faggot, good to see you learn on your mistakes

A swing and a miss.

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civil war was only a win for the filthy jews on both sides.


they are craving black cock even more than your average Polish-American immigrant

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Poland is white shut up burger

>They are onto your lies and schemes, satan.

pretty accurate post.
Did anyone else had a more badass motto?

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>Poland helped kill the USSR
>[cries in commie scum]

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>Fast economic growth
Is taking the most EU handouts by far and selling your Economy to German companies now considered fast growth?

If ever was the time to be bashing on fellow whites it’s not now. Sometimes I think of polaks as white niggers for their tendencies but at least they hate actual niggers and all colors of shitskins.

More than good enough for me.

>fellow whites

fuck off and take your 'fellow whites' with you

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Do you really think we get no echange for that?
A big chunck of the polish economy is controlled by German companies.

I hate Poland to but think about everything u wrote. Ur just a joke itself. Thank u america for every war u started, ohh did i say americans? I mean jews.

U know alot about Poland, but a little to much in my opinion.
So u gonna blame Poland that they lost ww2, whats wrong with u Keyboard warrior. I Dont get the point that u fucking open ur stinky nigger mouth, for real.


Lets take a look at American Culture

u feel so good with all your lies and fat bitches around? Hahahhahahahhahahhahah

Ignorant and stupid thats what u are, bla bla bla bla with ur fucking slow working brain. As i read ur shit i imagine a child that is angry.

Ur so naiv and deeply fucked. Everyone wanted trump instead of hillary and now u want an old fucker with alzheimer as a President? Hahahhahahhahah truly a tragic comedy.

Pay half of the income for health insurance hahahaha
What know? Trump had to get pajeets cause ur to stupid?

>German companies

kill yourself corporate cuck

If that criticism applies to Poland then it also applies to Germany. Your economy was basically rebuilt with handouts.