What is the punishment for not respecting the lockdown where you live?

What is the punishment for not respecting the lockdown where you live?

Here's its 130€ for the 1st infringement, 200€ for the second if it occurs less than 2 weeks after the 1st, 3500€ and 6 months in jail if 4 infringements occured during 30 days.

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Depends, from 400 to 3000 Euros, I think it got increased to range from 400 to 4000 Euros. Also up to five years in jail. And yes they can double it for second offenders. Regional governors can further increase these at their own discretion.

>Regional governors can further increase these at their own discretion
Impossible here, we have a very centralized state with same rules in every corner of the country.

> What is the punishment for not respecting
Freedom from a tyrannical government. You wouldn't want that would you?

You could have prevented this, Frenchie.

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the nazis fucked up the european empires
if the nazis didnt exist the british and french empires wouldve still existed

Don't carry ID and just tell them your name is Billie Buttwater.

washington state is not enforcing a lockdown whatsoever. people travel freely when they feel like although u cant go out for a nice meal anymore unless its a carryout order. not too sure how i feel about the way were handling it. feels like were not doing enough to stop the spread here

€ 5000

What lockdown?

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slap on the wrist if you do it several times

In my town people still gather in group on the streets and seems like there's no police keeping an eye on that. Very few cases in my department so I think people just don't care at all.

Current situation unironically makes me wish the Nazis had won the work. At least they’d have the excuse of being actual Nazis for imposing those fascist mesures.

It's 30000PLN which is 6600 EUR for breaking from quarantine, and also a possible jail time if deemed necessary.
For gathering of more than 2 people it's 5000PLN which is 1100eur

up to around 7k euros. Possibly jail time as well.

60 days jailed treated completely inhumanely and expected to be raped.

Deep down we are some barbaric motherfuckers we just hide it better. The shits already Dystopian, Orwell saw it best.

I literally have been going to the store and anywhere i want all day long. Holy shit you people are seriously not allowed to.leave your homes? I thought this was a joke.

léon was such a chad. shame nobody listened to him.

maybe the people affected by it (ancients) should be quarantined from society instead of crashing fucking everything

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Your stats and graphs mean exactly shit to me. You're owned by kikes and chinks and any info coming from you should be taken with a truck load of salt.

I'll find out today. Planning on going out with some friends to hold signs and protest the lockdown. Here in America we have free speech, but I'm sure that won't matter

lol k stay in your house forever then. just like avian flu, swine flue, zika, west nile, ebola, sars, mers, anthrax and the other dozens memory holed corona will do what the media is saying and kill everybody

You get punished if you are caught filming migrants breaking quarantine in Germany.

>bavaria up to 25000€
>NRW no punishment(where i live)

half of the people in ICU are working age, once theres too many of them there won't be room in ICU and they'll die because they're in fucking critical condition.


No punishment, it's just a suggestion

weird all the hospitals here are empty

601€ and up. It can reach 600.000€ if you are for example hosting an illegal massive meeting.

You can also of course be arrested if you resist the police direct instructions.


yeah at least in Finland most hospitals have postponed non urgent surgeries etc because of the epidemic even if there weren't any confirmed cases in the area yet

Tree fiddy.

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thats not a calculated overreaction at all

What are the allowable exceptions where you are? Jogging? Dog walking? Trips to grocery store?

Is it even legal to restrict freedom of citizens in your country?
Doesn’t it violate constitution or something?

Here cops aren't showing up for work and neither is the national guard

I'm not quarantined, my man. I can go wherever I want whenever I want. Heavy fines apply only to disobedient niggers who are under house arrest.

Here in Italy, it starts at 300€. The maximum is 3000€ or even 5000€, or 5-12 years in prison.

The police will charge you in accordance with the contagion law. Which existed pre-crisis. Prison, tickets & various combinations of the two.

Here the local police officers basically decide what happens. "skjønn" or "take" decides the severity in most cases, its up to the local officers to judge your intent and level of danger.

This ensures that people remain subdued and always afraid.

i live in nj which has close to the strictest lockdown in the USA currently
basically the rules are no groups of over 10 and you have to be home by 8pm unless its an emergency
so you can go outside and you can hang out with up to 10 people and no one can stop you unless its after 8 i guess?
its very confusing
less than a week ago there was a party with close to 50 people a few towns over and the host got fined probably $500-$1000 (standard disorderly conduct/misdemeanor fine in nj)
this is the only instance i know of where the lockdown was enforced

I like centralisation. Good job France.

Nothing haha. Eurofags on suicide watch.

holy shit based

>I am just on my way to the gas station, Sir

It's not that hard. Police are now in super terrorize mode so don't give a shit because most cops are power hungry bastards who will always use the full force of the law to fuck you if they can. Don't give them that satisfaction.

it's a recommendation it's not enforced here

lol nothing.

None, no police anywhere near my village

Fixed it, bro

Still waiting for an indian flag

Honestly no one knows.

Here in Oregon, cops will disperse groups but no one is getting fined or anything like that.

Guarda che è anche uno svantaggio, se il governo centrale va a fanculo, l'intero sistema salta

the police here released a newsletter saying they pretty much weren't doing anything, saying they "Weren't the movement police." they would only ask us to break things up if they saw large parties of people together for an extended period of time

Nulla è puro vantaggio. La stragrande maggioranza del tempo il governo è perfettamente a posto.

"If I get corona, I get corona..." -Backwards hat American
No wonder you goys have so many cases. Sad!

2500 eur fine
this fuckers think we poor fags slavs can pay this buhahhahaha

None since are going for the herd.

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£30 fine, but police are never around in my town so realistically there's no punishment at all

Well, there are no reported cases in my whole county, so we must be doing something right.

Up to fucking $100 000. That's the worst case tho.