Fuck the usa

fuck this third-world shit rate country

utter failure to address the pandemic even with months of warning

president is a fucking RETARD, we all know it, he is a deeply stupid person, let's not even pretend to deny it

total lack of leadership, incompetent shiteaters with third-world mentality, fuck the USA


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why are leftist "comics" always so cringe? i mean literally every single time without exception

It's "The left can't meme" phenomenon.

If you hate America so much then just get the fuck out of here. Nobody’s making you stay here.

who cares if it's cringe? we have facts, logic and atheism.

Probably a Wu Mao VPN leech.
Thanks to you biggots, he now has to go home emptyhanded. No 0.02 parts of a Ricecorn (After taxes) was awarded to this POS.

Except every country is in lockdown so somebody is making you stay there

What about after the lockdown?


>if you don't like a country that's being oppressive to stay there and fix it
>if you don't like America, leave
pick one

breaking news: nigger who thinks he's smart calls the president a retard: gets upvoots on plebbit. news at 7.

Yerrow berry

English teacher mad

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Man! You're so dumb. ..and Trump is so dumb.. and everyone is just a dummy dum dum. They're all just sooo STUPID..

Less talk, Jeeves. You have a solution? Get out of your hiding place and save some lives. Stop asking for money. Stupid!

Honestly didn't Trump did measures back in January when every Republican and Democrat saying its a nothing burger?

I mean this mid to end of February New York offcials still are saying go out and have fun.

I don't know how people like OP gets gaslighted and mandela effect this much astounds me.

how many yuans were you paid for your chinkshitposting so far? sage faggot

How does bitching about trump fix things again? I didn’t see anyone propose a solution, just a bunch of whining

>>if you don't like a country that's being oppressive to stay there and fix it
he never even said that, all he told you was to leave you whinny faggot. beta cucks are always putting words in peoples mouthes it's pathetic. this country is amazing you little bitch

After the lockdown Trump is going to bring in millions LEGALLY from the 3rd world to repopulate the US. If you survive then you will have the option to stay.

1 post by this user. nice try you sub human chinese animal. your "people" are bugs and we are the raid

kill yourself shill rat

People are stupid DESU. Even if Trump made serious steps months ago people would say he was over reacting.

I've seen enough reminders of humanities stupidity during this outbreak to know people won't take shit seriously until it smacks them in the face.

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Trump has had more comics written about him than batman at this point

Your impotent rage sustains me. Thank you and those like you have daily PMS over Trump as you have made my quality of life improve for damn near 4 years now. Thanks, again!

Attached: Thanks, Soi Cuck!.jpg (2000x1333, 240.94K)

no but when people flee their countries to come here as refugees,they use that line... but when it's here it's GTFO... tl;dr: basically do whatever is convenient for them

yeah muhammad, i am mad because i can never get a good laugh out of a leftist comic. perhaps i should be crying instead

Leave it to an AUSfag to ironically out cringe horrific original cringe.

There is no way you aren't being sarcastic here.

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What was that Chang?

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>black male
>blond female

Putting a nigger and white women in the cartoon. Nice touch SHITLIBS.

To be fair, Trump made your third world shithole of a country into at least a second world country.
Once Corona culls the weak, you can also be a first world country!
Isn't that nice?


No response to your own post? I bet you're getting ready to unleash an EVEN MORE POWERFUL word that stupid!

Look out everyone! The Kraken is free!!! He's going to use ...the word... PENILE!!!!!!

Based OP.
Come home, white man. Come to Europe, we'll welcome you with open arms.
Slovenia's infection rate is very low.
Pic. related, it's the Slovenian ethnostate waiting for you to come.

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Always the same thing

fuck off chang

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lol wtf these leftie memes are surreal

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Based Bled

Yes, the left can't meme

Because leftists can’t into brevity without going overboard

having a mental breakdown there buddy got those orange man bad isolation blues
Go lick some doorknobs itll all be over soon

Drumpf btfo

We need to recreate the Austro-Hungarian Empire

And why are you telling us this? If you are this desperate to leave the US,then get the fuck out,nigger. Nobody is forcing you to stay here.This is like a whiny teenager complaining about how much he hates his parents but doesn't have the interest or guts to leave the house.

A nigger scientist

Attached: dat jamal face.png (1666x1080, 1.46M)

>Muh pandemic
The flu has killed 100x more this year you absolute fucktard. PLEASE KYS

Yeah, but this time we would cuck the Austrians

Eating Nothing burgers, OP?

>Plebbit spacing

Why do leftist comics always have black men and white women? What are the white men and black women doing in that lefty fairytale?


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Well the difference is that you want to implement more government laws wich is oppressive and there are plenty of countries in the world aleady that have those oppressive laws in effect and a population of masochist who like it, so get the fuck out you leech.

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these same people back joe biden

>haha fuck the USA they didn’t freak out enough about muh chink sniffles
> haha lol fuck Trump he’s such a piece of shit amirite?
I honestly don’t believe some of you are real people sometimes.

>utter failure to address the pandemic even with months of warning
Do you know a single person with the virus?
I don't know a single person with the virus, non of my friends know a single person with the virus.
All we know is that the news says people have the virus and hospitals are "overwhelmed", we go to the hospitals and notice they are not overwhelmed.
Something else is going on here, seems the real "pandemic" is a media created pandemic of fear.
I was told by my doctor that most of the people in my city and myself had this virus back in November and December of last year and at the time we thought it was the Norovirus. When testing came back 2 months later (typical for Canadian public healthcare) it turned out that it was a SARS / Corona virus.
Shutting everything down over a bug that has already passed us.... Something else is going on.

Attached: virus.gif (320x240, 2.39M)

I doubt it. Plenty of Americans do nothing but complain about the place, but make no efforts to leave or even make it better, because their world view consists of making it more habitable for people of color, in effect increasing the crime rate, overstretching the welfare state, and making it impossible for their fellow countrymen to get paid a decent wage. They are delusional enough to not see how the current system is not sustainable in the direction that they have been leading us.

>I didn’t see anyone propose a solution, just a bunch of whining
Liberals will host group "cry ins" via group video chats.

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I'll be generous and ignore the fact that you need an electron microscope to see a virus but
>so small you need a microscope to see it
>somehow has a full head of macroscopic hair
I thought the left loved science?

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>1 post by this ID

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I see a lot of validity in making changes based around this tweet, but in order to make these changes, they only attainable when you don't have the kind of illegal immigration and multicultural bullshit that the US does.

China faking numbers to cause panic. It seems to be over by the time you realize it’s happening.

No, it is for APPEARANCES ONLY, not a real scientist. Just the propaganda machine, the problem is too many of our people are massively gullible.

>1 post by this ID

I don't get this. Every country fucked this up (except for South Korea?) so how does he get so much blame?
Although, objectively, if Hillary was president this would have been handled back in January.

I wish Trumpcunt fags would actually wear their KKK hats outside in public.

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>le orange man virus bad
CCP bugshill thread #231

The fucker has been impeached!!!

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Asscunt fagwhore bitch ass loser Trump. Cocksucker slut traitor rapist chickenshit draft dodging shit eater.

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