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a single police squad against one Australian spider? RIP

Entire police force webbed and sucked dry by spider

Lmao, the spider swated the ausie

Based spider


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Imagine having to live in fucking Australia

Chad huntsman versus thesffwrdsdxxxxxxxx..,,d


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Why the FUCK would you live in Australia if you're scared of spiders. I live in northern Canada because I fucking hate bugs, and Id rather deal with the cold weather than deal with insects.

Rare flag, checked.
Remove kebab when?

>fear of arachnids
>born in australia
the game was rigged from the start

the only time a huntsman is a nigger is when it hides in the corners of steps, usually near a garage entrance

the males i have no problem with but the females always have an eggsac or millions babies on its ass and one wrong step and they will climb on your foot

then you have the white tail niggers that don't make webs and will bite you if you scare it, it doesn't run away when its angry it actually will chase you.

That fish and tape look shopped as fuck

imagine being this new
>inb4 its bait

Also whitetails are deadly..

Our most dangerous wildlife is imported sadly

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only to elderly and people with immune problems. The bites don't affect you unless you're a dirty street shitter.


Wolfspiders cause necrosis.


Bosnia is not Serbia

> it actually will chase you

I am NOT going to Australia. Not fucking ever. Never. NO.


Holy shit, how do you survive over there? You are in monster land!

its extremely rare, the only time it managed to chase me was when i was washing my butthole in the shower and i just happen to look down and there it was staring back at me, that's when it got angry for some reason and it started chasing my foot so i kicked it down the drain.

Wow thanks for that incredibly secret knowledge, retard.

why do you shower with spiders?

A spider lives in my bathroom.
Every time I shower it goes into the shower, collects the condensed water droplets by using its legs and drinks it by moving its legs towards its head.
Really cute.


Nasty creeping motherfuckers. But to be frank, we have giant ass spider motherfuckers over here too. Black as a niggers ass and as huge as my hand with legs like pencils. I don't even know what they are but one was once hiding literally under my bed. It crawled out as I was just taking my stuff off and preparing to sleep, put the foot on the floor and there it came out, almost as big as my foot and I jumped like a grasshopper. Went berserk on the motherfucker with my shoe! And it was hard to kill.

Ever since I check my bed almost every night. But only got two grasshoppers since then. War memories, man...they never leave you. And one day it came back: the same giant spider on my wall. But that is another story.

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Based and spiderpilled. The only time you should kill a spider is if it goes in to your bedroom because that little bastard could do anything while you sleep.
Even then you should just catch it and move it somewhere else, only retards are scared of spiders

Really? Cant say I've ever been bitten

>one wrong step and they will climb on your foot
Fuck how you can even live in Australia??

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>leaf loves spiders
not surprised, natural hazard


If there would be spiders like this in a forest near me, I'd burn the forest down. Honestly there is no reason why aussies army withold from napalming every single bush they got until all these fucking critters are dead.

fuck off arachnoids

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>Perth man with "serious fear" of arachnids...

lol why is he living in Australia then?

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Mind your feet.

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They're only bad when you go for a shower in the morning and one is sitting on the wall of the shower, just looking all huge-like

I've had a couple of nervous showers being watched by a big huntsman overhead

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You have the brain of a woman, irrational fear of a fucking tiny spider that can't even harm you and doesn't even try to harm you. They literally just sit around and kill annoying insects like ants for you, but your retarded woman brain can't think logically


But I have one of these giant crab spiders living in my bathroom currently, she decided to come in from the rains a few days ago.

She's probably harvesting the tiny cockroaches running around in there, so she can stay.

Best news all week

>people always complaining about huntsmens
>not the big fuck off orb weavers that intentionally make their webs in a way that almost always guarantees that you will walk through it and have this beast of thing crawl all over you
orbweavers are the real problem, not based huntsmens

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>Entire police force webbed and sucked dry by spider

Sounds like a bad spiderman porno where the origin story takes a turn for comically bad acting.

You really shouldn't, there seems to be a bad track record of German backpackers exploring outback Australia and going missing

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>Rare flag
kek, newfag. Welcome, lurk more though

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I like centipedes. No webs, territorial cannibal that lives alone. Moves at 509mph.
Way better than spiders and eat them too.

>Some shitty poison bug is scary

Disingenuous article didn't even say what spooder it was.

>I like centipedes
Satan is that you?

>I like centipedes
>but not spiders
The fuck

i'd never walk around without a can of raid if i was in australia

I am not opening that image

Fuck that's a big'un

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