I think this place is ruining me

When my family and i are having dinner together, i always have the sudden urge to drop redpills to my apolitical relatives about how the Jews are behind everything, how the media controls the narratives and how black people are violent and aggressive and how muslims are a danger to western nations. They tell me that im being radicalised and that i need to stop going to Yas Forums where its full of hate and fake people. I think Yas Forums is turning me into a hideous person.

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>a hideous person.

It's called growing up.

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Never show you power level you retard

If you are a straight white male, never tell anyone that you go on Yas Forums. Do not tell anybody your world views on anybody else unless you trust them 100%. Never force the jewish question to be asked. It can destroy your existance. Put effort into building yourself and your character so that you can share you views freely without the risk of harming others.

Know that someone out there, somewhere in this hell we call existence "loves" you. Do not spend more than 2 hours per day on Yas Forums. Do not visit Yas Forums more than 3 times a week. During this virus outbreak is an exception.

Take a break from Yas Forums until you have a friend you can express your concerns with who won't judge you. Note that they -will- judge you, but hopefully you did a good job at selecting friends.

Remember that Yas Forums is satire based on reality. Remember that reality is stranger than fiction. Resist the urge to preach to your family. That is one of the largest faux pas you can commit on this plane of existence.
I don't know your world views, but there is a chance you are a good person that knows too much to be happy. Learn to be content with knowing less. Seek that what you fear the most spiritually. Note that once you've discovered that thing, nothing on the physical plane of existence can match that fear; it may give you the determination to keep your opinions in a box that you only look in sparingly. Yas Forums is sugar for the soul; too much sugar makes you worthless, but note that carbs (sugar) is the primary fuel for your brain.

this, young one

The redphill is a bitter one normies dont like the bitter reality, just smile and let them live in the matrix.

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You were already a hideous person. Now you just have weird beliefs about Jews mixed in with your shitty personality.

ok then fuck off retard

good advice.

You're looking at it all wrong. One day they will be dead and gone. You'll be old. Instead, enjoy the time you have with them. Knowing what you know now, know that time is precious and fleeting. You're not faking anything by enjoying their company without sharing your misery.

Think about some old dude who lost his wife and friends. He's still going around being friendly and happy with people even though he knows he's going to die in a few years and there's nothing to look forward to. Life is about your interactions with people, up through your last days.

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dont' let nothing break you.
but yes, if you believe the nazis you will be ruined.

it's all designed to make you politically impotent, go out and make a difference in your local community.

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Yes it is. Stop being a shizoid and think for a fucking second. What ruining our society is not "jews" but an "invisible hand of market" with almost no restrains.

>go out and make a difference in your local community

I hate that stupid asshole.

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Welcome to the club

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who controls or at least has huge influence on the "invisible hand of market" and the market forces I wonder lol

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Mexican fat joke
How you you drown a spic? Throw a quarter at the deep end of a pool

Wrong, if everyone showed their power level public opinion would start changing


Sharing is caring, if you care about the people around you it is your duty to share what you have learned. Don’t be a autist, don’t be invisible. Be prepared to stand alone sometimes

Shut up and take it

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They're right. Quit this shithole, right now. Nothing of any value has ever come out of pol. Quitting WILL make you a better person.

Bullshit. I lost everything. I dont care. I want you dead and everything you love dead.

was going to say that. learn that newfag. learn to be subtle

>he takes Yas Forums seriously

Learn to hide your power level also your parents have lived a long time and heard all this shit before so its prob embarrassing that their zoomer child thinks hes so smart after learning his first "redpill".

gb2 discord, commie faggot shill

Focus on building the new. Start acting instead of reacting

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Honestly I hate the chosen ignorance of normies. Tried redpilling both of my gfs. Even after I sent the empire of dust documentary to the one she said "maybe it's better to stay naive sometimes"
She broke up with me cuz of my racism and anti feminism too lmao but still got the one.

Not ignorance but ignorance of ignorance is the death of knowledge.

Sharing is caring for a very select group of personality types. For a larger group of personality types, sharing implies a lack of trust, which implies a lack of caring.

reductio ad absurdum: Sharing the information of exactly what time and date someone will die, with said someone, years and years before that date.

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>being home on quarantine
>no one will ever be allowed to live a free life anymore
>instead, immigrants roaming free
>tv, movies, series constantly brainwashoing people with a precise poklitical agenda
>economy is going bankrupt
>millenials will never find a job in their life
Yes, goy. It must be Yas Forums that is turning you into a bad goyim

its just a website with open ended diverse political opinions
if you're not built for convincing people keep to yourself
if you feel the need to vent political opinions unasked without sounding like a sperg why not go to a jewish psychologist? i'm sure they'll tell you to shut up and that'll be a stepping stone in becoming a better person instead of growing as a leader from understanding human nature
the average person isnt really ready to learn that pedophiles create their identity, retard

>not taking recommended dosage of clownpill

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People don't want to see the evils in the world which is why most people hate seeing Gore, animal abuse, pedophilia and Sexual abuse. Let them live their lives that way but it'll never get out of your head you've seen the light and you can't go back because you know its wrong to ignore it.

You are what you eat user. If you're continuously here to ingest unironically the shit we spread, of course you'll become an evil little shit.
"Only a fool" etc

Bro let people be ignorant of the truth if it doesn't hurt them.
Why do you care if your mum believes in the holocaust

Since the lockdown I've been doing the exact same thing every time I Skype my mom. She just keeps telling me to watch my mouth in public

Understanding your shadow and being consumed by it is not the same though. Growth can only take place, if you don't take yourself and your darker impulses too seriously, which is not the strong suit of most people here.

>Learn to be content with knowing less. Seek that what you fear the most spiritually. Note that once you've discovered that thing, nothing on the physical plane of existence can match that fear; it may give you the determination to keep your opinions in a box that you only look in sparingly.

This is the philosophy of neutered cowards. If our ancestors had followed your advice you would have never been born. It also inadvertently explains why the white race is in its current dire state.

why? do you think honest jewish people are not consumed by knowing they descend from pedophiles? what a silly thing to say considering the circumstances
there is no turning back from that

>Understanding your shadow and being consumed by it is not the same though.

Strong characters don’t get consumed by it, no matter how stark the implications. You’re just too weak. You should be able to stare death in the face and wink back with a smile on your face. If you can’t do that, you aren’t redpilled and you certainly aren’t going to be prepared for when shit really hits the fan which it inevitably will at some point.

That's because you're a societal reject. Enjoy!

theres always a level of dealing with the sadness of the world but real hyperboreans do it in caesarian terms and revel in knowing the weakness of men is temporary in a way glory isnt
so they, we, us, strive for something spiritually higher than saying a bunch of losely defined terms in proximity with the greek affection for near eastern magic cults

>sharing implies a lack of trust

If I share knowledge that is gonna save your life I am directly making more competition for myself, if I did not care for you I wouldn’t share the information/ knowledge/ power.

i hope that guy makes it in the news and puts one right through your eyeballs
just kidding, but i dont thinks thats a reject, maybe someone who is too quick to sound the alarm
the winning spirit is there though

Don't worry it's a process and once you're past a certain point, the light opens up the roof of the tunnel and you can both be happy and visit Yas Forums.
then the only thing pissing you off is shills and their retarded opinions nobody would ever take seriously.

Let me get this straight nigger. You're backing someone who told me to die after I told OP to look at life positively and cherish his family?

not at all user, just coming to terms with what that mentality represents for the future as opposed to being an open hearted guy

This is the same kinda shit junkies say about drugs. Fucking kys user.

Mercy is not a sign of weakness. Only selfish fools die inside.

You can discuss redpills to family members just avoid hurting them. It’s hard for people to to except that a lot of what they think is a lie. Just focus on being happy and enjoy time with your family and only bring up your opinions when appropriate and avoid heated arguments.

i dont hate anybody but being a psycopath i wasnt born with the capacity to understand the use of mercy, it just seems pointless as opposed to something like feigning emotion or empathy to drive a point home
idk what its a sign of because i dont understand it in pragmatic terms like how i for example understand having a stable and homogeneous community is important for maintaining social cohesion
selfish fools get nowhere because they don't project their views onto the outside world effectively, thats the problem with being a kind hearted pacifist in that you assume that everyone just has the same good intentions of structuring and planning ahead for a stable life, how could we know?

But what can we do about it? All of this? It doesnt feel right letting all this happen in the background and just ignoring it. I hate feeling helpless, watching innocent people get pulled into propaganda and watching countries get destroyed because "muh diversity". But at the same time I cant even help myself. I used to be able to create a crowd, speak publicly, and have everyone listen to my opinions. But in recent years, I've been reduced to a shut in because of this feeling of hopelessness. It's all so tiresome

Just because you don't feel something doesn't make it unreal. Social structures thrive on mercy and kindness as well as strength and violence. It's a matter of how they are applied which makes up a society.

I don't understand the lust for power, but I'm well aware of how it works.

You see mercy and kindness as a weakness which could be a fatal mistake for yourself if you underestimate someone in the future. I'm not a pacifist and have no objections to harming or ending another persons life if the situation called for it.

In oversimplified terms people who experience shit in life can handle it in two ways. They can either overcome it and help others who they observe are going through the same thing, or they can leave it as a sore spot and attack others who are suffering from the same thing.

People who feel empathy rarely feign it. They genuinely want to help someone, because they are in turn rewarded with the feeling like they restored order, or prevented someone else from falling into a hole that they were in. They don't want to see people like they were.

Based user

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Most people in my life are already redpilled on the JQ. And if you remind them when they’ll be a minority they become ethnonationalist very quickly.

He's a broken bitch that can't even get his own life together. He resorts to lashing out impotently at others who react positively because daddy didn't love him enough or some shit.

Hitler was a literal sperg and would go around parties talking about evil jews.

Better than talking about how many dicks you can take at once. Like you do user.

The virgin hide power level vs. The Chad outspoken nazi

I am mixed race and I find this place hilarious, most people here are schizos, and it is so funny.