How much respect do you have for medical professionals?

these people, whom most are women are fighting for your countries and putting their lives on the line fighting against the virus, something none of us here have the balls to do.
do you respect them?

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lmao imagine how many people choose not to click "see more".

If the job is stressing her out she should get a punchbag or pray about it. Or take heart in the fact she's playing a noble role in this fight against the coof. Or she could just put on her best sad face for the selfie cam and bitch about it for likes on twitter. She can either own it or just be a typical modern woman.

I have worked as an engineer in a hospital, most off the medical people are absolute stuck up cunts and not very bright.

Eh even the girl I’m dating loves attention whoring the fact that she’s a nurse. I think it’s just something they do

They have actually mde things worse not better. I have a minus amont of respect for them. Utter NPC fucksticks the lot of them.

specialists like oncologists and neurologists: 11
doctors: 9
nurses: 7
medical administrators: 2

Why she so skinny

i don't get nurses. why not just spend 2 more years or whatever it takes to get your MD. the nurses are the grunts

>i broke down and cried
>takes images of herself
yeah, you surely were invested in your emotions, bitch ...

i have 0 respect, because they artificially keep weak people alive who then procreate and make humanity vulnerable to infections in the long run. Diseases and natural selections are a tool to make humanity stronger, but medfags do the opposite.

not as much respect as i have for the people who are now unemployed in a sad attempt to not "overwhelm" said medical people

Absolutely none.
This is the first time many of their lives that they are actually working.
Fuck em, I hope they all die.

These women wouldn't last a day as a bricklayer or roofer. Yes nursing is now much more dangerous but it's still a piss easy job.

None. They're a bunch of grandstanding alarmists.

We all have to go into lockdown because those lazy fucks will be 'stretched to the limit' and 'overwhelmed'.

DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS. If you've got time to put makeup on your face to pretend its a 'mask burn' and take a selfie, you've got time to actually treat a patient you lazy cunt.

>whom ... are
Please learn where to use "whom".

Huge respect for doctors. Very little for nurses.

> I
> I
> I

yea, no

why her hair catch the virus doe?

Zero from now on

>most of which are women
Which is exactly why we are fucked

They're just doing their job and getting paid well. We all have a part to play in society, they don't deserve extra treatment. She is just attention whoring as most females do.

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I wonder how many men women displaced that wouldn't have have taken selfies for attention.
Do plumbers, garbagemen, truckers, linesmen, farmers, ect take photos of the jobs they do? It's a lot more demanding than some whore taking temps and pushing pills all day.

think she started crying for attention before or after she died her hair grey and blue?

no, fuck em.

tfw going to apply to nursing school next spring
im offended

Sorry that a medical career involves old, smelly, dying people who moan. They didn’t show that in the tv show you watched growing up where you thought dr.dreamy would pop up and have an affair with you.

>why not just spend 2 more years or whatever it takes to get your MD
They could never get in med school in the first place. All nurses are midwit, period.

attention seeking whore
I hope she gets raped by a meth nigger. that's what all nurses deserve. gossiping, slack, dumb cunts.
>booo hoooo I broke down and cried because of the flu
>i've never seen real hardship in my entire life, but I am traumatized over a little flu
another reason to be raped.
attention seeking cunt flap
sage too

this is the only correct answer
this is some fat edgy teenage opinion

No matter what you do, if you are an attention whore on social media, you lose respect

Why do so many nurses burn their husbands dinner all the time? You'd think they'd learn after the first few times.

She looks like she sucks mean dick.

It's pretty terrifying to have doctors post shit like this on social media, I had a doctor in my family. He would basically act like a latent sociopath under pressure and scenes of violence which is reassurinig when you are fucked up. If she is crying during a fucking pandemic then she should just go home, nobody wants a doctor that freaks out when you end up with a saw blade lodged in your skull, I mean wtf.

I will also add another point to my rant that nobody gives a shit about. The USA has degraded the medical profession so much and complained about costs and all that shit that we don't have to work with anymore. Drs are all eager to put down patients now instead of saving them, they have a very defeatist attitude.

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holy fuck, my sides. that's her hair! I didn't even mentally register or pay attention to that; I just subconsciously thought it was some kind of hat without looking. holy shit
fuck women

Nurses lol. Imagine not going into engineering. I’m comfy at home working remotely. Those fags always cried about how they must get an A in Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus. Bitch all I cared about was a C average. Kek.

mental midgets think it's just a more educated version of the word who. they cannot fathom subject vs object pronouns.

>do you respect them?
I don't

>thinks being a doctor is all about being smart
bitch do you know how many drop out or dont go that route because they have a weak stomach?


taking your protection off to take a photo without removing your contaminated clothes is a really dumb idea


Nurses supposed to be well paid in the US, what's going on?...

>why not just spend 2 more years or whatever it takes to get your MD
nursing school =/= med school
Takes 15-17 years university/med school/residency to become a medical oncologist
Takes 4 years community college to become a nurse

>respecting nurses
fuck off slut
I got a nurses degree at university while high and drunk for 3 years straight
you stupid bitches are worthless, glorified ass wipers. come wipe my ass, whore. daddy made a big shit


They're doing their job. They've been trained to do this. I don't clap at 8pm for the garbageman when he picks up the trash. How about we stand/clap for those trashmen who pick up and handle all that concentrated medical waste the nurses create?

Pharmaceutical lobeists -666

It’s just a cold, don’t respect their effort, fuck the medical field.

They’re paid like $18-$30 an hour while exposing themselves to diseases. Only a dumb fuck would become an RN.


Kys retarded cuck

you don't get into med school without being smart, wtf are you talking about?

fucking BASED Hans!
this is the most ubermensch post I've read all night on this shithole website

I've put my life on the line for this country already. I have a lot respect for healthcare workers, but not attention whores.

What’s with her hair? Is she an SJW Hillary supporter?

I'm a medfag and most other dudes are chill, it's the women who have the "movie star" disease when it comes to attention whoring.

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No more than my waitress today.

They knew what they signed up for.

Nurses are actual retards. And yes, been surrounded by med students and doctors for 10 years now.

Women are nearly worthless

can't wait for you to wipe my ass

After the hurricanes on the gulf, we electricians and linemen worked around the clock. I remember we would work atleast 16 hours a day, in the heat, clearing trees that fell on lines and the reinstalling whatever was broken. There was no electricity so we slept in work trucks. This went on for months. We mostly ate MRE's. And not one time did we stop and take a fucking selfie and post it to social media saying that we fucking cried cause we are tired. What a fucking cry for attention. Poor pitiful me I have to do my job and it's actually hard this time, please have pity for me. Women cant do anything without saying look at me.

roasties in scrubs literally breaking down because they have to actually work for once instead of infrequently check IVs, gossip by the desk, and make up any excuse not to do any lifting until the sole male nurse is done changing all the old peoples diapers lmfao

Literally any retard can be a nurse, every kid that had behavioural problems or a mental disability in my school was a nurse’s kid. It’s a white trashy profession.

>why not just spend 2 more years or whatever it takes to get your MD

No. Fuck them. You have no idea how fucking bitchy hospital women are, especially to the male doctors and nurses who are forced to do unpaid overtime regularly by superiors so the women can have coffee breaks or to leave early. Most healthcare workers can take a fucking bullet.

I didn't because I don't like poop. I'd rather be a neet.

Well, in the American medical system you have people standing to profit from advising patients to pay for drugs rather than take other less-profitable but perhaps more beneficial course of action.
It's a problem.
Thankfully for non-Americans, most other Western countries don't have this problem.

thank you hanz, the only acceptable opinion on the situation.

Nurses are lazy worthless cunts. Attention seeking dog fucking white whores. I hate nurses.

All sacrifices that could have been avoided if international travel was banned immediately

This, honestly

>being this mad you aren't smart enough to get into med school


you know, its hard to describe the disgust i felt when ireland passed abortion(thanks to american jews) and those fucking whores were in the streets crying for how happy they were that they could murder their children.

True. Women like to seek attention in everything they do.

Canada had that big pharma guy get executed with his wife, he was doing some real heinous shit with medication

I thought most American nurses were Filipino chics. At least she’s White, I’d fuck her.

nice larp. if you really were a nurse youd know just how vast the range of work can be, anything from wipe asses to operating room assistants to psych ward staff

you are missing the point, i didnt say that at all. i said that being smart doesnt mean youll make it. i have the grades needed to apply for med school but i dont think i would be a good doctor regardless of that

nah im good, im not going for the geriatric work, i plan on OR, ER, or ICU

and that is fine

so what?
nurses don't go to med school, they go to nursing college.

you have to be smart to be a doctor
you have to be smart AF to be a specialist
but to be a nurse...that's a completely different thing.

Medium, because i know too many doctors.


I worked 14 hour days carrying 50 pound equipment in 115 degrees heat with no shade when I was fucking 16 and it wasn’t even that bad

Fuck women lol

yeah, weird story for sure.
who knows what was going on

>anything from wipe asses to operating room assistants to psych ward staff
literally what I just said you daft cunt. glorified ass wiper. all of that
fuck off wanker

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Lmao she has no gloves or mask. Taking selfies in the hospital. That's just irresponsible.

Oh, I see. My mistake, bro.

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in most countries you can't get in with grades alone anymore (into med School that is), you Need to take an IQ test as well, it's actually so difficult that Kids from rich families go to eastern europe to study Medicine and only asians and hardcore grinders get into med School

other than that western european Nurses are almost never faced with death or imminent death because most patients are elderly People with chronic diseases that die at home so they never actually have to face People dying

we also had many female doctors making cringey YouTube Videos for Attention , but the one i saw deleted it (probably after realizing how cringey it was)

and yes, you can become a Nurse in every Country , it's hilariously easy and like an Extension of high School for the largest part

I don't give a fuck about their gender, someone has to do it, I don't care who it is. I don't think it's a balls thing though, it's just a situational thing where you trained to be in a field, it's where your money comes from and now that shit has hit the fan, you're the one that has to clean it up because of economic and social pressure. Other "essential workers" like grocery store clerks have it pretty bad too, they risk their health for even less, yet there they are.
I guess a male nurse would be less likely to make a social media post whining about it though.

Fucking kek. Reminds me of pic related and an old post on this board about social media being the porn equivalent for women

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Just slice me up and sew up the remains Doc don't need no woman nurses and their 'bedside manner'

God I would literally creampie her nurse puss so hard. Imagine how hard she is gagging for BWC after one of her shifts. She would get if she came here me lads. Uncut knob would be all up in her gob.

Of course I do, I wouldn't put myself in their shoes for the amount of money we pay them they do God's work bless them.

>he thinks it is about physicality.
kek, that is probebly the only aspect of live you can relate to.

She's utterly wasting the short time of her life where shes actually attractive and fertile being a wageslave and doing a job that actively harms her wellbeing for extended hours. Why punish yourself?

>If she is crying during a fucking pandemic then she should just go home
Women lack sufficient testosterone to work through long-term stress. Crying is her only coping mechanism.