Fascists and communists are the same but have deluded themselves into thinking they're opposites, change my mind
Fascists and communists are the same but have deluded themselves into thinking they're opposites, change my mind
>two socialist things are the same
if your mind can be changed you need a new one
Wrong for one simple reason: one ideology believes in absolute egalitarianism, the other believes in meritocracy and hierarchy. I let you guess which is the only one that works.
Fascists believe in ethnic favoritism, communist claim to be egalitarian but it always ends up with a new class order with the party over citizens.
>ethnic favoritism
also correct, because tribalism exists and affects all human beings and animals. Plus it is proven that IQ tends to have similar bell distributions inside ethnic groups on average.
And there's the collectivism
Last time I checked communism doesn't let you own land capitalism let's you own land if you pay tax and fascist's allow land ownership out right. It can be argued that capitalism is closer to communism then fascism.
collectivism is the only possible solution in the future. libertarianism is uncontrolled growth that leads to conflict and environmental damage, as people like Ted Kaczynski pointed out.
they all use aggressive violence to force their wills on other people
people get way overly caught up in the professed "reasons" that they must violently subjugate you, but why fucking care about "why" when in the end they're doing the same fucking thing - looting and violating people for THEIR ends
>It can be argued that capitalism is closer to communism then fascism.
Capitalism always degenerates into oligarchy... so I think you're actually right.
uncontrolled and absolutely libertarian capitalism I mean, capitalism is not bad in se
Some Fascism believes in ethnic favoritism.
Fascism is not national socialism. But i agree communism is fascism.
All political ideologies dab and shit on lolberts.
There are more similarities than people like to admit. Both Mussolini and Hitler were communists before they switched over to fascism. Franco and Castro were best buds and Castro had a day of mourning in Cuba when Franco died.
Based and Checked.
>Fascists believe in ethnic favoritism
So do Communists, otherwise there wouldn't have been such a disproportionate number of Jewish communist leaders, or of rich Jewish bankers who financed Communism.
Because meritocracy can only exist in a homogenous area.
There's only one path for libertarians... getting slowly redpilled like Molyneux and becoming softcore national socialists.
where would you point to as your example of a libertarian social order
Ok Faggot.
This, both fascism and communism are both shit-tier left wing ideologies
>Doesn't value liberty
>Tightly controlled economy
>Big government
National socialism is zionism pal. I agree that Molymeme is a zionist, I believe he's an actual cryptojew.
Hitler was never a Communist though.
He was a communist in the Bavarian soviet republic. He attended Kurt Eisner's funeral.
Wow Charlie Kirk is here.
How's you and your gay black friend doing?
You can't have liberty and a small government.
Such a nation would be easily subverted.
Yeah but he eventually got based and redpilled like Mussolini.
Anyway go back to Breitbart boomer.
1) Democracy has not full impact on elections, let's say 60%
2) The other 40% is decided by trials that leaders must pass. Physical, Intellectual, Moral, Spiritual trials that cannot be passed by selfish people etc.
3) All young people conscripted for 1 or 2 years in civil service (making roads, cleaning cities, hospitals, military, etc.)
4) Keep the right to referendum for the people.
5) Executive power in the hands of 3-7 people.
6) In times of danger almost absolute power to leaders.
>National socialism is zionism
Not MY national socialism
Ok summerfag.
They are only the same to the extent that both require a state to be put into practice.
The central difference is that fascism believes in capitalism - in private ownership and private profit - and in meritocracy. Communism rejects private profit and rejects social hierarchy. Under communism, hierarchy is ideally only technocratic, whereas in fascism it might be a privilege granted to an individual meritorious in other ways.
did you miss the question
>Big government
not necessarily.
You realize Mussolini got "based and redpilled" because of his jewish mistress Margherita Sarfatti? Literally his closest advisor.
Do you have proof for that, other than that video of the funeral with some random man in the distance whose face you can't make out because it's too blurry and smudgy?
what I wrote is my idea of a partly libertarian, partly democratic system tending towards national socialism. Did you mean in the world right now or other?
any example you can possibly think of.
Otto Strasser. Also we know for a fact Hitler was in Bavaria at the time.
yes because at the beginning Mussolini was a full blown marxist for some years, like Goebbels. Then they realized the issues.
>any example you can possibly think of.
There's no example of an ideal system in the world right now. All of them are kiked or nor working. Maybe my country but it's getting more cucked every year.
take your meds
Realized what? How can you be redpilled and have a rich jewess as your number one advisor while being fascist dictator of Italy?
Your entire ideology is cope with 13 doing 50 in (((non-racist))) way.
Stop being a faggot
Any ideology that denies biological reality of men's nature is doomed to fail.
then if you don't even have an example of a libertarian social order, I don't know how you possibly reach the conclusion
>uncontrolled and absolutely libertarian capitalism always degenerates into oligarchy
Mussolini was a fagot who believed that race is not real and just "a feeling". No one here is advocating for his garbage system. National Socialism =/= Mussolini's corporatist fascism
no man is an island dunbar number 150 means we need abstracts like nations/races collectives ect
as humans can't care for more then 150 people individually but we can care for ideas, abstracts that describe a people as a collective
Totalitarianism in all it's form is bad, wether it's fascism or stalinism it's still bad, but I wouldn't call them same. In fascism totalitarian goverment has sole purpose of keeping totalitarian goverment in it's place like im 1984, but in stalinism it has purpose of creating something
He was Hitler's mentor.. and it's not like Hitler didn't have plenty of zionist connections himself.
You mist the part
where Communism is INTERNATIONALIST, invasive, oppressive to its own "citizenry" AND it makes illegal the private ownership of land. It replaces that last part with a bullshit line like... "the land belongs to the people".
Coomerism is bullshit
Neither of them works, communism collapses it's own economy and fascism starts countless wars they can't win because they need to generate hate for people to blindly follow them.
Totalitarianism is for weak people that can't accomplish anything on their own
P.S. Fascism failed quicker than communism
That's what happened with Russia after communism. My point is capitalism in it's working state is closer to communism then fascism.
Shitler killed more white people than anyone else
Yes you can user, a large government is a government you can subvert whereas you cannot subvert a small government
>communism collapses it's own economy
*laughs in chinese*
Italian fascism isn't completly the same as National Socialism but they are both grouped as fascist ideologies because they are almost the same
National Socialism is just German version of fascism, it isn't completly the same as Italian fascism, but it almost is
Do these NEETSocs really think they would survive one day under the fascist, authoritarian government they keep crying for? They would all commit suicide once they realize it isn't a meme anymore and they can't just eat tendies and masturbate to trap porn all day.
He was Hitler's personal friend and cost him eastern front by fucking up in Greece. He wasn't terrible either, better civcuck than any current year civcucks but he didn't have it quite right either.
Swedish system pre immigration was closer to National Socialism than Italian fascism. Your idea of what Germany was under a swastica is derived from (((hollywood))) movie and extremely poz'd education.
Bullshit. Fascism is a reactionary ideology to (((liberalism))). It's not even close to being the same thing, other than being authoritarian. Thats like saying there is no difference between a baked potato and a carrot, although they are both in your soup.
Socialists and communists are the same. Change my sage.
Starting wars isnt a requisite for fascism, retard
No it wasn't national socialism was totalitarian and Swedish system wasn't, also National Socialism directly developed from Italian fascism and that's a fact, diferences between two systems are mostly economical, but even here they are pretty close, both were privatly owned on paper but companies were controlled by goverment, other big issue is racial politics, but it doesn't affect system of goverment so that's not relevant, and it's not true Italians weren't racist, but they saw Croats and Slovenes as bigger threat than Africans and Jews so they genocided us
Mussolini was a socialist, not a communist.
It is almost universal requirment becasue people only abandon their freedom when they feel endangered, and wars boost that feeling
Also every fascist system always started wars, there isn't single example of it without wars, so saying that fascism doesn't require wars is like saying "hurr durr it wasn't real communism"
>as people like Ted Kaczynski
quoting a lunatic
>it's not true Italians weren't racist, but they saw Croats and Slovenes as bigger threat than Africans and Jews so they genocided us
Yeah right before gassing those poor 600 gorrillion kike babies
>mug todalidarinism
That's the only real difference. Germany was in fact a police state, it had to be and Sweden was a "free" country.
In the end, Germany had to be crushed by the united efforts of capitalists and communists and Sweden was subverted by a hand full of kikes and turned into a dystopian shithole.
WWII was started by Britain. Invasion of Russia was preemptive step because Stalin was planning invasion of Germany, which is well documented. Maybe read a book for once
>tfw you are sharing the board with people who are too dumb to understand Kaczynski manifesto
unironically you're right and we're gonna kill you when you try to defend jewish billionaires
High school tier take. Fascism is authoritarian, not totalitarian. People blindly follow whatever ideology dominates their era; the fanatics/vanguard rely on the majority falling in line, that's how all forms of revolution work. Regular people do not care what ideology dominates their era as long as they have their bread and circuses. Fascism does not require 'hate' to operate effectively, it merely recognizes that conflict is inherent in human behaviour.
No one can accomplish much of any note on their own. Do you know what a single person is? Easily conquered.
Lolberts are the same as kid diddling pedophiles but have convinced themselves theyre not. Change my mind
Go pickup a dictionary, and look up what fascism is.
They are both socialist! Nazi stands for nationalist socialist.