So to change the channel from all of the corona threads...
Why is no one talking about this? Feral pigs are becoming a pretty big problem in the US and even Canada.
So to change the channel from all of the corona threads...
Why is no one talking about this? Feral pigs are becoming a pretty big problem in the US and even Canada.
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they've been a problem for ages dude
people kill 'em all the time
>feral pigs are widely considered to be the most destructive invasive species in the United States
That's a funny new way to say 'Mexicans'
Just hunt them to extinction if they harm the balance of nature.
Veganism/Vegetarianism is the problem. We aren't doing our part to restore the balance.
I've never seen one IRL. I'd love to shoot some though.
A family friend was sent to hospital by one. Nasty animals
people aren't interested enough
hunting as a hobby has seen pretty sharp drop offs in participation around the country
They’re a big problem here in aus. People shoot them all the time
who would win in a fight between a feral pig and shitbull? Would it be close?
Burger, just go to a hardware store and buy some tannerite. Set it up in some feed and get a bunch of em huddled up together. Shoot from a safe distance and watch the herd explode into pieces. Easy fix. Or you could just shoot them, but tannerite is more economic.
Obviously you don't have pigs in finland.
We have and they are declared as invasive species that you can kill. Its fun to hunt and good meat but more keep coming across Russian border.
You can't just hunt them in most places. They're often hiding out on people's land and they want gigantic sums of money to be able to hunt them there. You'll see posters that say shit along the lines of "feral pigs are causing billions of dollars of damage to the economy! Pay one gorillion shekels to come hunt them."
They are native here. As far as I know there are absolutely no restrictions on boar hunting, you can basically hunt them any way you want to any time you want to. They are still overpopulated.
Remember Europeans, you will never be able to do this:
bunch of cool youtube videos of people shooting feral pigs, sometimes with nightscopes, if you're into nightscopes.
Mmm tasty
lmao, its like vietnam all over again
Feral pigs weigh hundreds of pounds. Shitbulls would get creamed.
I think the Bvll would win, but who knows. We should make it happen and collect nigger bet money on it too.
I looked it up, you actually get 2000Kč(75€) as a bonus for hunting one.
Built for BBQ
Weren't pitbulls literally built for hunting
Just need a M134 Minigun.
Built for fighting, bite clamps down and won't let go until their prey is dead or they are dead.
against one of the behemoth 500 pounders the pit would be in some trouble, but even a fairly stout 250 pound hog would usually lose against a 60 pound pitbull i would wager. A LOT of these sorts of matches went down in the 1800s with pitbulls and all kinds of other animals, and it's remarkable how pitbulls would kill just about anything smaller than a bear.
We do most our pig hunting with dogs here ,i can tell you conclusively that 2 25ish kilogram dogs is sufficient to lug a 100kg plus razorback.
No, they can be used for Hog Hunting. But they were originally bred for Bull Baiting.
those are Bull arabs not pitbulls that is our go to pigging breed i have 3.
>food animals running all over the place
is that a problem or a fallback option?
maybe we should encourage a world full of food animals running all over the place ready to be eaten in an emergency?
just putting that idea out there i dunno
if they get in your way just eat them
fucking moron
Kill them by the truckload in GA. They just breed so fast.
Lucky you, over here people pay for the privilege of hunting. Kill money is no longer PC.
They weren't built for hunting, they were built for killing. They generally aren't gun trained.
you post my fucking video you retard! the pig in the mudslide was taken in 2015 on a cape york trip ...
He's that Serbian idiot who owns a Pit. The typical owner.
they are best hunting catch and hunting kill dogs and yeah they are literally bred and built for that
kys retard
I live in Southern MO and these demon hogs rooted up about 80% of my garden last year while I was out fishing one day. Came through like a tornado, took a pack of 5 of them two hours to completely BTFO out of it. Caught the fuckers on a trail cam. They are shot on sight here now.
>pig=meat you can eat tasty even
losing against food
feral pig tastes better than industrial farmed pig, richer flavor
you sharts are dumb as hell
You dont understand though, they are becoming a huge problem. People are trying to kill them but these niggerpigs breed constantly. They can destroy farms, and can and will kill humans if you fuck up. There needs to be even more active hunting of them.
I've never seen any in the SW. The only edible animals I regularly see are deer and occasional turkey.
What is one of my 3 sponsors so no you kys retard.
Maybe there, but here it is greasy and stringy. These aren’t feral pigs eating acorns off the ground, they are huge hogs. You can eat them id you are starving, no doubt, but the meat is pretty gross. I suppose if you got a baby hog it might not be as bad.
There's no such thing as a Hunting Kill Dog.
I bet you can cook it in such a way you could feed the homeless pretty well, or ice them and send them to Africa
unless they were feeding on industrial waste they're god to go
We have overpopulations of deer and hog, lots of wild turkey, pheasant.
They're good around children I hear.
There is no season, bag limit, or outlawed method of killing for them in Texas. If you want to throw grenades out of a helicopter at them, go for it. You can do it every day all day too.
hunting kill dog means that the dog catch and kill animal all by it self
pic related is jagdterrier killing badger
If you stewed it for a long time, yeah you could eat it. There are places here that do hog kills and donate the meat to various places.
>unless they were feeding on industrial waste
Nah, you have a good idea. Send that shit to the homeless and Africa.
This is why 2A should allow for the ownership of automatic weaponry by default. Imagine having to drop a herd of 150 wild boars with a bolt action or semi-auto.
>should we tell them about Helicopter hog hunting trips?
this isn't new at all, in florida it's open season and we are legally allowed to kill the newborn babies if we want. i kill these things for fun since i can get away with it and it's considered a public service. i usually shoot the big one and bash the little ones skulls in with rocks or huck em' like footballs. i'd never do something like this to any other animal or human but fuck pigs one of these bastards killed my dad in nam and raped my mother and im cursed to be a half pig man for the rest of my days. they are my kin but i will wipe them all out so this cursed fate never befalls another man of Gondor or Rohan (fuck rivendell they know what they did)
Yes, it is a problem. Not only they eat crops, they are a trafgic hazard and even roam into cities
>fuck pigs one of these bastards killed my dad in nam and raped my mother
So are you hal--
>and im cursed to be a half pig man for the rest of my days
What you've got there is an Earthdog.
I knew a guy from Africa that told me about going hunting. They don't actually hunt like we do. They have the dogs kill the animal, don't even require having a firearm, marksmanship, etc.
They're shooting them out of helicopters in Texas. They are that much of a problem
Quite common in Africa just to have Village Dogs which just roam around eating scraps.
>I usually shoot the big one and bash the little ones skulls in with rocks or huck em' like footballs
I laughed heartily Florida manbearpig. My vegan peta sister would have a meltdown reading that, LMAO.
They literally can't. There are people with fulltime jobs of "trap and cull as many as humanly possible every day", combined with super lax hunting laws that pretty much mean unlimited open season on them, and they still can't get rid of them.
yeah and?
hunting catch dog is a dog that catch wild animal but can't kill it quickly enough so hunter steps in
hunting kill dog is a dog that kills wild animal by it self,those dogs are terriers,bull and terriers,grey hounds,etc...
hello, city jew
Do you give the doggos armor to protect from the sharp tusks?
Never have I known a Terrier to be grouped with a Sighthound.
CUTE and tasty problem
Just hunt them, how is this an issue
haha anytime fren, no use wasting bullets on the little ones when you can just crack their stupid ugly necks with your hands, plus if a full grown one comes charging in a rage and you're out of bullets you'd be good as dead. eurofags with no hog infestation might not believe it but these bastards get to the size of literal monsters in the wild
That thing looks like the size of a black bear. I've seen black bears while walking around in Yellowstone and wasn't really afraid, but if I was alone in the woods unarmed and that thing came at me, holy fuck. Better be able to climb a tree or something.