Jesus fucking Christ, this is the president of the United States holy fucking shit

Jesus fucking Christ, this is the president of the United States holy fucking shit......

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who are you?

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Oh look it's /ptg/ on damage control. Must be tiring to have to defend Trump so much?

He is the president of the most powerful nation to ever exist. You’re some random loser from an insignificant little country. If you’re so much better than him then why are you less successful?

let me help you with a short guide. when you make a post with no content or substantive argument beyond ridicule the only damage to control is what you are doing to yourself. stop posting.

2.8 million die in the US a year, 100k is a blip

get used to it. they've ruined the board entirely. and I've noticed whenever they do this, some majorly bad shit about trump drops the next day

This talk is literally stalin tier you psycho

Everyone is so dumb. He says that Easter it'll be good to rush the stimulus through and also stop the economy crashing. People thought he was serious. Now he says this to scare people to stay inside and take it seriously now that those that need it, have 1200 coming. There can't be so many idiots out there?

That's true.

Trump dick riders everyone

Let me correct that for you "one of the worst presidents of all time" I can't wait to read the history books on how much they shit on him.
You're doing some reverse psychology? The argument was in pic related. Trump said 100,000 deaths would be a "good job" for him while you have no argument other than kissing Trumps ass on a daily basis.

3 quarters of them would have died of something else due to being 75. Nothing burger

The other side arms Islamic supremacists, overthrew ujrai e and made profit funneling aid, and they did the same for haiti earthquake. Not to mention pedophile blackmailing service


Wtf is a Croatia? Fuck outta here.

I’m still voting for him again. It’s the lesser of evils at the end of the day (and voting might not even truly matter anyways).

Lmao, if only it were that simple.

Why are you people so obsessed with my country? Yes, I know our sports teams are all white unlike your all nigger American sports teams.

That's over a 4 year projection

1200 Trumpbucks, the actual amount required to lick his orange balls.

See how they seethe when you paint it black and white. Oh how they boil.

go fuck yourself you dirty little chink tranny rat

Why are you so preoccupied with dicks and stuff? Did daddy touch you somewhere as a kid?

nigger you care too much about US politics and politicians. go suck Obama's dick you dumb faggot, thinking any of us actually have a choice in these matters. fucking an hero you stupid bitch

He's not wrong though. 100,000 is very optimistic considering the stupidity of average Americans coupled with their obesity rates. I'm fucking obese and worried, but I see fat Americans just living it large and not giving two shits. :D

>hur dur 2020 guis hur dur im vooting

South Korea: Less than 100 deaths

USA: 100,000 deaths is a big, beautiful, tremendous success.

You know if he's saying 100k now, we're looking at at least 2 million.

It's an escaped Chink biowarfare experiment, so yes I'd say that would be on the low end for casualties.

What is the population of the two countries?

The funniest thing is that Americans are actually going to accept this. I mean, holy shit, what other country in the world will the leader tell you a hundred thousand people are gonna die and people will clap?

America is turning into the freaking thunderdome.

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Your ID is wanQ let that settle a minute

His honesty is refreshing.

SK: 50 million
USA: 327 million

Fucking retard shill
He said 100,000 was a good number albeit high and not what was wanted but this number could have been 2.2 million deaths. He literally said this multiple times. By taking the action they have and implementing measures until the end of April they are keeping the numbers down and as of now it could be 100,000 deaths however they are hoping it will be even lower than this.

I'm in the UK and even I have started watching his daily briefings, this man is going to reach around the world within days and then you shills will have no screenshots to throw out and try write the narrative because everyone will have seen it live.

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His words are objectively true you literal demon.

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1,300 a day die from tobacco in this country and that's legal.

Noo but my 600 gorillion deaths

I can't believe drumpftards are tricked this easily
Its like falling for the bargaining scam where someone quotes you a ridiculously high price, then lowers it and you believe it's cheap
Remember a month ago when he said there was going to be zero cases soon?
He's quoting the 2.2 million figure because he wants to make his botched virus response look good by comparison to some ludicrous figure. It really is ludicrous. His 100k figure is also ludicrous. It'd be 5 times more than the rest of the world put together.

>Jesus fucking Christ, this is the president of the United States holy fucking shit......
You still haven't learned anything about deal-making or negotiation or setting expectations from Trump? It's been four years. Here, it goes like this....
>100,000 deaths will be a very good job
>The virus could kill 1,000,000,000 very easily
>Oh god this is out of the control, end of the human race
>Oh look we cured the virus and only 10,000 died
>Vote for me in November

600,000 fats die of heart disease each year. 100,000 for a sars virus is not bad in comparison.

Shill OP
Full of shills backing it up
It's so transparent its actually scary, these threads reach noone and get propped up for hours.
I'll scroll them laugh at the comments then leave for the good shit like bringing down the deep state and the truth bombs that are dropping daily.

I hate the Orange Israeli but that's true. Too bad for him we're going to lose at least 1M Americans and probably a lot more than that.

Even his manlet jew doctor says 200k and he's sugar coating it by a lot.

This is exactly why women shouldn't be in politics. You get too emotionally invested and don't look at numbers rationally.

You forget Chyna dropped the bioweapon, not Trump

He's a joke.

Attached: trump-corona.png (960x426, 165.99K)

Only 100,000 deaths in nigger nation is a victory indeed.

croatia is done. rip tourism faggot

No, it's just that he, like most countries, do not accept their leaders blatantly lying to them.

I mean it's honestly how much Americans love getting fucked by their politicians. Like, just every day, day after day, take it in the ass. Just a month ago he was saying cases would be zero soon, now he's saying there's going to be hundred thousand deaths, but no one will punish him for it. American politicians can get away with basically anything.

>What is population

What, if anything, should we be doing as a society if not attempting to reduce these "numbers" in all forms? It might 'only' be 100k, but many of them will have been preventable with little expense. That can't be said for a lot of the other statistics.

you can afford sports?

It's not working croatia kike

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good eye
Or maybe just Trump hits a new low each day.

quick, blame China

didnt this walking carrot say that everything was under control?
then he said that he would open the country by Easter?
JFC get your shit together

20 million, since he's screaming at Ford and GM to come to the rescue. If he's hysterical at this point, chances are good we'll run out of ventilators and other medical equipment or medicine.

320 million, which at 100k deaths, per captia, an insane amount. Imagine if Shinzo Abe said that 35k people will die, or South Korea says 20k people will die. Then they say that's a good result.

They'd be fucking lynched. Only in America can this happen. It's honestly morbidly fascinating how Americans love their politicians so much. They can lie about the reasons they go to war, lie about mass surveillance, insider trade stocks, propose hundreds of billions for corporations, they'll get away with it all with the stupidest excuses.

shills you are being way too obvious with a million fucking threads at once. each one with a different tv news talking point in the title. give it a fucking rest. you are the reason trump is so popular and you lack the self awareness to see it.

You're moving goalposts. It is either something that has been statistically "normal" and has already had some proportional response every year OR it's something extraordinary that would justify this new kind of response. Looking at numbers it doesn't.


so why are you fags mad about 9/11?
that was just about equal of a couple days of tobacco related deaths


>10 muttoids from /ptg/ will die
Thank You President Trump


Nigga nobody even knows your country exists, I had to think for a second to remember if you've been annexed by Russia yet

UK said some time ago 200+k. Yes there's an emotional response from common people because they don't look at the numbers in context with other similar diseases. That doesn't mean that the politicians can't keep their calm and be honest about the numbers.

It's the fucking flu.

come one its just a flu, right?

What do you expect from a country that was born by killing people, made prosperous by killing and enslaving, legalized enslaving and killing through capitalism, and continues to wage bogus wars all around the world?

Dude look at the whole fucking world on lockdown. Do you think people are retarded? Why would the world grind to a halt and America take such dramatic moves if the worst case scenario was 100,000 deaths hahahaha. So by your logic Trump should do what? What should the world do? How bad is it then? Btw the models created aren't made by trump they are made all around the world based on individual countries data and global data so while one of the models showed 2.2 million which was the extreme worst scenario if the whole country had carried on as normal and not took the steps they took. I honestly dont understand how anyone can criticise the actions taking. But then again I'm arguing with a shill or an ignorant moron because noone could actually be so stupid and also be informed.

I love how people from literal shithole irrelevant countries talk crap about their superiors. I hope talking shit online makes up for your depressing existence.