Ask a radical feminist anything

ask a radical feminist anything

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tits or gtfo


thx 4 bump

What book is that pic of?

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it was in a |x| thread about king in yellow i think

this mad

Tits or gtfo

love you too

Read the fucking rules faggot

What are your thoughts on trans men and women?

they need to leave kids alone
stay out of their "new genders" sport
and have their own movement outside of feminism
otherwise they can do whatever

read 'em too me

This is the only correct response.

plz say it again

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post your breasts you cunt

post ya dick you incel

or your last pay stub

Does porn empower women

how are you going to cope when society breaks down and all your retarded faggot ideology gets btfo after a hungry nigger socks you in the face and rapes you and robs you of all your supplies? must feel bad knowing your only chance of survival is parasitic attachment to smart, stronger, and more capable males and the only innate value youve had all along is your cunt.

porn damages women and men


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shotguns exist bro

When did you realize that you were entrapped into worshiping a being who's entire goal is to maximize chaos to increase their ranks?

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What kind of rad fem? Do you want separatism? Abort male fetus?


how bad was your father?

Why haven't you posted your tits or gtfo'ed?

who am i worshipping?

True, and also no one is more toxic and evil toward a man than a woman who senses weakness or lack of virility in him.

>Men make the moral code
no they don't. The moral code of everyone comes from within them, it's an intuition, you don't just make it up.
Part of it is social construction and tradition, but nonetheless saying that men make it up is silly.

>men fight for their liberties
men also fight for women. And have for all of human history made sacrifices for the benefit of their families.
And feminists then decided, during a time where women were treated exceptionally well due to the good will of men, that it would be appropriate to scornfully stem themselves against men.

it's a humorous concept but nah
if anything women could go their own way but specifically aborting a child that's male is just kinda weird

average desu

why don't you post ya pay stub

lol women have never been treated better then then modern age and it ain't that good in a lot of places

The unspoken assumption here is that rights are a concept that can logically extend to women in the first place. Poppycock. Rights are inherently masculine.

He called you a tranny, dumb bitch.

What are your thoughts on biophilia?

Can you prove that you're not jewish? For example, you coylf take off your memeflag and show us your real flag.

No. Kill yourself then kike.

I ask you to leave.

sure bud

oh noooo

Not an argument. There are rules here. Besides, you said ask anything.
Why are you even here? Do you need male attention?

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sounds fine
first time looking in to it


no u

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>women have never been treated better then then modern age
completely untrue
Women have been reduced to sex toys and cheap labour.

Is it as well known within the radfem community that all male feminists are sexual predators as it is outside the community?

Seriously, why do you surround yourselves with the worst examples of mankind then go 'But men are the worst'? What's in it for you to prop up these actual subhumans as 'allies'?

you first


You are not the OP. With that said, I have no knowledge of who you're worshiping; this does not work that way.

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implying there are mods
implying this is male attention

You need shells for a shotgun to be of any use, what are you going to do when you run out of those?


in liberal feminism yes
but in terms of being able to have a life and exist independently it ain't bad

It's the truth. Rights are just abstractions derived from the history of men balancing their obligations to society with incentives to fulfill those obligations. For most of history, women were simply excluded from this paradigm, resulting in a body of thought that is consequently inherently masculine. Women came along in the 20th century century and said "me too" and then demanded that these masculine abstractions be superimposed onto their newfound participation in society, with no meaningful dialogue about how their pursuits in this new dynamic should be balanced by countervailing interests. As such, including women in the paradigm is intrinsically absurd. Men did all the heavy lifting, and when the concept of rights were almost fully fleshed out they just demanded inclusions, no matter what evils might spring from this rash decision. And here we are, surrounded by those evils.

I'm afraid so you disgusting cunt.

Then why do you call yourself a rad fem? It only makes you look retarded.

What makes you radical?

By their own free will. Freedom comes at a cost that not all are capable of shouldering.

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men cannot do not belong in women's spaces
feminism is women's space

This is the "heh you don't like gays that must mean you want to fuck one" cope. Because a barren catlady is in a position to lecture a guy with kids about his virility lmao. Roasties, when will they learn?

Can I be your boyfriend?

And politics is man's space. Yet here you are.

i am op oddly enough

Who hurt you?

Is she Jewish? Cause she looks like a Jew.

use another gun


Then you are not a radfem. Any radfem would know about biophilia vs necrophilia.

when should my bedtime be, mother? i don't have an adult in my life.

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>exist independently
If you really want to be alone, I guess it would work for you.
I don't, and in my experience most other women don't either. I don't understand what your deal is with independence, what's so great about it?

because that's what it's called bra

it's the difference between modern feminism. anti porn for example

implying i don't have kids

thus disproving you