Our future rulers

Just like England did to the world 500 years ago, China is currently expanding it's presence in the world. Whether you like it or not, it's likely your childhood neighborhoods will be full of Chinese in 20 years and your children will be speaking Mandarin. Instead of fighting it, why don't you just embrace it and make life easier for yourselves?? Why do you all have to be so fucking racist to Chinese even though they make the world better through investment and trade.

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Other urls found in this thread:


There is no reason to oppose Chinese supremacy. The only alternative is American dominance which means more transsexual propaganda, more wars for Israel and enforcing Zionist interests. The inconvenient truth most Americans are reluctant to admit is that Americans are also bug people, perhaps even more so than chinks. Imagine going out of your way to serve another nation and country because your administration portrays it as the moral thing to do, zero fucking self-awareness. But yeah, Murrica first and all that, totally a rational behavior or not a bug or a hive mind mentality.

>There is no reason to oppose Chinese supremacy.
Maybe if they weren't controlled by the CCP.

All I see is a future corpse.

CCP will fall in our lifetime. Even the elites in the CCP want to take Xi out now. He has lost the mandate of heaven, and there are plenty of even pro CCP chinks who think this may have had something to do with the bio lab in Wuhan. Chinks know that chinks are dishonest. That's why their societies are low trust. That's why they buy our baby formula and PPE, because they cant trust the quality from within because chinks are the jews of the orient, except slightly dumber. Focus on CCP mainlander chinks, support the Taiwanese and Honk Konkers and the CCP will die under the weight of it's own filth.

THIS.. CIA will get him soon. CCP's days are numbered after this fucking bat-eating fiasco.

Bless you OP

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There will be a clash of civilizations. The largest obstacle for NWO is China.

Wew lad

The Chinese don’t make the world a better place. They’re raw dogging it in the ass as we speak.

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because cockroaches can't control lions. chinese people are inferior idiotic beings. the world under their absolute influence would be just some sort of pathetic social experiment

>white colonialism bad
>yellow communism good
nah, die
ww3 will be humans vs chinese

But why? Those guys are great!

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Hello Chinkoid


God bless you Brazil bro

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i live in cupetino, my neighborhoods are already full of chinese. it's because nobody wants to live in that totalitarian shithole. the CCP can barely control its own people, they're too busy making fools of themselves over a few glownigger protests to make any real moves. chinese leadership is fucking stupid and they've been tricked into exposing how subhuman they are on the international stage too many times to be a world leader. prior to Xi, westerners were actually cozying up to the idea of a chinese century. now people are realizing they've become another north korea. the shanghai shivers has effectively redpilled everyone on the chink menace, and the chinese blew their chances at being a world superpower yet again for the 7th time.

Xi has done an outstanding job and is a true and a just leader

Because if you fight it we win. If you don't they win. Its simple lmao. Are you a spineless coward,?

China is undermining US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean by exploiting the liberal immigration and overseas student visa policies of its allies in the Pacific Ocean, specifically, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and China is colonising the strategic coastal cities of Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland via the unregulated student visa program so as to demographically replace the white European population. In 2016 550,000 overseas students arrived in Australia and in 2017 624,000 overseas students arrived in Australia, the majority from mainland China. The major political parties of Canada, Australia and New Zealand have been infiltrated by Manchurian candidates in the employ of the Chinese Government and if one wants to talk about foreign meddling in US affairs one doesn’t need to look further than China.

The whole world is wising up to the chinks. They'll be humbled soon.

I look forward to New Zealand and Australia being majority Chinese

disgusted to see such a post from my flag. Kys faggot.

Well I'm actually Chinese but living in New Zealand. Auckland will be fully Chinese within a few generations. Might as well start learning Mandarin cuzzie.

The whole world vs some bat eating chinks, who would win?

disgusting parasite. Why do you feel such a sense of entitlement to white lands you fucking insect?

Their donations to other countries, to ‘help’ with the Coronavirus, don’t come from a place of benevolence. They’re purely to save face. This article proves this, beyond any doubt.


>white land
we're taking it as you have taken from the natives

No need to fight against it. Your children will most likely enjoy superior Chinese manufacturing and culture in your nation. Be grateful, disgusting swine.

revealing your power level as a pack of filthy animals that breed and spread diseases is a great way to get genocided you filthy yellow bastards

a locust knows only the desire to consume

Whether the US likes it or not, I believe that China will sooner or later become the
Chinese are willing to work for cheap and operate on tight profit margins.

As a small business owner, it is much easier to outsource to Chang for a substantially lower price and the same skillset as a local worker, and no paperwork to fill out, no super to pay etc.

Before you ask, I may be an Australian, but I'm not Chang.

Yeah. I’m amazed at how rhetorically inept OP is. What kind of moron posts that in a thread designed to demoralize Westerners?

Can’t say I’m surprised though—it’s well established that the Chinese are socially retarded.

>Chinese are willing to work for cheap
t. winniethejew

This. Balanced and based.

Who has more coronavirus cases, US or China? Faggot.

Payback for the opium trade

If they could do something about the faggots and niggers I'd be on board, But they are coming after me.

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Kill yourselves.

>he thinks china will stand the test of an angry organized european

What a kek

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Leave it to a well trained Chinese monkey to believe the CCP’s numbers.
China has zero credibility, their past deceptions made sure of that.


China is fucked

How can you confirm that link isn't a hoax by the CIA?


>muh American boogieman
Stop blaming your mistakes on other countries and take some responsibility. It’s cowardly.

Please, do suck some endagered species cock on the wet markets wu mao. No one wants or tolerates you here. China will burn in nuclear fire and all of your family and friends will die screaming.

I sincerely hope you die a slow and gruesome death.

Anybody who believes in this bullshit is the literal definition of cuck, someone who willingly wants to be cuckolded by a man of another inferior race. Honestly, redpilled white men like me should meet up and exterminate the chinese insects in the united states. This will be with american manufactured AR-15's, not chinese manufactured shitcake-47s. Chinese cockroaches deserve to be shot on a post, and they already do that to eachother in their shithole country.

Why doesn't Chinese ppe work?

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i've been browsing this board for a long time and i'm beginning to get really tired of that cocksucking tone that every slide/shill thread has. whoever is behind this thread, please expire you faggot.

Er....wrong. Chinas fucked mate. They lost the Mandate of heaven - people in their own coutnry are beginning to wake up to them, and they just made the whole world hate them. No friends, no allies - they've never even fought a war. Its inevitible. The Chinese missed their chance.


>and your children will be speaking Mandarin
Nah, english is too widespread right now and too easy to learn to lose its status of worldwide lingua franca.

>inb4 "french language lost it status"
That's because it was only used by the elite, english is now used by the common man.

Can you even read? That says SARS not coronavirus. Retarded cowboy.

Fun fact: China hasn't donated a single mask to any country since this whole corona virus thing started.

They are selling medical supplies but pushing the propaganda that they are sending medical aid (but just leaving out the part where they're sending it after being paid to do so).

That isnt medical Supplies, thats bat stew you dumb fuck. You really think the chinese government, who created the virus in the first place, will send medical supplies to wuhan china? Its full of cooked snakes and instant bat stew from maruchan, 100%

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6 billion Chinese died from covid.
They only have -4 billion left. So I think not

I dunno, I value my organs personally.

How many masks has America donated? 0

How many has China donated? Millions.

Which is the more generous nation?

You tell me.

>superior Chinese manufacturing and culture in your nation.

kek good one kiwibro. I know you arent a chinksect.

How stupid are you that you can’t see the parallel? They lied about SARS, they’re willing to lie about future outbreaks too. I’m calling bullshit on the brainy Chinese stereotype.

China hasn't donated 1 mask. They've sold them (though most are faulty, as you'd expect of Chinese made trash).

Although, back in January China scoured the planet for masks and had billions of them sent back to China.

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Die insect
You aren't human

And none of their shit works. By donating faulty equipment, you give people a false sense of security and put them in more danger than if you donated nothing at all. How can you not feel shame? Or do you feel ONLY shame?

>can’t believe china
>numbers are all made up
>products are inferior
>>all anglosaxon shit is made in china
>>biggest anglosaxon companies use products made in china

All I know is I'm not going to lift a finger to help liberal democracy because it's just niggers, muslims, trannies, fags and other degenerate shit. Why the FUCK would I defend multiculturalism, feminism, homosexuality and above all the greatest evil - immigration and racemixing.

Churr my maori

Based user, those masks dont do shit because they arent respirators. Respirators block out most particles from sneezes and those particles cant be stopped by surgical msks

America is China's bitch

US colleges are dominated by Chinese
NBA, Blizzard, ... are bitches of China
Crashed US stocks are now being bought predominantly by the Chinese
China sells opiods and other illegal drugs to Amercia

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It's more likely to go into a dynastic collapse, followed by a period of chaos before China reforms once again under a new government. This is the normal cycle for China. It's happened before, and it will happen again.

based, racemixing should be punishable by castration, or even better, lethal injection.

We’ve never started a global pandemic, and then made it 2000X worse by deceiving the world in the early stages, thus damning possibly millions to death.

America is collapsing right now.
China will have a more powerful economy and military than the US in 5 to 10 years.

America will drink Chinese semen

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Both USA and China are bad, but USA is worse because they have a strong military that can bomb people who disagree with them.