Aus/pol/ What is China's end game?

What is China's end game in Australia?

There are so many Chinese living here, just go to any university in Melbourne, they are taking up all of our industry.

Where will this lead in Australia, will Australia become a colony of China? If so will Chinese girls still love white guys? Will other countries also become colonies of China?

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Shit's fucked user, they will take over everything. I just hope that Asian girls will still lavish over us though lol.

Who is your TV Mummy?
For me it’s Leigh Sales

This could be the boil point. If people arent retarded and they focus on mainlander CCP chinks and the fifth colum that the CCP has been supporting in our country then muh racism arguments won't stick. Support Hong Kong and Taiwan and they cant call you racist. The CCP chinks are a threat to everything we know and love, and they're more than happy to enjoy the benefits of living in a non chink majority society while also running ops to take over and make everything shitty like it is in their gay country .

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Learn to be nice to China. They are your future. America is sinking like a stone. We will be with them because of geography and culture for better or worse. You guys need to get fucking real. Give your collective head a shake and accept reality.

You be nice and you might be able to keep a white majority for a generation or two. Be blustery bogans and China can bankrupt you. Keep in mind America CANNOT and will not save you, and The Uk is over. You are on your own and your future is in Asia.

I get that you're shitposting but you're not funny, cunt. People like you will legit get the rope one day.

You can’t even make rope. China has to import it to you.

That Iranian or Levantine chick on ABC news 24. All the others are gross bar 1 blonde.

You're autistic, we get it

Will white guys still be able to get Asian girls if china does take over Australia or not?

Of course. Asian women arent magically going to get the hots for Asian men are they?

Yeah, but if it's the chinese government that's in power they'd be more attracted to Asian men.

CCP will fall in our lifetime. Taiwan and Hong Kong will be free. Fuck you mainlander, we all know you're a the new fifth column in the west, nobody likes you, your own women dont even like you and everybody knows how gross, cruel and soulless you are.

>will Chinese girls still love white guys?

Any white man that marries an asian is a fucking loser

Nope, the CCP is in power in China and Chinese women can barely stand Asian men. To be fair, they were aborted on mass, but mostly they all look gross and the same.

i think we're gonna be in a situation similar to hong kong soon. population will be majority chinese but we'll have pretty much the same australian values. by soon i mean ~50 yrs

>will Chinese girls still love white guys

kek, imagine being such a coomer that this is even a factor

>we'll have pretty much the same australian values.

Maybe for 1 or 2 generations after the demographic shift. But afterwards that kind of behavior will get smacked down by the millions newly arrived from China proper.

>i think we're gonna be in a situation similar to hong kong soon

Uhhhhh you're not really selling it.

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yeah good point. just wanted to make it clear that australia demographically is fucked and our economy can't survive without immigrants.

You've chinged your last chong, chang.


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Why shouldn't it be? Asian women are fucking beautiful, especially Chinese girls, so if the CCP grasps control of Australia, there is a chance that it could decrease the attraction that Asian women feel towards white men.

Australia is resource rich, and big country, with a small population. They will import chongs until you are a vassal state of the china

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i know you don't care but i hope you know we all secretly laugh at aussies that date female chinks. you're meant to fuck them once then drop. actually dating one and eventually getting married is tantamount to impregnating an abo,

Pauline was right about everything
these filthy cunts have been buying the Liberal and Labour party and every other thing as part of a soft invasion
it's time for all Chinese to fuck off back to China
don't do business with them, don't fucking talk to them, don't stop Russell Crow when he's kicking their fucking head in

Wait are you denying that chinese women and white men should be together?

Why? They are so beautiful? Not to mention they love us.

i’ve been thinking about purchasing that book. what’d you think of it?

has already been

I want a chinese girlfriend so bad.


U sorry bastard

Hey look guys, a chink in my country, and it's LYING. imagine my shock.

Whites invented modern rope manufacturing processes, like we invented everything else, slope. This is why you speak a white language on a white computer network and your plague rat people flee your homeland to live in our shadow.

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You want a pet girlfriend. You sound like a loser that cant get a pretty white girl. Kill yourself fag

Here is your girlfriend

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she is prettier than any white girl in existence.
fucking cope

We must take the grand opportunity we've been given to drive them out. In the Chinese mind, Australia has been annexed. The stat government of Victoria was the first to be completely owned by the CCP. We must stop the rest succumbing.

What's happening there?

Nice try Chang. You think we don't realise you're a filthy insect? You live like a bug, you die like a bug. Nobody will mourn you.

>end the white australia policy they said
>you will be culturally enriched they said

China wins

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stfu you kiwi rape baby.
i love me some chinese women and there is nothing you can do to stop us fellow yellow fever brethren. you fags will die out. I will keep on letting cute chinks and their family in masses

Mariam Saab? Yum

If you are looking for some sensible answers I might be able to assist.

China is an emerging world power- the problem for the mis establishing any kind of power outside their own borders.
Without media pull and under constant attack from america, few cultural connections and having been so isolated they struggle to elicit any sympathy let along loyalty from anyone.

China also has issues with it's economic position, exporting mainly heavy machinery and industrial scale low value production
They have become wealthy astonishingly quickly- but if the Yuan rises it will immediately undermine the viability of all their exports.

Australia is in a unique position in many ways.
We don't have any traditional alliances being such a young country, and have been largely abandoned by the failed commonwealth.
We also have vast amounts of land that could produce five times more produce if there was enough development and demand.
We also have a absurdly small population for such a large amount of land.
Our defence force is reasonably competent and we cannot be bullied in tit for tat small scale proxy conflicts

Checked. Chinkpocalypse imminent

"Wow, politicians make me so moist"

OP is dumb as a rock and can't put 2 and 2 together

China massively btfo

>Uhhh you guys do it.
You'll never do anything. This place has more larping and writing out the ass than a Tumblrettes 100 page fanfic gone wild.

we will enslave all white males and impregnate white women when we will be the majority

I'm starting to become legitimately convinced the government is going to use this as an excuse to round us up, put us in camps and disappear us.

What do?

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racemixing is disgusting

They barely put people in prison here at all. I think they would need to bring in chinko specialists to do it

I see people have been reading the great replacement

fuck off.

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Lol if you're a low test cuck sure.

Ism't most of Yas Forums in love with asian women anyway?

I love Muslims and I've never bothered to read it gaysio
Stay away from my house or I'll cough on your glow in the dark clowns