Yas Forums is a fucking dirge lately

Yas Forums is a fucking dirge lately.

Post something funny you haven't had reason to post in a while

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I hate u guys


>Er kommt aus Österreich.
>Er spricht deutsch.

An Deifi dua i Piefkinesisch redn, du Gfrast!

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Gets me every time. Did he ever post the full book online?

more please

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what does it say

I am sad because this is how the law should be enforced. Imagine if we treated rapists and murderers the way we do with illegals?

>Okay, this is a sanctuary city

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It says something like "blood please (and money if you can spare)"

She's a vampire

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anyone know if these guys are still at it?

>pic related

I know of the raid that killed him, but does his legacy live on?

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what am I looking at?

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>posting this low quality re-write
delete it please

Benis blown off in a drone strike I'm pretty sure

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yeah you're right it does suck

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i own exactly THIS pan and its an absolute killer. 10/10 worth every euro


Attached: aku-cyanidi.jpg (504x470, 68.8K)

Oh for the love of God. This is incredible.

Post the Katie one from lit. I'm rangebanned.

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Should be:
>Major economic crisis on top of an impending economic devastation
>Large scale pandemy
>The charleston

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I'm pretty onboard with this. Deco and flappers are fucking sweet.

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