Evening lads.

>'Treated worse than criminals': Australian arrivals put into quarantine lament conditions

>New limits on socialising, moratorium on evictions, what to watch in lockdown

>‘Bitterly disappointing’: Returning Australian doctors ‘skipped isolation’

>Australian-designed artificial intelligence set to aid diagnosis of coronavirus

>Australia tightens foreign investor rules

>Coronavirus Australia: The latest cases and trends

>Coronavirus live updates: $130b package to support wages; 'Decrease' in case rate; ACT records its first COVID-19 death


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Praise him

Does it concern anyone else in QLD that the Police have just been given such invasive powers carte blanche indefinitely?

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What have QLDPol been given?

Firstly, fuck jannies.
>all this bootlicking and fear mongering
Public Health Act 2010, Section 7 is the applicable legistlation
You can only be prosecuted for an offense if you violate a public health order. Currently, the only relevant orders are to isolate yourself if you have the Wuhan Wheeze, mass gatherings are forbidden, and non-essential businesses are to remain closed. There are also limits on how many people may gather inside a place that isnt their own home according to floorspace.
That's pretty much it for everyone who lives on the mainland.
Reminder that nothing in the Public Health Act 2010 empowers the Minister to ignore any other Act or regulation, including the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia Act, which means his order to close places of worship is actually not enforceable until the Premier of NSW declares a State of Emergency. The State of Emergency Act 1989 allows the Minister to ignore any of legislation, including the Constitution Act, so prepare to be mysteriously disappeared by ASIO when that happens as part of a public safety initiative.
Also fuck jannies

i hate niggers

What about people already laid off or on 0 hours? Do they get rehired? Do I get 1500p/f of sit down money?

tbf it's probably nothing they weren't already doing

The scomo death squads are next.

We should have listened to Alex Jones

You never had any freedom to begin with.

American from the last thread, going to go to bed soon, finally getting tired. It was nice talking with you guys. Not all of us are fucking retards. Cya.

you're all fat retards. Also, we're closed.

Says who?

This is for NSW btw
Pic related, a true New South Welshman

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Powers to enforce the "No greater than 2 people" law on private property (meaning in your own home) Made it a crime to violate all the new measures (no more than 2 ANYWHERE, going to parks/outdoor gyms, leaving the hoe without a valid reason)

what are the chances we implement some actual socialist policies after this? or is everyone gonna go back to sticking their heads in the sand?

Get out of here before pic rel happens to you too

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Wrong, Biosecurity Act 2015 (and the four other similarly named and relevant acts) grants dictatorial powers to ministers that overides existing legislation.

got my CRN, was only on hold for 2 hours. was just about to get a linking code to link centrelink to my account and she accidentally hung up on me as I was reading out id numbers.

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*the home. You can always ditch the hoe.
It's the private property stuff that gets me, the fact they can rock up to your house and enforce it there and make arrests shocks me as a blatant abuse of power.

Where are all the people making a fuss about their right to protest? Inside begging for peaceful assembly to be illegal

>he doesn't follow firearm owners united or cleaver firearms on Facebook


>or is everyone gonna go back to sticking their heads in the sand?
Sadly we already know the answer.

>accidently hungup on me

welcome to Cenno mah boy, that wasn't an accident

yes don’t worry... i’m sure these laws will get wound back.... that always happens...

Make sure it's legal before you lock your stupid ass inside for two months
Takes 20 mins to look up legislation and read it, lawyers are scammers that charge you 500 an hour to read a book

fuck this

Good night bro.

Simply call back user
>3hrs each time

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The curve is Flattening™

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I have no intention of moving to your country, or probably ever visiting to be honest. I hope that makes you happy.
Night man, stay safe.
It wouldnt, but I appreciate your concern.

Ah, that sounds about inline with the rest of the country senpai. Not going to sugarcoat it, I don't feel comfortable with it and agree with , these powers won't be wound back. They were probably necessary to stop the disease and stop people being retarded, but still the fact that they won't get wound back is something to be very concerned about.

#flattenthecurve #virtuesignalling

When do you think Harvey Norman will close, or are we gonna be selling/delivering fucking lounge suites and coffee tables throughout this whole thing?

If we're not looking at closing by the start of next week I can't see it closing at all.

Reminder the current theory is to keep distance measures up forever until there is a vaccine

dont fucking come back

G'morning my Auzzy cousins.

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And yes you will be forced to take it

>got my CRN
Welcome, brother

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the reason it's flattening is to pat themselves on the back because they ARENT FUCKING TESTING PEOPLE

if there are no tests the curve is gonna flatten

literally all lebs

>can't check the process of my cenno application
I fucking know its slipped through bureaucratic cracks somewhere (because they always do) but can't do shit to fix it this time.

I'm a sole trader. Can I get the $1500/fortnight and just sit on my ass all day? I don't want to go back to work.

Same with Maccas

Straya is going for herd immunity.
Also any self employed anons going for jobkeeper?

I'm not concerned for you, mate. I'm threatening you. Get out, or I'll pay another nutjob to blow a load on your face and post it here.

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I do not praise terrorists or terrorist activity.
Bad bait, ASIS.
But please let me know if you're hiring. I've had too much difficulty applying online. Too slow, never hear back.
PS. Israel is our greatest ally, Palestine may have a flag, but they won't get a legitimate state. Bagels are my favourite food group.

The ghost of Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen approves this message.

Finally, someone has said what we've all been thinking.

WA gun stores have been closed for about 4 or 5 days now. Very quiet shut down it was, too.

the emergency powers are going to go to their heads pretty soon, if not already.
Making the choice to protest in the streets in a group is going to be a life or death decision soon enough :(

In case roll call guy shows up, here's my proofs.

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Be patient, you'll be living it up in no time. Vidya and animu and gibs await

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Less than 3 weeks dont bother.

good. Fuck off and don't come back

Maccas won't close as long as Drive Thru, McDelivery & Take Away are still in use

>t. Maccas worker

bros i have a dry sore throat, headache slightly tight chest but no fever or cough

sword ... king of england ... etc

Yes. Provided you can demonstrate corona took your dollareedoos.

Did you actually pay attention to the overview delivered by the PM and his kike? this was answered several times.

>sore throat
stop sucking dick then

Can you post the relevant excerpts please

You'll be dead by morning.

I'd say we will if we make it to stage 4

im not

Has anybody had way more police sirens the normal I live in a pretty posh quiet suburb to. They aren’t seriously running the sirens on people holding hands are they