Italy has been drifting sideways for 12 days now

How come there are still that many cases despite strict quarantines? How do you get the virus if you stay indoors?

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They already had it and testing has increased

Singing out of windows like complete retards

Does singing infect others?


high population of chinese infecting the water supply

Viruses travel, they're small, and dumb wood do this instead of staying inside their small shitty stone homes
Also nice quads

Wops*** not wood fucking anti racist Google text

It's going to take 2-ish weeks for the numbers to start declining.

Because lockdowns are a stupid solution

Because the virus has an incubation period before symptoms show also there are still people working in "essential services" who may also be spreading the virus unknowingly

I dunno sherlock maybe they only have 4-6k tests available per day?

Their curve makes no sense.
They're just recording elderly people dying of whatever cause as Corona deaths, because they're trying to get shekels from Germany.

Not everyone lives in their mother's basement. People have to leave to get food.

We have given them 100k tests, so they should be testing more.

its called flatting the curve retard

>strict quarantines
30% of workplaces are not on lockdown, and Italians are a special brand of retarded animals.
A friend of mine is a butcher, he said he sees the same boomer 4 or 5 times in a day coming to buy 2€ or 3€ worth of stuff in a supermarket just to have a walk outside
Also southern people believe they're above all of this

No, it’s “sideways movement”.


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Checked, beast numbers must be 5G poisoning.

>drifting sideways
They've hit the testing limit 12 days ago. Real cases per day still following the original trend.

manpower and time it takes to process tests is still a factor. Sherlock.

If the quarantine doesn’t do anything, why have it?

You will pbey goy

>How do you get the virus if you stay indoors?
you get it when you go to hospital for something else and it gets recorded as a corona death even if that's not the case.

it takes on average 7 days for symptom onset from original infection

it takes on average 7 days for symptoms to progress to severe from symptom onset

it takes on average 10 days for a lab test to complete. lab tests are being given primarily to those showing severe symptoms

Basically It takes 24 days on average from the time of original infection until you end up as an official count in the case numbers. The number of new cases reported today is actually the number of new infections from about a month ago that eventually become severe.

It does work, but you also have to make everyone wear masks and have crews of people disinfecting everything in order to slow the spread and not overwhelm the hospitals.
People are walking around without masks and nobody is on my street spraying anything.

>How do you get the virus if you stay indoors?
Transmission between family members, which was a huge cause of case growth in Hubei. A huge percentage of Italian households are multigenerational thanks to long-standing cultural norms and the economy being in the shitter for a decade.

>it takes on average 10 days for a lab test to complete.
Stop talking about shit you know nothing about you ignorant prick, it's several hours at most

This. I know a guy who works in a supermarket, where you have to wait in line for ages to get in. He told me he sees some people almost everyday.

They probably got it from a chink spitting on their food.

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>t takes on average 7 days for symptom onset from original infection
Does it? I heard it is 2 to 14 days with average of 4-5 days.
>it takes on average 7 days for symptoms to progress to severe from symptom onset
I heard it can be severe immediately especially for old people who make up 90% of severe cases.
>it takes on average 10 days for a lab test to complete.
Here in Germany, it is 24hr max for severe cases and 72hrs max for everyone else. Samples become unreliable after 48-72hrs.

/this/, in hospitals tests take 6hrs

lol i have a friend that works at a grocery store and he also thinks he is better than anyone that shops there, imagine hating people for going there everyday when you actually work there every day. The lack of self awareness is astounding. I go about twice a week because I like the specials. The friendly workers point me in the right direction and give me tips on deals.

>I heard it can be severe immediately especially for old people who make up 90% of severe cases.
40% of those needing artificial respiration are under 40

Look at it this way. It's going to kill all your old people and maybe that will open up a bunch of jobs and money for younger people.

What is so difficult to understand about

There is a limit of how many tests they can do every day. In italy it is about 6k/day.

They do not test everyone.

Check number of deaths.

At the same time, Italy is about to boost their death count because they didn’t count deaths at home as corona deaths


>imagine hating people for going there everyday when you actually work there every day
Because they HAVE to work there, while other people have the CHOICE of shopping weekly or several times daily
He told me he asked one of those people "You need something else" and the twat responded "No man, i'll come this afternoon"

>they didn’t count deaths at home as corona deaths

Not sure

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>24hr max for severe cases

Pff, snek got it within three hours here.

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family members can spread it

nice reddit spacing

>In italy it is about 6k/day.

By 29 March, Italy had conducted about 454,000 tests for the virus.

i think they are contaminated the water

they should be more humble is my point

implying the number of tests isn't proportional to the number of positives, here in Italy it'll be no suprise if positives are actually 10 times the numbers (as experts say). The problem isn't the number of tests but how many tests you can process.

A better value could be deaths and recovered trends but it's hard to have the right numbers because a lot of people is dying in their own houses without been considered dead by covid.
We'll see the real numbers (all around the world) merely in few months.

At the moment only suspected are tested and, even in lockdown, there is still too much people working or going to supermaket many time at week.

>How do you get the virus if you stay indoors?

Because they were poisoned at a Football Match

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they arent on lockdown, they go shopping every day, some even to multiple places

you spread it to your close relatives?

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Why don't you(america&europe) wear a mask? You guys are probably as retarded as niggers. Even pajeets wear masks though.

Maybe your tests suck. European countries are dumb enough to buy the bullshit chinese tests. It's pretty clear the US tests work best

You may already have it without knowing or showing any symptoms. Then you go to a local store and infect 20 more people. Also checked.

shortage of masks in the first weeks, we're not used to produce masks because our air is not shit and we don't die from seasonal colds like you do

because you look like a bitch. I look at maskfags and the shame in their eyes is palpable.

Based Supersatan, 60% of Italians didn't respect the martial law and now they have much lower infection rates, so they're waiting for 1 week for incubation and maybe another week for people to get sick enough to report. Their trend looks okay.

Even worse is the CDC actually tried to claim for weeks that masks wouldnt help protect uninfected people solely because they knew they didnt have enough masks for healthcare workers. Why didnt we have enough masks? Because they were made in other countries.

Only recently have they changed their tune on masks




>Even pajeets wear masks though

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When the new tests arrive on april 1st itll take 5min for a positive and 15 for a negative. Expect confirmed test numbers to spike when that happens

do you have sources that prove this?

happening faggots COPE

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There are CDC studies about the lag time that can be found here

From symptoms to hospitalization is 7 days. From hospitalization to ICU is 5 days. From symptoms to death is 13 days. These are all median numbers.

That guy is repeating old information about how long it takes for tests to complete. Newer tests take a few hours. Starting next week the tests will take 5min.

Eventually exponential growth will outpace testing capabilities. When that happens the confirmed cases will flatten out but the actual cases will still be rising. Italy clearly has reached its testing ceiling. When newer US produced tests arrive theyll probably see a spike in cases simply due to better testing tech