Should I buy gold immediately, Yas Forums?

Should I buy gold immediately, Yas Forums?

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You can try but you're a bit late to the party

>is coffee good for you
Fuck you.

That's a man btw

Imagine the smell

Still mad that the nudes got nuked

Yep, it's all.......................................gone!

That giantess has big bearing hips. I will give her my seed.

>Should I buy at an all time high?
Are you retarded?

Built for BBC

Too late.

Should have bought a year ago.prices are so high you are bound to loose money.

Too late and too expensive
Buy food and guns (there are still some good deals)

Don’t you guys think these prices are going to just keep going up with the mines shut down?

Wait until $1800/oz before you buy m8


prices have been steady since that period when a fuck load of paper gold got sold to meet margin calls or whatever the fuck happened

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some are saying the price is actually completely detached from paper/spot value due to demand. try to buy some gold and find out

>baby's first stack of silver

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Too late because there's no physical gold in the market. There's a shortage, the price in London/Chicago is lower than the price of a physical gold coin or bar.

I like the Kookaburras, have 10×1oz for each year since 2011 in my stack

Gold is actually worth nothing in an apocalypse, you cant eat it, you cant drink it, it won't protect you and all is takes for it to becomes worthless is for the collective society to decide they'd rather give their good or service for something immediately usable instead of for something that might be useful in future.

yeah even if this virus blows over i'm full blown collector now, i want some maple leafs and krugerrands and all the different sovereign nation coins

just as a reminder

Great Depression,,
Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States". The order was made under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the Emergency Banking Act the previous month.

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all it did was make it contraband, like having weed they just take it from you if caught and back then people still had faith in the government so went and turned in their gold for cash i bet literally fucking nobody would turn in their gold today

What type of apocalypse though? Would gold have been a good asset to hold a proportion of your wealth in during the Argentine economic collapse in 1998, or in Venezuela or Zimbabwe's recent hyperinflationary periods, or the collapse of the Soviet Union?

same can be said for fiat currency.

True, but this isn't about an apocalypse.

Dude isnt the price of gold and silver gonna drop really low, think about it
Retards are all buying out in panic, said panic doesn't turn out that bad and the same retards start panic selling at insanely cheap prices

Its all sold m8

>in an apocalypse
the chances of that are very slim the governments and military aren't going to just up and disappear like a fucking zombie movie. gold is just a store of value it's not an investment it's for when the dollar dies which will happen every fiat currency in history has failed and societies fail but they don't reset back to zero when it happens

And yet pre-1933 US gold coins still exist

Buy them some kangaroo friends.

Well, most of you idiots pay with credit cards and other traceable means of payment. Nobody is going to ask you kindly if that should happen.

The coin dealers are charging a 16% markup OVER the spot price of gold to buy their physical gold.

buy more when it drops, hoarding physical gold/silver is a long term thing. it's basically just insurance against the dollar nothing more

Mmm you’d think but we've seen things this month we’ve never seen before or haven’t seen in generations, seems like the music may have really stopped with the dollar

i only have 16 ounces of silver and 1 oz of gold they aren't going to come after such a small amount i would assume and the gold coin was purchased in the fucking 80s

i think i fucked up.... some of my silver is tarnishing, should i have moved them to coin cases like yours? tarnish is literal corruption of the silver right? like silver is converting to tarnish or wtf the fuck

yea lol buy gold when its at an all time high
also there will be loooots of people wanting gold in the apocalypse

Never open them out of the thing you get them in

tarnishing doesn't matter, you can fix it with baking soda aluminum foil and warm water. coin collectors actually like the shit anyway

and and if you clean them, don't fucking inhale that shit

Actually people have wanted gold for as long as there hav been people so it figures yeah they’re still gonna want it

i sold all my gold for silver about a week ago

went to buy 6kg of silver today, have a 8-10 week waiting period.

theres that meme word again, in a apocalypse your actually just fucked thats like 10 years of never getting a another good night's sleep, if you invest like 10grand in gold and it's only a semi fuck up and the dollar dies, that 10 grand will be a literal boomer's house after the reset

yeah i think it was the one plastic roll i opened

but is it still not losing silver content?

it technically does lose silver but it's not a measurable amount afaik, 1 oz coin will be a 1oz coin for like hundreds of years. boomers dig up silver from the 1800s and clean it and looks brand new

That's a dude?!

people in a civilization want gold.
starving people who are being shot at and raided everynight want food, ammo, and medicine.
nobody is going to want your fucking rocks for 30 years after shit hits the fan.

see above.

This will be a hit meme

>Actually people have wanted gold
To do what with?

you should have a plan for each step of the ladder down societal collapse the poor can become wealthy in times of monumental change only hoarding camping gear in a once in a lifetime opportunity has no major upside other than just surviving

>has been money for 7,000 fucking years
you should probably just buy litecoin instead

Yea, it was. But what's the use for it now, when we have superior forms of money?

Its for paying debts to the interim gov., when currency goes to shit. I.E. Keeping the shit you put on loan. If all assets are down TP(self san.), food(self sate.) and guns(self def) are king.

>when we have superior forms of money?
right until 1922 happens again

Attached: Children playing with stacks of hyperinflated currency during the Weimar Republic, 1922 (1).jpg (1060x500, 114.91K)

It wouldn't make gold any lighter, or commercially viable, dude.
Get with the times.

I told some folks I know, friends, family etc... to do it back in December. They were like, nah. I got some more on 3/18 and grabbed some silver too. Then outta nowhere this weekend they were calling, texting asking me where to get gold and silver... I told each and every one of them to stop and think, buy low and sell high. But mind you all of these people either have a 2 year supply of TP or none at all. So the short of it all is: pearls before swine. Oh yeah, OP you are swine for asking.

who is she?

none of that shit is rare though, more guns than people, enough fucking deer in this country to feed everyone for 50 fucking years before we would make them extinct, and stuff to wipe your ass with is literally everything if you want it to be

the first banks(?) were blacksmiths and receipts on your gold stored at them were traded, if some retarded with wooden teeth could figure this shit out a population that has had the internet has no excuse

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So already you admit that there are better things to use than bullion. Guess that 7000 years doesn't amount to much.

yeah this strange concept of backing your paper with gold in a vault somewhere was accepted as a not crazy idea until 1971 when the gold standard died. everything has been real peachy since then

That's a separate matter, but just as retarded. Why put your national eggs all into one basket? You're limited with those eggs, and that basket.

I thought it was a little too ironic that America The Beautiful 5oz Silvers were Fruit Bats. I had to buy a 10 pack.

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>Buy immediately?
Pace yourself and your portfolio
Self manage it as a percentage and never over react.

>Why put your national eggs all into one basket? You're limited with those eggs, and that basket.
>In 1967, Australia abandoned the sterling standard and pegged the Australian dollar to the United States Dollar

you realize all the world's fiat currency is pegged to the dollar as the reserve currency right? all it takes is china releasing a cryptocurrency backed by the 1,948 metric tons of gold, if you even believe their public numbers most think its higher and the Dollar,AUD,EURO everything is fucked

so might wanna ask your government why they put your national eggs in our fucked up basket

>Gold fruit bats

Why would it be fucked? Lots of nations have their own currency.
Most are representative of their economic output, which is almost always higher than the value of any single resource they possess.

I'm sure shiny boomer rocks are a great idea in this day and age.

>petrodollar becomes the petrochingchong
>why can't i afford gas anymore

Jewcoin is based