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because he's doing a great job.

we have more infected than any other country

Testing more

I'm Donald Trump and i approve this message

Bigger population

We have most tested than any country.
If you stop testing, and people die, and covid-19 status is unknown. Technically they didn't die from covid-19.

Anyone who actually believes that needs to be nailed to a cross.


Per capita we're the biggest

Sure we do.

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That would be China.

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If you admit your American why the memeflag?

We have more people, more tight urmon spaces, and less infected dying, and our testing has a higher volume. It's not necessarily better per capita, but it's still more.

Also we don't know China's real numbers, and they guaranteed have more cases than the US. Regardless, the majority of our cases are in the shithole NY.

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Polls are fake moron

It's disinformation. Don't be lulled and turn out in numbers on election day.

Looks like republicans figured out they can rig polls too

top kek nice larp you fucking idiot.

>no link

And what country might that be faggot?

Nice bait

It is those daylie updates he gives. Even CNN has to show how much of a fake news media they are. Ppl realise they got lied to about trumps evilness. Fake news media gets fucked over by the president daily now.

>trump so politically embedded that he can get away with making stern assumptions that he doesn't follow through on
not even criticizing him, and other leader that made the kind of assumptions he has during this time would get politically ravaged. that's why they're going with the worst case scenario, because if they take it lightly and anything happens, their party gets absolutely fucked. i've quite literally never seen a us president so guaranteed a second term.

>media hyped it up
>most people feel fine
> --> I guess Trump did a good job!

Imagine actually believing this

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>he believes chink numbers
NPCs really will believe anything they're told.

Truth Wins.

TRUMP 2020

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no that's switzerland

So excited to see Biden lose in November.

4 more years

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Bernie would have immediately dealt with the virus instead of using it to line his own pockets.

arn't we the third largest country in the world?

pfffffffft bahahahaha

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Bernie would have rolled over and given the job to Biden -
That was a quality move

Bernie would of hugged a chink and already died of it.

If Bernie was in a position of authority, we would have been preparing for this in December. Don't discount him just because he gets screwed over.

>because he's doing a great job.

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Americans are closet authoritarians

Your hate of trump has blinded you to how stupid it is to think this list is evidence of anything.

Things you say and things you do are different, he's giving hope to people, even if it's false hope it stops riots. Trump was preparing for a pandemic back in January despite saying it won't break out. The outbreak in US is the blunder of Jew York, not Trump.

Better than out of the closet homos, you even saying anything against anyone when you need municipal authority to build a cuck shed is laughable

Remember that movie wher almost all of the USA was stricken by a some toxin, and the president was offered a cure early on but refused because most of the affected were degenerates anyway and America would do better without them?

What are the odds this could happen right fucking now?

because 60% of americans are dumb as fuck

>Germans are authoritarians and follow their state
oh rly?

>dont discount bernie just because hes weak and timid

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They only asked Americans.

Show your real flag chankaro

What do you expect him to do? Run out and tell everyone to panic?

It was and remains an evolving situation, but a big part of his job in situations like this is to reassure people and maintain calm and order. Strict lockdown of the country early on might have stopped the virus from entering, but it's impossible to justify such action with only a small number of cases at that point. No other countries did any better at stopping the spread outright.

We have a lot of cases but we're also testing more people so that follows logic. It's a crisis for every country, but overall the US is handling it well with a relatively low death rate.

Do you those response is call denial the burger is afraid, every day from now on is gonna be:
>See that? it already peak haha! And tomorrow we will be free to go outside
But tomorrow will come and they will stay inside and there is gonna be more infections and deaths and then tomorrow will come again and they will be stay inside looking how the time pass spending the Zion Don NEET bucks on toilet paper and when they realise is gonna be 2021 and they will be stay inside with rest of the world as numbers deaths and infected people keep getting bigger and bigger, and I'm gonna be here in the end of the world in middle of nowhere watching this show

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>we have more infected than any other country
>meme flag
So you're in China?

They hate how popular his press conferences are but americans have nothing else to do but watch. Theyre worried and hes the main voice in all this. Media outlets have threatened to stop covering his briefings because he "spreads misinformation" which is bullshit. They know if they didnt cover it then americans would tune into whichever outlet DID cover it. Theyd also probably end up banned from future WH briefings and the american people would be extremely pissed at whichever outlet is preventing them from getting the most direct information from the man in charge

Because they're scared of retaliation when the national lockdown and military patrols happen. They see it coming. It's called the "chilling effect" on free speech.

>the main voice in all this

The """"main voice"""" in all this wanted to get multimillions infected by opening the country up by Easter btw.

r/politics in shambles

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cringe, everyone was saying that

those chinks are lying so much