It begins!

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Literally the plot of the purge except I have a lot of ammo

Anymore details?

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hell yeah

literally who

why did no one have guns lmao

knife crimes only make me think of the UK. i would’ve thought that’s where this was from had i not read more.

fake news, 20 spics in LA and no guns?

Here we go

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I love LA.

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cali lol



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I wonder if they are trying to strong arm medicine. Knocking on doors is a fucking weird thing to do.


I live in a condo a nearby that's full of chinks. Stuff like this is a daily occurrence

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I fucking KNEW Los Angeles was going to be the city that popped off first. Newsom has been way too strict in his lockdowns and the city's on the verge of going to shit on a GOOD day. I give it two weeks before huge swaths of LA are burning.

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Where I live that would be suicide, as every one who lives on my street is well armed and can shoot to kill without recourse in my state when defending their home.

>I live in a condo a nearby that's full of chinks
that's what happens when you live in china, ccp poster.

This is only the beginning of what is to come. You don't sequester people into their homes for too long. This is bound to be the results of people losing their shit and going off the deep edge. This is also why the government is shitting their pants right now because of how people are losing it being forced to stay home. The virus is nothing. This is basically no different than Fascism into works. Honestly though, the fireworks are only gonna get more dicey and more unstable. The government should back off and let people be.

Bumping for interest

Maybe that's the point, so they can take away the guns and trample our rights.

I mean I live near where the incident happened. I'm one of the few whites who live in Watts.

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Based Osakaposter. It's fucking happening.

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Scanner link?

시작 한다 ㅋㅋㅋ

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Look at this! It's gonna bust open darkside networks. I've been looking forward to seeing these losers finally get trolled over the edge en masse.

They can try, but as news has reported it. Ammo and guns are pretty much bought out. People know the boogaloo is gonna go down. They are just readying and waiting for the government to make move. That's when shit hits the fan.

What app is this

>forced to stay home
nobody is being forced to stay home in america.

There's literally too many guns in this country to successfully seize. Go look it up.

I don't understand why normies have a hard time sitting at home. I spent 8 years of my life being a NEET so I could play mmos. I'd give up wagie life to do it again if I could.

Lol, it's gonna be a fart stopped by the law, and the world will change for the better.

I feel like this is an average Sunday night in LA

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no guns so it seems pretty tame

They probably do, but they aren't going to walk around with them out in open

DNC and media knows this.
That is why they are kvetching about Trump trying to ease restrictions, though he just extended

ccp poster, our law enforcement will stand down to it's citizens.
something you cannot grasp.

I think we can all agree this is for the best, LA is an absolute fucking shithole and the sooner they kill each other the better.
t. life long CO resident

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Is this the night of the long knives?

I live in south la. Niggers run with guns not knives so I doubt this in the ghetto. Anons who live in better neighborhoods better watch out cause they're going to get targeted one way or another

You sure about that? Do some research. They are threatening to throw people in jail for being out past curfew in several cities.

owning guns was illegal every day outside of the purge.

Citizen app I believe

You’re in EP?

>Oh my god I can't handle staying at home
The absolute fucking state of normies

Citizen app

Race War!!!!!!!!!!

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Most of us here are just comfy right now. It's the normies losing it being at home for too long.

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>normies lose their shit cause they can't go out and have casual sex and can't go to work to forget about what an absolute fucking piece of shit they are
Gamers will inherent the earth

Please dear fuck please

fake news, it's just a bunch of cooks who want to make food for people

>bringing a knife to a gunf-
Oh wait it's California.

Shit like this doesn't happen in states where people know they'll get shot.

In my state the Governor told everyone to stay at home and said they will hand out arrests if needed.


By the way as a gamer, I didn't spend my time before the virus being retarded. There are more guns in this house than you can count and every single person in this house knows how to use them.

how many rounds do you have in mags though? you cant reload while fighting.

>so they can take away the guns and trample our rights.
God I hope so. I doubt America will turn full on authoritarian before it just collapses in on itself.

they're trying to not freak out the public

Gamers are the lowest form of life on the face of the Earth.

Anyone got a stream or something, link with more info?

If anarchy breaks out know you're gonna be a major target you fucking degenerate fuck

good luck with that. you're gonna need it

Knight of the Long Knives?

Never thought it'd pop up in California of all places.

Too many cooks?

Better than you, you fucking normie cuck.
I'm sure you're seconds away from beating your wife cause you fuckers can't stand each other.

>시작 한다 ㅋㅋㅋ

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a plate carrier holds 6 magazines, don't worry about it anyways

Good answer. Don't let these faggots bait you into saying how much ammo and weapons you have.

Anarchy cannot last for long. Any strong state will wipe anarchist forces apart with ease if there is a political power vacuum. Also why call me a degenerate? I’m more of a man than most Amerifats.

i live in a cucked 10rd mag state and only have 2 mags until my delivery arrives with 10 more mags. im freaking out that im fucked not ordering shit sooner

the weak should fear the strong

Long enough for you to catch a bullet for the damage you did to society though

>threatening to throw people in jail for being out past curfew in several cities
not legal until congress declares martial law.
those cities would be sued into oblivion if they fucked around like that.

Wtf is EP? Watts is the shithole that rioted when done niggers nogged for no reason and destroyed their homes to prove a point. Now it's full of spics, niggers, and niggers/spic mutts

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Night of the Long Knives?