Based country absolutely dabbing on leeches and parasites. Gotta work no matter what, fuck your medical issues...

Based country absolutely dabbing on leeches and parasites. Gotta work no matter what, fuck your medical issues. Take notes, burgers.

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Yeah from home, even got a new headset from chef.
Absolutely chillig.

based albanian bro

It's still boring to live in Switzerland despite being beautiful.

is that Austria? based

Why do you have 7 times more deaths per capita than America, then?

Because they fall off the mountains.

I'd blame Italy, but mainly because our main cause of death isnt obesity at age 70

Suicide. The people here are in general very cold.

fuck i wish i had the strenght for that i was hopeing for sweet corona chan release but i guess it aint happening

Whats wrong bro???

Switzerland is arguably the most pozzed nation in the EU. I include it in the EU because you get fucked by every EU trade agreement without any representation within the union.

>Speaking to Shorlist, Reynard said: “The Swiss Parliament’s decision is great news because it sends the powerful message that homophobia is not an opinion; as for racism, it’s a violation of the law.”

Kill yourself. You're not special. Hitler should have gutted every single one of pathetic, simpering faggots.

Yet you folks come here in masses, to work shitty jobs……...

just tired of living i guess

How old are you???

I'm an American. I can live anywhere I want. I choose to live in Serbia.

Switzerland has money for poor people to steal like every other European piggybank. Don't act holier than thou. Look at Geneva. It'll be no better than Paris soon.

Your gun privileges are just that. You serve your years and then you get a permission slip to hold a rifle, which can be taken away from you if you get too big of a speeding ticket.

You're a fractured nation of four different cultures, none of which can speak a real language.

The reason westerners think Switzerland is so great is that no one reports on its problems. The Swiss people are too proud, and your entire economy is dependent on Swiss brand recognition. Put a red and white + on a pile of shit and it'd sell better and Americans would gawk at its quality.

When people realize Switzerland is just as fundamentally broken as every other shithole in the west they'll stop buying your shit at a premium. You don't have privacy rights, you don't have gun rights, you don't have freedom of speech. Switzerland is the only country in the west with criminal defamation laws on the books.

Your entire country is a sham.

You have a long history of not caring about vulnerable people dying, so nothing new.

Our country may be fractured yet it exists for 300 years now. Can you say the same??? (:

I agree. This country isn't based. It'a full of leftist cucks and we might as well be in the EU. There would be almost zero difference between now and if we were in the EU. In the past few years, leftists have won referendums and elections one after the other. The average Swisscuck is a globalist NPC.

You made being homeless a crime in your country. Thats all i have to know about your based pseudo white morals.

300 years is a pathetic length of time for a European nation. As I said, I'm not even Serbian, I'm American, and the United States has lasted for about as long.

27 enaugh money to never work a day in my life tried multiple relationships never loved anything or anyone basiclly spend my days getting drunk ordering hookers to satisfy carnal desires but nothing brings me joy i fucking hate every day

Absolutely based and red fucking pilled

Switz Is just a place where corrupt politicians and money laundering millionaires go and let their crumbs to the desperates, an trully sad place without history or culture, guided by bloody marked gold.

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Your country exists since 2006. You lying jugo-cocksucker.

>Swiss voters have given a strong approval to a law on new surveillance powers for the intelligence agencies.

>The new law would allow the authorities to tap phones, snoop on email and deploy hidden cameras and bugs.

>It would help Switzerland catch up with other countries, supporters say.

>Opponents have feared it could erode civil liberties and put Swiss neutrality at risk by requiring closer co-operation with foreign intelligence agencies.

>Some 65.5% of voters agreed to accept the proposal. It will allow the Federal Intelligence Service and other agencies to put suspects under electronic surveillance if authorised by a court, the defence ministry and the cabinet.

I know that feel. I wish i could say something comforting. Whatever you do dont go to therapy. It almost made me a murderer.

It is illegal to live on the streets in Hungary, you ignorant fool.

Go back counting gold you stole from jews in WW2.

You live a meaningless life, you have nothing to fight for, go back to your racial background, your people claim for a saviour

Look just take it easy. Its all just a joke. Life is Nothing worth taking serious.

You Sound kinda jelly. I like the hungarian prostitutes you are sending over here though.

lmao therapy... ppl pretending to know what goes on in your head giving advice i wish any of the ppl i talk to could ever understand the bottomless nothingness i feel everyday instead of just beeing jelous of all the money i have and say how can you feel down u can literally do anything u want in life... fuck all these ppl everyone can die for all i care

Do you have Family??

>Voters have endorsed a proposed law to make it illegal to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation. A challenge by conservatives clearly failed at the ballot box.

>Final results from Sunday's ballot show 63.1% of voters came out in favour of extending current anti-racism legislation.

>Opposition came mainly from rural areas in central and eastern Switzerland. The highest approval rates were recorded in French- and Italian-speaking regions and urban areas.

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i agree but its hard to find meaning in anything if u have no drive cause nothing excites you or brings you joy

yes but they mean nothing to me... they love me to no end but i feel nothing they could die tomorrow and i wouldnt shed a single tear cause i feel absolutely nothing

factory closed for 2 weeks kek
fuck off cunt. if they really care about our health we wouldnt work like this

We already have. Remember that we’re the ONLY country on earth that forces people to work for healthcare.

sadly this is true, i moved here from germanistan but soon i too will depart to eastern europe

Do you have any further goals in life???

Spoiled faggot.

>multiple Swiss posters talking about buying prostitutes
Are they really this pathetic? I suppose taking money from pedophile sex rings pays its own toll

>The Swiss will soon vote again on a proposal that could dramatically limit immigration from the EU, six years after a similar referendum nearly destroyed relations with the bloc.

>The Swiss will in May vote on a proposal thatcould dramatically limit immigration from the EU, six years after a similarreferendum nearly destroyed relations with the bloc.

>The Swiss government announced Wednesday that the so-called "limitationinitiative" would be one of the issues on the ballot for the year's secondround of popular votes, on May 17.

>May 17, 2020
Circle this date on your calendar and watch Swisscuck again vote for more immigration because they are mindless, consumerist globalist drones who blindly trust mainstream media telling them to vote against their own interests.

ZOGbot shills still hope to survive this in power?

this thread is the exact reason I hate this country. get fucked nationalists.

Switzerland doesn't even have an excuse for being this stupid about their immigration laws. It's not like they have some history of imperialism, genocide, or slavery. There is literally no reason for Swiss people to be fucking retards but they just are naturally inclined to be retards.

>hungarian prostitutes

>Most of the women are Roma, uneducated, and come from patriarchal families.

We are grateful for you ensuring livelihood for the waste of creating an ethnostate.

I really understand their decision (virus is obviously a hoax and multiple hospitals here in Switzerland are empty), but loving this country like you do is somewhat puzzling.
Yes we have a nice scenary, but everything here is typically kiked. Food prices are kiked, health care prices are kiked, even internet prices are kiked.

So why do you love this kike country that much?

why are you lying? Your country is in total lockdown.

not a single thing i could think of no

typical respones... i dont care if i have money or not.. this is what ppl dont understand money doesnt give you happiness

Sex work is legal over there and as a slav you are full of shit if you think slavs don't do this shit...

never bought one. dont plan on doing it. 90% are disgusting to look at anyway

Why do polish prostitutes tatoe the names of their ukrainian pimps on their body. Please explain.

Attached: polish-prostitution.jpg (600x351, 31.52K)

Yeah but someday you will come across very hard times, maybe not money wise but you will realize it was pointless to hold yourself back with the way you feel. I mean we are about to see a ton of people around the world getting a very rude wake up call on how hard life can really get.

>Mountain jew thread
I somewhat like you cunts, but you guys are odd and it just seems to me that you guys don't give a fuck who dies or who lives; not even autism but you guys are just kind of soulless.

understandable. This country no matter how pretty is just a drain on you. People are a drain everything is a drain if you dont have money here. Doesn't matter how much you work and improve on yourself.
Just don't jump infront of a train or I'll have to wait another 2 hours tll faggot SBB decides they can geht me an Ersatzbus.

We both know that there is no difference between Roma and an average south eastern european anymore.

Jerking off during compulsory home office. Comfy.

Literally not a single person on the face of the planet gives a fuck about Switzerland.
You made sure of that when you became the pussies of WW2. Next.

i like you too dutchie

The prostitution rings in Poland are largely run by ex communist agents who worked for our version of the KGB. For example look up the so called "Pruszków mafia". And majority of this is marketed towards tourists from the West.

All that pedophile blood money and you still won't ever be able to raise a son properly.

Agreed. We have a fuckton of vapid NPCs who literally all think the same. They just think and act based on what's socially approved, which is to support a pozzed globalist world view all the SJWs believe in. It's not "cool" to support the SVP, our right wing party who is the only party trying to stop/limit immigration. The people here are insufferable, narcissistic, superficial fucktards. There is no sense of community whatsoever.

Magyarfren these guys are largely degenerates that happily take money from Jewish human traffickers, American pornographers, etc. Let them enjoy their little playpen they are in their own kind of hell clearly.

Just dont kill yourself my man. Its not worth it. I am in a similiar situation Kind of. I mad the decision to be a nuisance and mess up the lifes of people around me.