Why are modern women so useless and childish?

Why are modern women so useless and childish?

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weak men

Because the internet has given them unlimited access to attention, which all women crave. It's a fucking drug, it fucks with their brains.

Imagine trying to train a dog, and the entire time you have countless people standing around you slapping their legs and making smooching sounds saying "come here boy!!!" How well are you going to be able to train that dog? Women are the same way, how can you expect to make a good wife when there are countless people doing to same shit?

exactly. you shit pigs need to blame yourselves because you are the ones simping to these sluts.
stop sucking their bitch dicks

Built for BBC

Based English teachwr

The basic problem with America is that it is run by - or else has permitted itself to be comprehensively influenced by - "technologically advanced" people who are emotionally primitive. Gaslighters, stalkers, liars fully enslaved.

People who wouldn't know a reciprocal ethic if their lives depended on it - some of whom might yet think I'm projecting.

Sure, I'm off-topic, but the "topic" here is retardedly distant from politics anyways.


I blame modern "men".

Weak men like you, faggot

That girl on the right would fill my Anne Frank fantasy

Yeah, because no man craves attention - except the ones start threads on Yas Forums of course.

based brainlet poster

because simps give them attention and none ever puts responsibility on them or holds them responsible
weak men too, married to toxic cunt wives that teach their daughters by example, fallout eventually happens when both go cuntbusting each other
you literally fucked every person they'll ever touch just because simping kept you from choosing a better mate

white girls

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Threads. I know threads. No one knows threads like me. I've seen thousands, I mean i've seen some threads let me tell you. You wouldn't believe the threads i've seen. And this is a good one. My team... Tom and Linda, they know threads almost as good as me. Lifelong thread watchers. They tell me "this is one of the best". I only speak with people who know threads. Lots of threads, they've seen lots. Good and bad threads, but forget the bad. They know, and you know that I know, good threads. The best. And if they say it's good, I know because, and you'll, yes, you'll see - it's a good thread. Many such threads. Really great news, when you see threads like this. Next question? Yes?

Yep, wankers, pussyhounds, mommy's boys, manchildren, etc etc

Yes, it's men's fault as always, right cunts? No one is responsible for your deranged behavior except you. Start taking responsibility for your own actions.

All the safety net that first world privilege has to offer.
Travel to the third world or something and you’ll see a lot more trad women. Still plenty of hoes everywhere but you’ll find a lot more trad females in the third world. Never import a third world wife because once they are here in the first world they transform into the entitled cunts that the rest of the first world cunts are.
Only other way we can return women back to being trad is by pulling the rug out from under them. Turn off the internet, reduce social services and welfare, eliminate divorce and alimony.
Nuke big pharma(no more birth control!). But none of this will ever happen. We are destined to become a society of simps and whores soon and there’s no stopping it.

>OPs only exposure to women is girls he spends hours watching on tiktok so now he thinks all women are like that


nah that's accurate, it's just their problem solving strategies that develop early in life, if guys have it they're almost always to single mothers
tho jews manage this degeneracy without single mothers
if they had to develop different strategies, they would, be it violence or logic or withholding whatever, there's only so many viable strategies people can even learn or families impose on themselves

since women are weak and men are strong, there is an extreme bias to what is developed by gender

this is well visible with really fit, well trained, martial artists with cunts who will beat any untrained fucktard, especially since it's not expected (just like mediocre training makes every guy a good deal stronger than the average, no matter how fat or lanky)

people will pick what's available and successful and as long as fathers, mothers, everyone else and the beta orbiters keep simping, it's just gonna get worse

Pampered and overprotected. People constantly trying to protect little girls' childhoods as if they didn't just stay children. Your great great grandmother who was super responsible and based got married when she was 14.

>creating a thread on Yas Forums = whoring around and dressing like a slut

Because of a lack of strong men to guide them.

the answer is obvious.. bring em to the third world! we'll turn your whores into proper ladies, heh

Men and women need to be taught how to behave but we don't have any wise older brother/sister role model types. They don't go to church, they come from broken homes with no dads in the family how are they going to learn how to be a proper adult?

Jews did this!

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TikTok and "E-girls" are psyops to normalize pedophilia.

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In an effort to attract a mate, women will fall in the shadow of men. Men must cast great shadows.

Fuck that I’ll just turn our first world into a third world

And that's a good thing. I would smash every thot on your pic, without giving a fuck about their age.

Hit me close to home
Great post

Chad’s law

Modern women are better than ever

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weak *white men.

this. you dont see this type of shit from women in muslim society

doing good in that regard, keep up! one day you'll be just like us ;)

No it's not "weak men" women are ALWAYS THIS FUCKING WAY. They have always been this way. They just have way too much power now so their true, shallow, immature nature is out in full display.

It's not males fault for female nature. They manipulate and control men to giving them this level of power over everyone.

This is a great summary and insight. Women's whole default pyscological setting is -- be sexually attractive, seek attention/affirmation for being attractive, use the attention/affirmation to acquire more physical resources to keep getting more and more attention...

My english teacher saying the trt.

Nothing wrong with it at all.
Women are genetically predisposed to "advertise" their sexuality because they want to get pregnant and have babies, its their function.
The internet just allows them to advertise for a larger audience. In the end what they want is to be bred by the most suitable males.

I dunno, cause it's cute?

I really like it

Enjoy your boring Elysium

>because they want to get pregnant and have babies

Damn brah I'd let dat gurh twerk dat ass on muh dik fr ay skrrt

Simps keep feeding them

>>because they want to get pregnant and have babies
Women may say they don't want to, but there are 200,000 years of evolution baked into their ladders telling them they want one.

You seem to be extremely well versed on this subject..

When you get all of the respect, confidence and social value without earning it, you have nothing to prove/work for/be tested by. When you have nothing to prove ????????????



OP is really trying to ask "Why can't I get laid??"

And several mg of progestogen coursing through their veins telling them they don't want one.

Talk about instability.

Based English teacher.

It's interesting how this question shows the fundamental difference between what stimulates men and women.
Shitposting on Yas Forums is exciting because people react to something you did (an action)
Posting selfies to insta is exciting because people react to you (your body)
It pisses me off to here how popular the phrase "you're valid" has gotten within women's culture. My gf says it to me in conversation and it shows me she doesn't care about doing things for herself, she cares about how others perceive her. When she says it to me I realize she thinks I operate the same way. I can't even imagine living like that.

There's a reason why women have pets, its their substitute babies. Their higher brain has fallen to feminism but they still need to take care of something, and pets are a common substitute for nurturing a child.

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supply and demand
men are degenerates who consume this and reward them with attention and money for showing off their body
it's also a low effort way to get attention/money since all they have to do is just take their clothes off and masturbate
imagine if you got paid for jerking off and had 50 girls spamming your inbox every day

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Exactly this. They’re acting like this cause modern “men” let them.

>Cinderblock walls
Those guys are still in college, brah.

They're not. They're the ones with degrees and successful lives while you're posting on an anime imageboard for incels

Just remember while you are debating the philosophical aspects of THOT mentality, chad is busy dumping his ball juice in them and making quarterback babies.

Put down the controller and for gods sake clean your fucking shithole of a house. I bet you think you don’t get laid because women are “materialistic” or “only like bad boys”. In reality they hate you because you’re a fucking slob who has 10 hours a day to play video games, but not 10 minutes to clean your house.

I'm mid-30s on a dating app (because fuck my life, right).

The number of mid-to-late-20s women who are obsessed with their dog(s) is astounding. We're talking at least 80+%.

(Probably another 80% obsessed with "travel" and 80% with trashy tattoos, leaving the Venn diagram of actually useful women unobtainably small.)

Don't include my wife Belle with these vapid thots

they resemble their fathers

>smash bros on the TV
the memes are literally real.

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Is that some fucking gamecube gaming? Wholesome!