Best theory I have to explain covid-19

It's simple anons. It was done on purpose. It's a real virus, it's really going to kill 10's of thousands of people (maybe a lot more) and it was bio engineered, and released on purpose. I'm not exactly sure who to point the finger at, but it's likely the powers that be doing population control, and likely doing it in the name of some sort of evil moloch worship/satanism what have you.

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Other urls found in this thread:


That's a very sizeable theory you got there OP, got any more "theories" you'd like to share?

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Is coffee bad for you?

That is my favorite body type.

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If it was a population control virus they would have released something like Croatian Hemorrhagic fever mixed with a cold virus instead of this baby virus which only cripples and maimes its victims.

That's a he

nigger tongue my anus


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It's not meant to be super specific and impressive. It's the first step in working toward the truth. This is population control, and the people behind it are likely rich, powerful, and evil. I know a few people who think that it's 5G, but they don't even believe in germ theory at all (which just doesn't' really sit right with me).

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built for big BOOMER cock.
women crave BBC.

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It escaped from a level 4 virus lab in Wuhan China. 1/2 mile from the market the Chinese are claiming it came from. There is only one level 4 lab in China. And they experiment with coronavirus.

feet ass

>which only cripples and maimes its victims
over 30k officially dead from covid-19 worldwide, user.

France is not innocent in all this

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My GF has a huge butt, but her belly is big too, sigh.

Do any of our American friends speculate as to what this woman may be built for?

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Killing tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands would be pointless as population control. Killing millions wouldn't even do shit.

Unlikely, because viral microbes don't work that way, even engineered ones. There has never been a viral pandemic, only bacterial ones. There was only the Spanish flu which was actually a eugenics operation, first caused by vaccinations of Spanish soldiers, then mass vaccinations. A nurse from the time wrote a book about it. So if you don't want to get sick, avoid the "treatment".

It's better than nothing.

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Laughable - and illogical.

It's simple user. Evolution is a fucking bitch. It makes things much more perfect than any human could concieve

Built for BBQ

>Made in Wuhan Laboratory. Lab is less than 100 yards from Wuhan Market.
>Helped by American Harvard Scientist (who was arrested the day Trump banned Travel).
>HIV like mutations.
>Ebola like mutations.
>Genetic Code ends in 32 "a's"
>Leaves people with permanent lung damage.
>Can decrease sperm count.
>China blames other countries.
>Chinks purchased and shipped back millions of medical supplies.
>Chinks shipping faulty medical gear to "help" smaller countries.
>Chinks caught intentionally spreading virus.

If you don't see this was manufactured by chinks and being intentionally spread, you're a retarded faggot who deserves to die.

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wew lad, you would have to remove my face from her arse with a crowbar

Built for Asian micropenis

job application in wuhan
>Taking bats as the research object, answer the molecular mechanism that can coexist with Ebola and SARS-associated coronavirus for a long time without causing disease, and its relationship with flight and longevity. Virology, immunology, cell biology, and multiple omics are used to compare the differences between humans and other mammals.

I have no nose and I must sniff

Attached: sniff.png (407x275, 181.4K)

>it was bio engineered
If it was bio-engineered the likely scenario is that it was released by accident

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derrete dis immediatre gwailo.

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Big white cock

Okay, OP you got me, you got my click you fucking faggot.. But this bitch looks like Styxhexenhammer in the face. get aids

It was a bio-weapon, but incomplete, to deal with both uigers and the low-end working class as a form of suppression and authoritative control for the Chinese government.

The only real fear is if it mutates to the correct protein strain to become 100% lethal, which is why China has been burning bodies since it's in an uncontrolled state.

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Literally built for BBQ. Imagine slathering honey mustard all over her butt and then licking it.

Bearing children (white)

As expected of a brain damaged cumbrain.

Leaching money from simps

who is this prostitute?

I think the government made the plague on purpose, to get rid of the population growth.

I agree with all of this. Also, China hides numbers, videos, statistics, etc. They are hiding current events in China right now. But they released a statement that people were re-contracting Coronavirus? Seems like propaganda to keep economies down while they build power.


I think I've got the coof, lads. I woke up this morning with horrible pain in my neck. My lymph nodes are swelling up, but the pain is all around my neck, reaching up to the base of my skull. My throat is getting sore, my nose is starting to run too. I haven't had a fever yet though I figure its only a day or two until it shows up.
The pain is pretty severe around my neck which is really unusual. Its not just normal tender lymph nodes.

I laughed. Thanks user

stumbles over

>instead of this baby virus

But there are two very different "strains". What we know about them? When first reported WHO etc insisted that reports need to be retacted and brought forward many "experts" to dismiss this "dangerous misinformation".

>only cripples and maimes its victims.

Small number die when they get infected with the virus. But what are the long term health effects of Covid-19 disease? Surely you know since you can make such claims?

worldwide it's only like 4% lethal, if it was engineered for population control whoever paid for it got scammed

((((Charles Lieber's Chinese virus)))

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Since viruses usually mutate in dead bodies, right? Peak brainlet right there.

That’s a man

you mean chubbie and on the itty bitty titty committee

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Sorry, but that body was made to be destroyed by niggers. Imagine this. She is alone in a dark room. The light turn on. There are 5 big black scary looking niggers chains to the wall. Each having a 11x9 swallow dick. The tip of the dick is fucking dripping pre-cum. The wild caged niggers going absolutely berserk at the size of that fat fucking ass. There eyes start to turn yellow and they are screaming at the top of the lungs. All you heard are screaming black niggers and chains shaking. She is just taunting them with that fucking body. Next thing you know 3 black savage white meat craving niggers come flying in through the cell bbc head in. They destroy that white pink asshole, nasty no gag reflex throat and nun like magic cunt. She was built to withstand the full might of nigger savagery.

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Soros funded its creation so he could do the "holy grail" of currency shortselling: the USA.

Unless you develop a cough, fever, or shortness of breath you're probably fine. Though I would still get checked out by a doctor, even if it's not corona you might need some antibiotics or something.

i want to say it was made in china but with the help from those who hate trump, it was their last ditch effort since impeachment and trying to blame him for the fake russian bs but it was accidentaly relased in china

prove it

You have zero basic math skills.

Even if the total worldwide number of deaths are from COVID, which you can’t prove without testing dead bodies (burned up), which consists of early assumptions by Communists that the fever is COVID, comes nowhere close to these numbers.

34,018 deaths have been blamed on WuFlu. That’s worldwide total! Spreading since late October...

Hundreds of thousands dead in the US? Millions? Bullshit.

*Bitch slaps you*

It's kinda surprising that nobody has mentioned Anglo-Saxon mission by now

Bro. It's a flu.

All it needs is the photoshopped Metallica tattoo to make it as gay as possible

>not exactly sure who to point the finger at,
Soros & Gates

Is this supposed to troll us? this shit makes you people look insane lmao.

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The Chinese let it escape unintentionally at first but later decided to let it run it's course when the data showed it mostly affected older and less then healthy people. They used it as a sort of euthanasia so to speak getting rid of the less productive of the world. sick bastards

Guerrillas injure soldiers because it causes a bigger strain on the enemy to take care of the wounded than it does for the dead

>Genetic Code ends in 32 "a's"

Off switch site for crispr?

France has nothing to do with the virus research, engineering, release event, and subsequent political mode of China.

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It's an engineered bioweapon but chinks accidentally released it because they're incompetent dirty pieces of shit. All the ones who appear to be intentionally spreading it are just individual assholes because chinks have no moral compass and they figure they'll take some westerners out with them before they die. All the faulty equipment countries have received from China is just their typical bullshit where they sell garbage masquerading as a real product for maximum short term profit. They're soulless bugmen and everything about this has been a comedy of errors because nobody in the world has an IQ high enough to deal with it.

>9/11 was Israel, MIC and CIA, not Mastermind Muzzies
>Coronavirus was China alone but Bill Gates too
How well the global cabal boils the frog. All credit due to Trump, because no one knows if he has our back or is all an act, whereas Hillary would be strung up by now.

it is a bio-weapon and an act of war.

Wtf you smokin my guy

>The poly-A tail is a long chain of adenine nucleotides that is added to a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule during RNA processing to increase the stability of the molecule. Immediately after a gene in a eukaryotic cell is transcribed, the new RNA molecule undergoes several modifications known as RNA processing. These modifications alter both ends of the primary RNA transcript to produce a mature mRNA molecule. The processing of the 3' end adds a poly-A tail to the RNA molecule. First, the 3' end of the transcript is cleaved to free a 3' hydroxyl. Then an enzyme called poly-A polymerase adds a chain of adenine nucleotides to the RNA. This process, called polyadenylation, adds a poly-A tail that is between 100 and 250 residues long. The poly-A tail makes the RNA molecule more stable and prevents its degradation. Additionally, the poly-A tail allows the mature messenger RNA molecule to be exported from the nucleus and translated into a protein by ribosomes in the cytoplasm.