What is the deal with QAnon and why are there so many schizo boomers believing this garbage?

What is the deal with QAnon and why are there so many schizo boomers believing this garbage?

All I see when QAnon is mentioned is a few messages made by them, and they all include some random conspiracy theories about FBI agents or some shit and then some "trust the plan" shit

It'd be great if someone can explain this bogus to me because it seems to me that it is just some shitty vague garbage that is most likely a good well thought-out troll to make fun of retarded boomers. Gives me the "time cube" vibes if you ask me

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Memefag. You almost had me.

If you haven’t been paying attention no use in explaining it. Watch the latest David Wilcock video on it from today, or wait till Tuesday for the reveal.

Memefag? What the fuck does that mean?
Everyone that has something to do with QAnon always spews out the same incoherent babble like the "time cube" guy

2012 is really 2021. everyone had is backwards. 2020 is the build up. strap in

romania flag bro

then he probably meant memeflag, i can see the misunderstanding there


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Somebody take this little fellah by the hand and lead him to the Q posts.

prayingmedic is a good place to get it spelled out for you. Don't spurn the coms. Learn the coms. Future proves past. Proof abounds, and if it isn't enough for you, nothing will be.

And what does this have to do with QAnon?

>David Wilcock video on it from today, or wait till Tuesday for the reveal.
Q never said anything about a reveal, datefags are worse than shills/are shills.

Who cares? I'm not in Q and they can all go fuck their kids in hell.

>And what does this have to do with QAnon?
Where is the + sign on your phone?

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>why are there so many schizo boomers believing this garbage?
I don't know, it's always been here in the form of illuminati/retarded 9/11 bullshit. The boomer has to believe in something so they don't have to actually face reality.

Looks like the guy is getting a lot of shekels selling his book
As I was saying it's always telling some names, saying "god, country, trump whatever insert anything nationalist here for the boomers" and then stealing some conspiracy theories from others, making them vague, some people take it seriously, they put some dates and who could be responsible for whatever "crimes' were presented and boom now you got a following of retarded boomers literally completing the story for you

Wtf are you talking about faggot? I see far more Q hate threads than I do Q support threads, seems like you haters are the ones with the problem. You're infatuated with it.
>>>Literally no one: ......

Stfu you goddam mind nazi crybabies.

>As I was saying it's always telling some names, saying "god, country, trump whatever insert anything nationalist here for the boomers" and then stealing some conspiracy theories from others
Great job completely ignoring the information posted and spew your bullshit all over the place, wanna get back to the subject you asked about or keep up the Romanian pilpul?

check these out if you want to know what Q is really about
it's a small group of people close to the president, likely in the NSA


here's some videos to understand what it's really about
remember, if this shit wasn't real then why are shills and the media this desperate?

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Don't bother, no one needs to explain, prove or justify anything to them
They've had four years to see the light they choose to keep their eyes closed. When the SHTF DO NOT EXPLAIN ANYTHING about what is going on or why, they're on their own

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Its quite simple. People who are so quick to dismiss and deny in reality have a very narrow mind and are unable to accomodate information which disrupts their false perceptions of the world. You see these people every day in your dealings out in public. The most simple, primal, animalistic beings who are just on auto-pilot going through life eating, passing stool, mating, and sleeping. They have no time for deeper contemplations, and are only driven by the desire of their physical senses. These are the people who can't understand the concept of Qanon. Very sad actually. They are the ones holding our society back in so many ways.

And this is one of the "good guys"

Q started with extremely specific predictions. All of which turned out to be wrong. That’s literally the only reason q became a thing, because he turned up on pol claiming to have info on when Hillary et al would be arrested


Did I ever tell that? It's just that you're not making any sense. You're the one who's trying to keep your theory behind closed doors because it doesn't make any sense to anyone else

Sure, there's millionaires, billionaires and politicians that have child sex rituals or whatever other shit? And? If you have that much money anyone would do it, though I don't see how QAnon is related to all of this, a lot of their shit that is presented here is vague as fuck

So what's with the post? How is the tripcode genuine? How do you know it's actually "Q"? How the fuck does that image solve anything? They're just looking at each other, how did that envelope get leaked? Are you fucking lip reading them or was there audio present?

I also don't try to blindly trust whoever this "Q" is because most of their supporters, and Q themselves are christians, and we all know how far their delusions can go

did you write this while shidding on the street or?


Fuck off nobody cares to solve that shit, all you did was put some text in 4 or 5 different online encoders, shit I saw 12 yos do on the internet to look like a cool hacker

Blue Tiffany boxes

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>Blue Tiffany boxes

There's literally 0 reason to put cremated bodies in those shitty boxes anyways, if they wanted to keep it secret or some shit they would've done it off camera

>just wait for the grand reveal! the storm is coming!
can't wait until all Qboomers and their offspring get sterilized

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Know More News (yes I know they're shills to) - ripping Q to bits.

True, they have a point, at least on the waiting game and cult of worshiping a president
Though, reveal your flag, faggot

I don't believe in conspiracy theories, but I absolutely believe the qanon shit is some sort of well-orchestrated psyop to ruin the culture that once existed on Yas Forums and pol. These schizo boomers really do exist, my boomer parents have shown me the facebook feeds of people they know IRL who post this shit. But I'm convinced there's an organised bunch of people posting here to disrupt Yas Forums culture, in part by bringing these very schizo boomers onto Yas Forums.

I think a major aspect of this is simply that these boomers are low IQ, highly credulous, and have pretty obnoxious personalities. They're the angry types who want to get loud and yell their politics at you at Christmas dinner. They're the type who 20 years ago would call others "sheeple" for not subscribing to the same conspiracy theories.

It's genuinely fucking sad what happened to Yas Forums.

I think most of these people are from Plebbit or some conspiracytard forum coming here because QAnon started on Yas Forums and 8gag, they keep making these cryptic messages and they follow the breadcrumb trail blindly

The same people who believe in QAnon are the same people who believe in gang stalking

Q= @tzipmazuz and @petermcourtis and maybe even @anonscan -all the same user/s. Used to claim to work for Wikileaks or have insider info, Tzipi teased arrests of pedos for a year. “She” tuned her larp and starting releasing two minute video teasers. Then she went awol and anonscan started larping and posting more amateur two minute videos. Same editor and obviously a schizo chan poster. I am not sure of their angle other than the joy it brings them

Bring back cbts

Also one more thing to note

The people who believe in Q also spout words like "shill" and "glow in the dark" and other shit blindly just like how leftists say "troll" to anyone that disagrees with them even though their meaning is different from the original

I'm sure the retards don't even know that "glow in the dark" came from Terry A Davis, a schizophrenic programmer who made TempleOS, and hated niggers and went on incoherent babbles about CIA and deep state and was paranoid as fuck

It seems to me that these Reddit tourists just saw "glow in the dark" and adapted it into their schizo vocabulary

I'm talking about the fact that AF1 was squawking Q0, which means the pilot (the only person with the ability to set the squawk) must be part of the LARP.

Also, you conveniently didn't answer where the plus sign is on a phone. The zero button, AKA Q+

You fucking idiot zoomers and millennials started it but we're meme masters so we boomer up the Q memes to get them on board now idiots like you think it "le boomer" you fucking idiot.

>I'm sure the retards don't even know that "glow in the dark" came from Terry A Davis
You literally found that out recently in the recent terry threads last week.


You are 2 of these pick them.


Troll-in-the-dark shill

They’re trying to be pseudo-intellectual while also rationalizing to themselves that Trump is not an establishment shill by convincing themselves everyone is out to get him. It’s basically the equivalent of boomer trumptards looking at themselves in the mirror and repeating “Trump fights for average Americans. Trump will make America great again. Trump fights for average Americans. Trump will make America great again.”

>assuming this much
shut the fuck up namefag nobody cares
i don't use a phone, they're literally glorified spying devices, you believe so much about the deep state and elites and government spying and shit but you still use phones and 100% you're using google chrome and other

honestly there's nothing that can convince me qanon isn't anything more than time cube-esque conspiracy theories

it's like religious people, you need to have faith to see god, aka you need to give yourself delusions and visual hallucinations, fucking schizophrenia to believe in a god, literally 0 proof that any of this is real and there's no proof of anything presented here, just some hand gestures and guesses, no more than videos you see on youtube of video glitches and people believing the president is transforming into a lizard

this and basepilled

>I'm talking about the fact that AF1 was squawking Q0, which means the pilot (the only person with the ability to set the squawk) must be part of the LARP.
Keep ignoring it retard, just making yourself look stupid

>>assuming this much
>shut the fuck up namefag nobody cares



I thought you were one of those three, but I see you you're just a brainlet, and a faggot.

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Qmap.pub start with post 1. A. Future proves past means future events laid out. B. Misinformation is necessary to throw off the enemy. C. Less than 10 group mostly military. D. access to potus. E. Information directly to the people instead of through gatekeepers.
Basically the world is run by very bad people, military operation planes for over a decade to stop the very bad people.

Plans not planes

Can you explain who David Wilcock is and why we should care about what he says? I'm being genuine so I would really appreciate an answer.

I'm still on the fence about the Q stuff. I have no idea if it's the biggest psy-op in history of it the entire operation is really what Q and the people who believe him say it is. I think people want to believe because it gives them hope. I think people are tired of feeling like nobodies and they want a world where they really matter and they want the leaders of that world to believe and make them feel like they matter.

I also think that life sucks for a lot of people and this gives them something to hold onto - then again that's circling back around to the hope idea.


You can spot the boomer schizos easily because you can't make an OBVIOUS joke post without them freaking out and calling you a shill.

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>Can you explain who David Wilcock is and why we should care about what he says
No one and you shouldn't

That Joe M video is garbage. I’m sorry, but you Boomers are being sheeple about this. Yes Q is real, but you’re not able to make the case for it when you link Joe M videos because his shit is just low IQ sensationalism and not centered around a deep analysis of the actual info we’ve gotten from Q. To a discriminating person, this Joe M crap sounds like a cult.

you absolute retarded fucking idiots with calcified rock brains that can't think for yourselves have been saying that something's going to happen every fucking month of every fucking year since the moment that fat fucking shabbos goy jew puppet Trump got elected in 2016, almost 4 fucking years ago now.
>hurr durrr drain the swamp hurrr the bear in the cave follow the white rabbit the rabbi will suck a penis and the gamer shall sniff an unwashed asshole
and literally nothing happens, ever, except now you recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and you have statistically let in more non-whites under Trump than what even flooded into your backwards fucking shithole country under fucking Obama's administration. you're fucked. you're just another jew
I sincerely wish the most miserable life for you and hopefully one day your loved ones will be raped by niggers; but you will think that's also a part of the plan, wouldn't you, faggot? if your mother got raped by a nigger you'll start looking for the white rabbit. schizophrenic fuck

Australian's are the most intelligent race.
everyone else can fuck off

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The ONLY way you can get it is by reading Qposts and following clues yourself.

not willing to do this?
you wont get it.


kys mainstream media shill

old people don't innately understand imageboards and that people can larp as anything

hauptsache irgendwas passiert. das leben ist langweilig

Not a boomer. This is Q in a nutshell: there is a spook civil war happening between the lads who want to use our incredible technology to advance the human race into the space age and the other camp which is the old guard which is sorta beholden to the pedophile death cult that runs the world. Q is a slow drip information operation to prime the public for the total victory of the first group I mentioned while disseminating the uncomfortable truths about the world which had been hidden for so many years. I would like to reiterate, this is a spook civil war. Nothing I say or you say or any faggot cia niggers say will stop what is coming. So let’s just be a little optimistic shall we! But don’t just take my word for it. You should read the posts yourself and decide where you stand on it.

I already said Q is real dildo. I still stand by my criticism. But hey, you’re free to take it however you want.

selling tshirts

I should also add, yes there are many Q boomers who the media paints as retards in a cult, and to be honest it does look that way sometimes, at least superficially. But that’s because there are few and far between young people who have come out publicly in support of this movement unfortunately. It’s a shame because this is really the millennials chance to contribute and get on the right side of history for lack of a better term. Because I assure you, Q is no bullshit.

>Q user

Personally I blame Star Trek.

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