India is beyond fucked

WTF are curries doing?

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zero deaths from covid19

the virus is a scam. its just a way to destroy the middle class once and for all.

i live next ot a funeral home. no uptick in funerals and i live in nyc metro area. it's bullshit.

don't be an idiot and listen to the corporate bank controlled media.

As the UK government said yesterday, it's takes about 2-3 weeks. (With the justification of keeping the quarantine in effect because they still don't know the results it's had)

This is because of the incubation period, and the fact it doesn't instantly kill.

Corona is fake, all hospitals are empty

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>zero deaths

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Imagine the smell

But. They said it in TV. TV doesn’t lie

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I literally gagged when I read this post

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This is as close to social distancing that they can manage. This is India trying to follow the guidance as best it can. Their big cities make China's look underpopulated.

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Only 1k cases in all of India
Weather kills corona, only europe and north america will be fucked from it.

The virus dies in Pajeets

Dub trips. nice.

You forgot shit on street, Pajeet.

WTF, why did it post like this and not reply directly to your post?

and it all starts with a rando zombie bite then we are all fucked...

These are migrant daily wage workers and their families who are trying to go to their village as they have no jobs no food and no place to live. They are much more likely to die of starvation then corona virus so they are trying to go to their villages so that they might get a job working in Farms . The crowd is huge because trains and buses have been shut by the government. Some families have walked 400 km to reach their Village.

>small Indian town is reunited to see the first woman who accepted to open her bobs and vagene

Let's see Corona Chan killing 700 million Indians

Just wait. The nature would correct the number of Indian population.

Less pajeets = more friendly-environment

>Florida, Kenya, Singapore, etc don't count hurrr durrr

its going to wipe them all out, keep your fucking borders closed, they'll try to flee to western countries.

Florida is not the same climate as M.E, India, or africa.
Kenya has 38 cases
SIngapore beat corona
Youre making my point

You will show some fucking respect to the new super power of the world, you fuck.

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Look at Australia, Mexico, Panama, Domincan Republic, Peru, etc.
Singapore manages to control it better than the shitholes such as Kenya, India, etc. Still more cases anyway.

based retard

None of those places are hit as hard as north america or europe.
You are yet again making my point for me.

Nope. Iran got hit as hard.

Just wait.

More people are going to die on the trip home than from the virus, just like in the Partition

If you die they cremate you, you also can't really hold a funeral during a quarantine for a confirmed victim.

No. Worse case scenario, 2% of the poo die.
It's not important.
What is the deal with captcha? I have to do 15 of them at every post.

Hope you get it lol, maybe you'll realize then that its not a "scam". Maybe planned but that shit kills

Pastanon with the truth

Theyll be fine.

It's Corona-sama that has to worry.

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You do realise you can't tell how many cases there are if you don't test for them?

Looks very sanitary.
How many of them bathed in cow shit?

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Was there any other option for them? The goverment basically had no plan for the workers that have no savings for a lockdown. Same thing is happening here but with less people

Based Farouk dabbing on Ratnest Coomer

>WTF are curries doing?
The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh was being smug about how despite having one out of every seven people in India he had coronavirus under control, while the city-state of Delhi couldn't do it.
This made the chief minister of Delhi really mad, and the assblasted son of a pox ridden whore cut off water and electricity to the migrant worker colonies and organized bus fleets to ferry them to the border Delhi shares with Uttar Pradesh.
We will all die, and all because two neurotic cunts thought they couldn't possibly be directly affected.

India is like china, they could lose 21 million people and nobody would notice

but they are social distancing

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They have few cases because they have done few tests.

Why are Americans such faggots?

Poo in loo

I never realized that different states in india disliked each other this much

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Thats a national holiday over there.

>Ratnest Coomer
what a fucking coincidence holy shit

Does sex with a corpse feel good? i assume thats the only reason someone would work there.

its amazing that faggots like you come to Yas Forums and get offended

Not on balance, no. But every state has some chucklefucks who think their farts smell of roses.
Is it any different in the US? My outsider's impression is that California and Vermont are full of snooty types who look down at states like Georgia and Alabama and Minnesota.

>the flu

No wonder amerimutt are epitome of degeneracy like pedophilia faggotry , incest , interracial race mixing you name it. You'll find america written all over it.

india has a mass stockpile of the treatment. they just blocked all shipment out and could rival china in terms of churning out meds

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this is the endgame

covid-19 is big global psyop and fake pandemia

German journalist goes to hospital 'teeming with coronavirus patients' - how can doctors cope? - and finds NO ONE THERE

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how the fuck do you do social distancing when the population density physically prohibits you from doing so

>dat filename

t. triggered pajeets

yeah its even better..the body still lubes up after death
the wonders of science

based and poojeetpilled

A country that has been completely Jewed and it doesn't even know it. Faggotry and racemixing lives in their heads rent free.
Get better, mutts...

Interesting. I've been taking mad zinc for about a month now. ~30mg Zinc, coQ10, vit D (prescription mega dose 1x/week), intrinsic factor B12/folate supplement, and freshly-made vegetable & fruit juice every single day without fail. Also eating a lot of fish, mushrooms, leafy greens, etc. I really think it makes a huge difference.

My dad is a doctor and he said there might be some benefit behind taking a hydrochloroquine prophylactic 1x/week -- said he did that when he moved on a Pacific island for a while and would explore around in the jungle. Idk if that would really work but an interesting idea.

Not even the Virus wants to infect smelly Poo's.

Will those imbeciles stop reproducing like fucking rabbits?