Why are christians inherently anti-abortion...

Why are christians inherently anti-abortion? I understand being against abortion in countries such as the European countries or Japan, countries that need more babies and can take care of children who are abandoned. But it's absolutely ridiculous to force crackheads and subhumans to have children in poor countries or poor areas. These little unwanted favela monkeys will inevitably grow and turn into criminals, drug users and all sorts of scum. This is inevitable. Being against abortion in this scenario means you don't care about all the innocent people who die from the criminality caused by these pests.

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They think it's murder. Simple as.

dont want niggers babies shitting up heven

Life is sacred

Because religion spreads by scaring children with monster stories

Religions that have survived to this day are vehemently opposed to anything that results in less babies

Which is why the jews want to use religion to enforce more nigger babies on white countries

"NOOO no the hekin nigets!! the invisible flying jew says thats murder!!!!!!!

Are you incapable of trying to think like somebody else or having empathy?
They believe it's a mortal sin/wrong and therefore don't support it.
> Why is arbitrary group XYZ against enforcing the law against black people killing each other?

I don't give a fuck, it's stupid. They think like women.

Maybe it has something to do with the murder of innocent babies.

>muh murder
How many subhumans did you adopt already? If you care about them so much, certainly you won't let them grow in poverty and become criminals, right?

Well there's your problem
> I'm right, everybody who disagrees is wrong and a retard
Do you post on r/atheism by chance?

>WAAA Even reddit thinks im stupid. They are all a fat guy with a hat.

First of all, I'm not even Christian. I'm a pro-life fedora tipper. Second, one has nothing to do with the other. Just because your psychopathic slaughter is indiscriminate and kills babies from all races doesn't mean I have to pretend it's not murder.

I never claimed to be religious, you're the one who's being a smug fedora asshole.
You're like every generic atheist liberal who complains about how stupid/illogical religion is because of like contradictions in the text most believers don't even read or consciously know about, it's the most brainlet take on the subject.
Instead you should actually try and learn about why the set of ideas composing the religion became widespread and popular and won out in the first place and has continued to be prevalent and a powerful force in society. Obviously a system that encourages reproduction is massively advantageous for a group engaged in any type of competition, but instead you're just screeching about MUH HEBREWS, MUH MAGIC SKY DADDY

> tips wizard hat

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KYS shlomo

>why are Christians against killing children
There us literally no difference between a child before and after a birth. Does the kid magically gain life when the umbilical cord is cut?

Why should I respect a completely irrational position? And a position that makes society worse nonetheless.

>Do you post on r/atheism by chance?
Nice ad-hominem. Dipshit.

I'm not pretending it's not murder. I'm saying that I don't care if subhumans kill their own offspring. Do you care? Because I'm pretty sure you don't give a fuck either.

Big boy , big heart . Out kikes. Leave NAO.

Get bent shlomo, get the hell out you whiny fuckin' jew.

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I don't put the donkey before the cart. Different races should live under different governments. I don't bear any ill will toward non-whites, I just think they should do their own thing in their own countries. I would hope that in those countries they don't kill their own kids, because that's evil.

The way people like you frame this issue is from the perspective of a loser, with no hope of ever winning the day. Because you live in a multicult hellhole, you just throw up your hands and say fine, fuck it, let's kill babies to make this hell slightly less hot. I say let's overthrow hell and stop killing babies too.

I don't want crackheads to have and raise children. I want them to die alone as a result of their own bad decisions before they get the chance.

> Christians are the main support base of Trump and Right-Wing parties in nearly any white, European country
keep tipping, you're biting the hand that feeds you.
It's not all that irrational if it wins, is it?
It produces more people and wins demographically, it beats out other belief systems. Do you think most people in the world operate via some complicated Socratic reasoning process or can tell you anything about propositional logic or anything? No, they are almost entirely driven by instinctual desires and drives.

In the bible there is a part when some pagans sacrifice babies to some god (moloch I think, was moloch the bull?)
Also christians believe that all pagan gods are actually demons in disguise
Now they think abortion is a new round of sacrificing babies to demons

I got the donkey-cart metaphor backwards. Fuck me.

Exactly, there's literally no difference. I don't care if they throw their babies in the river either.

I think compulsory sterilization would be much more human, but it's not about what I want. It's about what is possible right now.

>I would hope that in those countries they don't kill their own kids, because that's evil.
You're evil. You're evil because you do absolutely nothing about unwanted babies and because you don't care about the people who are murdered by these unwanted babies years later.

>Because you live in a multicult hellhole
You'll soon live in one too. The difference is that abortion is slowing down the process over there.

>It's not all that irrational if it wins, is it?
Winning what? Christianity is a fucking joke in the current year, it's almost dead already.

>Because you live in a multicult hellhole
And you dont?


Cringe and bill o'reilley pilled

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It's the one issue they think makes them look like they have some kind of morality.
it doesn't cost anything and the fetus is safely in someone elses womb so they aren't required to do anything

>they think their desert wargod didn't demand child sacrifice

Exactly. They do absolutely nothing and think they are the good guys somehow.

they think it balances they pro gun pro military pro death penalty pro fuck you I got mine stance

Is that what I said, greaseball?
"Unwanted baby" strikes me as a convenient term. How many unwanted babies become wanted when the mother holds it?

and as soon as that fetus is born their burden is finished and they want nothing to do with it

1 circumcision = 1 blood sacrifice to Molach (Yahwe) fucking christcuks

>Why are christians inherently anti-abortion?
This is not really an answer you know the answer fucktard. Because every life is sacred, for them.


and if that kid is born sick or with a disability well fuck you it's not their problem they lazy moocher can get a job if he wants to live

You see, I don't care about that. I'm talking about abortion as a smart method of eugenics disguised as "personal freedom". You have to understand that these people I'm talking about shouldn't be allowed to procreate in the first place, even if they love their babies they won't raise them in a proper way because they can't.

This phrase means absolutely fucking nothing idiot. Christians killed all sort of unbelievers and criminals throughout history, wasn't every life sacred back then?

Abortion is not eugenics. That's just a flimsy excuse baby killing cowards hide behind. If you want eugenics, then advocate a proper eugenics program. Abortion is just chance, and framing it as eugenics does all sorts of stupid things, like license feminism, and assume women make strategic biological choices rather than just chase their tingles like dumb animals.

>and as soon as that fetus is born their burden is finished and they want nothing to do with it
Yeah because it's not their burden in the first place. Christians think that unborn children are a human life, and thus they must be protected equally under the law. It's not their job to take care of them though. That's like saying Christians thinks that poor people shouldn't be killed, so it's their responsibility to take care of all poor people. That's retard tier logic. A child is the responsibility of the people who conceived it. You cannot arbitrarily cast off responsibilities in life without consequences. The consequences of an abortion is the termination of life. The important thing, according to Christians, is whether or not that life is worth something. They think it is. Stop being a Canadian.

Christians have been fucking hypocrites for their whole existence who would have guessed that?

christians ignore what the bible commands they do and make shit up

christians are supposed to follow the new testament. where does it outlaw abortion?

I could care less what Christians do or think. I care about what you think though, because I'm talking to you. You suggested that it is Christians' responsibility to take care of all babies that they would hypothetically stop from being aborted. I explained why that was illogical.

It's not about what I want, it's what about what can be done right now. Yes, abortion is far from perfect, but it would help my country a lot.

>like license feminism
My friend, modern Christians license feminism almost 100%. They are in favor about people dating who they want, they are in favor of women in the working force, they are in favor about "equality". They just aren't in favor of abortion. If Christians stop being fucking pussies, I give up the idea about abortion and join them, but it's not the case at all.

>A child is the responsibility of the people who conceived it.
Okay, but the parents are incapable of taking care of that children, and the State/religion is also incapable of taking care of that children. So what happens in this case? The people who care so much about that life should take care of it. But just letting the kid grow in the middle of chaos is just irresponsible and selfish.

>Okay, but the parents are incapable of taking care of that children, and the State/religion is also incapable of taking care of that children.
This is irrelevant to abortions in America. The government pays for people's kids. People simply don't want to make the necessary sacrifices to take care of the child they created. People abort out of convenience in America. I will not comment about the situation of abortion in other countries, but consider the actual effect abortion has which I will theorize about at the bottom.
>The people who care so much about that life should take care of it. But just letting the kid grow in the middle of chaos is just irresponsible and selfish.
No it's not. You do not have the right to kill someone just because they grew up in a dysfunctional family. The natural right of life surpasses all other rights. Thus, if the unborn child is a life, taking it's life is an absolute affront which has no possible justification.

I'm not against abortion for eugenics reasons, but it is an enabler of hedonism and degeneracy. Promiscuity is the death of civilizations. Abortion is one enabler of this degeneracy. Societies fill to their carrying capacity the more primitive society is. One might think abortion is the answer to this problem. However, it's simply trading vices. Physical bankruptcy will be replaced with moral bankruptcy, and moral bankruptcy will inevitably cause physical bankruptcy like in America.

christianity is a scam for shit tier grifters

It’s murder, faggot. I don’t want innocent niggers being murdered here; I want them to all fuck off back to Africa and be stupid there.

Dumb people who vote in Middle America will show up to the polls for two or three reliable subjects: Claiming you'll overturn Roe V. Wade, that you are an absolute rock solid supporter of the Second Amendment, and that we need to kick out the darkies or at the very least cut off their welfare.
Republicans don't give a shit about anything but money for their overlords, but know what gets people to show up in volume so they can pretend like the US has an actual functioning democracy.
The same goes for the Democrats, just reverse the policies.

I think that abortion is murder but I still support it because it decreases number of undesirable people in the world. Am i based?

>whY aRe ChrIsTiaNs aGaInsT mUrDeRiNG baBieS fOr thE jeWiSh gOd mOloCh?

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I don't get it either. It really is the most foul thing about Christianity, and I don't like it much to start with. The fact that christfags OPENLY admit that niggers, and other subhumans are an existential threat to our country yet carry water for their unborn spawn pisses me off to no end.

Christianity is inherently dysgenic, Jewish; and the followers of this sand cult are infinitely defensive and passive-aggressive.

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>This is irrelevant to abortions in America.
This doesn't sound true. St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Kansas City all have a higher homicide rate than my city, with abortion. Without abortion the rates undoubtedly would be higher. What is happening?

>No it's not. You do not have the right to kill someone just because they grew up in a dysfunctional family
I'm not killing anyone. The woman is taking responsibility for what she created. I'm just allowing that to happen.

>but it is an enabler of hedonism and degeneracy.
>Abortion is one enabler of this degeneracy.
When degeneracy is already rampant, does it matter? People won't stop having sex just because of abortion, I assure you of that.

Also keep in mind that infanticide was pretty normal during the ancient times and the middle ages. I wouldn't call those societies degenerate just because of that.

Why do you care if they murder their babies or not? It's better for you, because they aren't going anywhere anytime soon unless something drastic changes.

It makes sense, thanks for the explanation.

I don't know, but I agree with you. I don't give a single fuck if they want to murder their own offspring.

Yeah, it's even more nonsensical if we're talking about the christfags here on Yas Forums.

It's the lack of personal responsibility is the issue.

what demanding strangers have kids they don't want just so prigs can pretend they are morally superior ?

christians don't give a fuck what happens to the baby after it's born. that's all the proof you need to know they are phonies

>This doesn't sound true. St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Kansas City all have a higher homicide rate than my city, with abortion.
That's where all the black folk live. White folk have about a 2 per 100k homicide rate whereas black folk have about a 20 per 100k homicide rate. What would happen if American blacks didn't have unlimited access to abortion? One possibility is they would continue killing each other in droves. The other possibility is the lack of a safety net would cause them to act more responsibly, and their crime rate would be lower.
>I'm not killing anyone. The woman is taking responsibility for what she created. I'm just allowing that to happen.
I know you're not killing anyone. I was just using an analogy to describe my point. I was just saying taking another human's life is an absolute offense if you believe in natural rights. Unprovoked, it is an absolute offense.
>When degeneracy is already rampant, does it matter?
Like I said, I can't really comment about other countries. I guess you're right if you're telling me that Brazilian women sleep with dozens of people like American women do.

You already said that. You didn't addressing the fact that saying that life shouldn't be taken and taking care of a life that would otherwise be taken are not mutually inclusive. You JIDF/bot? Why say the same thing twice?

>what demanding strangers have kids they don't want just so prigs can pretend they are morally superior ?
Christians: use literally ANY form of contraception just don't kill unborn children.

I'm not even against abortion, but I can always smell an abortionist liberal cuck by their easily dismantled arguments.

No its not retard.

christian nation

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Dude you are a fucking psyop. No one here looks at "The Hill". Press your red button pussy no balls.