Authorized for ape anaconda Built for black block Created for coal cock Dreamt for dark dick Envisioned for ebony edge Fabricated for fogged Frank Given for gorilla gerkin Handled for hot hammer Inagurated for incandescent ivory Joined for jet johnson Knocked for kara knob Laid for lightless lovestick Made for melenated muscle Nailed for nigger nut Originated for obscure organ Produced for primate pecker Qualified for quonset quilt Rounded for refractless ramrod Struck for shadow sausage Trained for tawny taint Unveiled for unseen unit Vetted for veinless virility Welded for worsted wammer Xeronated for X xavier Yearned for yundow yard Zoned for zynga zang
Trump said all along he wanted slave labor shitskins to make his corporate buddies richer, you should have listened.
Kevin Moore
I don’t know what’s more impressive: the fact that there’s a pejorative term for blacks starting with every letter, or the fact that you got them all right without looking.
Its because they dont fucking listen. You should see the jewish weddings and general non adherence to distancing rules in new york within the hasidic community. Fucking hundreds of people in a room together for hours, no exaggeration.
Aaron Sanders
what if the cunts just didn't memeflag to begin wi- >the cunts oh right I see
>general non adherence to distancing rules in new york within the hasidic community. Fucking hundreds of people in a room together for hours, no exaggeration. Come on, user, they have a guy who bites the forskin off of bloody baby dicks.
Jack Allen
Coronavirus is my favorite virus
Landon Fisher
It's your virus. Trumpvirus
Colton Rivera
>1 in 20 Rookie number famalala
Joseph Campbell
>The estimated 2019 Adjusted Gross Income must be a numerical response greater than zero and rounded to the nearest dollar with no decimal point. But I have no income...
You realize the state department hates Trump right?
Jayden Powell
>HOLY SHIT! I'm voting Democrat now. Thanks for setting me straight, Shlomo! Why the fuck would you do that Hershel? Stick with the king of Israel.
Aaron Morris
>4:55am Pacific Gonna skip that one.
It's ignoring the fact that those programs are established by Congress and that he already fucking killed the diversity lottery with the public charge rule.
>lefty fags rotate in and out >thread functions normally with on topic discussion >queen glomps on hiki shows up for 15 minutes >entire thread goes to shit
unenforceable really what are you going to do require a permit to go outside? unconstitutional. but people will do it anyways and the economy will continue to suck
Luis Johnson
Could we just fucking nuke China now please?
Daniel Davis
to be fair you didn't earn your nickname "judgey" for no reason. Stop being so judgey especially baking it up with dum and/or gay opinions. I think that has a lot to do with it, anyway.
This is bullshit. The Hasidism are a disease vector because they are sanitary and insular and don’t follow the Covid rules, because the rules don’t apply to them
It’s trying to create plausible deniability, because the ZUSA is behind this whole fucking shitstorm.
because you're hypersocial assholes that's why. that's who this virus primarily affects. trump isn't going to kill his fellow pedovores you delusional mongs.
Grayson White
>p-please ignore who Jews actually support and instead read this shitty lefty-meme I made!
Michael Nelson
trump says nice things about people he doesn't like all the god damn time retard because he's being diplomatic
Sebastian Rogers
Fuck off faggo廿
Christopher Foster
>diplomatic move >first sitting US president to put on a kike hat and pray to a Roman fort Fuck off jew nigger
one of the things I don't like about the warhammer artwork is that the bodies of the people in the space marine armor. like, their heads are so tiny and their shoulders are so wide and just in order for them to actually fit inside of their armor, their physical bodies must look so strange
Matthew Sanders
They just re-extending it long term so they don't have to keep doing it every week. Thry can rescind it any time they want.
no you fuck off you don't belong here you belong in an oven kike shill >they all show up at the same time (again) pretending to hate jews kys yourself and live stream it so i can coom to it for the next 50 fucking years
Josiah Gomez
Those 19% in Trump counties caught it from the Clinton counties.
Carter Perez
Kys racist
Oliver Clark
Now post the picture of him meeting with a basketball team to prove that he's controlled by the NBA, you fucking retard faggot.