They were saying on CNN Trump expects 100k people to die in America if protocols are followed. How bad are things going to get realistically?

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A million. Fauci is downplaying the real number, because Trump likes to hear it, and then when it is way higher he will blame Trump for it.

>They were saying on CNN
KYS and your family

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Nibiru like planet almost here. Mid May. We won’t collide but we will be very close. Huge magnetic load. Earthquakes and volcanic activity high due to this cosmic event.

And after it's all said and done America will continue sucking chink cock.

Like the tv series The Passage they release a virus, out of control, world nukes USA most die

happooner cope

Retard I oscillate between them and Fox for corona news doesn't mean I like them. Trump said verbatim 100k. The Italian doc was saying 100-200k

Please only use Wall Street Journal, FoX , twitter and réddit as sources

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All stores are converted into an order online and pickup model in the next few weeks.

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Actually the antichrist is about to show up to defeat this "Global problem" You will have to decide if u want to take the mark of the beast and go to hell or refuse and be killed and go to heaven, if you're saved, follow Jesus, the only way to the Father.

The CDC and WHO will be exposed for making the situation worse with their "no mask policy" in the west.

Don’t forget the electromagnetism is gonna get fucked. People’s “rapture” is just a natural occurrence of insta death.

100k midrange in the fucking model which doesn't account for chloroquine, zpak and many more efforts working well.
As if America would give up like that.

I'm scared bro

I'm scared for my older parents

To me it looks like you guys are kind of fucked. It seems like you are repeating Italy's mistakes honestly by not being strict with isolating the entire country and every state at the same time, dropping the ball with testing early, etc.

I could be wrong, but that's my impression.

Protocols aren't being followed. We are nearing the end of month 1 with 100k infected, est. 5-10x more undetected.
Testing will remain linear as actual infections continue undetected.
Confirmed vs death rate will spike into 30% or higher by end of April, prompting mass testing to bring the death rate down.

Cap this:
Total deaths,
USA, 75,000
UK, 25,000
Mainland eu, 150,000
China reinfection, 100,000
Rest of Asia, 200,000
Africa, 50,000

I predict that the total number of dead will be high, but it’s gonna take a while to get there. Something like 500k-1m but over the following year or so.
I think the economy slows to a crawl because nobody is allowed out and we have a legitimate depression.
More suffering is caused by the depression than the virus. You will see evictions, foreclosures, repossessions, etc. it will cause some very shitty housing and lending laws to go into place that fuck over the little guy in the long run I.e. it becomes almost impossible to get a mortgage but at the same time if you can find a place to rent the government guarantees payment like with section 8.
Public infrastructure will further continue to crumble making national trade expensive and slow.
Cities will become hotbeds of crime and violence. White flight will be a thing. All these places will look like Detroit.
Doom and gloom. Plant a guarded and keep some bullets on hand, I think we’re in for the long haul here boys.

Motherfuckers are not staying inside lots of retards are taking it as a hoax or barely anything due to misinformation

How would that kill people? What is necessary to a humans functioning about magnetic fields? Does touching a strong magnet to any part of your body cause any damage? Are people killed in MRI machines? How does this work?

Since his framing was that he will have done one hell of a job if its kept below 100k, they probably expect it to level out at 50k.

the log graph went almost totally flat in last 24 hours.

Expect a leaf to not know. Can you faggots do anything right?

The "cure" will magically show up at the right time. Relax.

Yeah I worry for my older parents a bit too.

2 million dead

Schools were cancelled to make space for FEMA/DHS/National Guard outposts. Some people will get to see what the Jade Helm 15 training was planned for.

Get this: they're telling us not to wear masks unless we're sick. But the virus spreads during incubation before symptoms and people with very mild cases can spread it
Without testing how would anyone know they're infected? It's common sense just to have everyone wear a mask. Any mask for that matter.



Wa la

Lmao, look at you retards larping. Its just a flu lol.

I might move out, quarantine them for six months, deliver them food weekly

I did my own fits on the data. Recoveries are increasing linearly. Deaths/infections exponentially. If the trend continues, 99.5% die by end of July. The trend will most likely not continue due to harvester effect & selection bias, but I don’t really have a way to account for that, and some argue that this can either increase/decrease the death toll.

>100% fatality rate
>there is no recovery
>reinfection is guaranteed
>it will become seasonal

Ok not see waaa

181500 on the dot

Hard to predict, this shit changes so much day to day. Deaths are going to start to slow everywhere because we’ve been more conscious of social distancing, washing hands, etc. But until there’s a vaccine in 12 months, the virus isn’t going away. Main doctors know that. It’s the normies that think we just stay inside a few weeks and it’ll disappear. Idiots. Straight up low iq retards. Once businesses start opening up and international flights are going back to normal, corona will come back stronger than ever. Fact is 1 single infected person is enough to infect a country. It’s not worth putting the world into an economic depression though. People die. It sucks but get over it.

>How bad are things going to get realistically?

Chinas goin burn.

>russians can have the north, split manchuria down the middle with Japan, no complaining.

>Korea can settle north
>HK Wufu and so forth can join free China.

>worship jew
Or be a man and ascend to godhood yourself.

It's funny you say that. when 70% of amerimutts are overweight or plain obese. You shall be culled.
>The "cure" will magically show up at the right time.
Maybe, but if Sars-Cov is to have any relevance towards this, it may take a lot of months or even years for the mememagic to happen.
Good advice.

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Fast food chains will close, gas stations will run out because the supply is crazy right now. No longer profitable to distribute gazzolean, you will have pack of niggers in Detroit, fight the feral packs of dogs for territory. The dogs will make an alliance with local PDs in an attempt to be told they're good bois.
American idol will he cancelled, as katy perry falls ill. Because that's the only reason normies watch.
Ammunition will run out since most of it is manufactured by the feds, they will hoard supply.
Martial law Will be enacted because niggers arent following da rules.
6 million americans will die because you're all fat and diabetic.

It keeps solar flares from cooking us. Earths magnetic field reflects the radiation to the poles, and that’s what causes the northern lights.

This plot was updated a few hours ago.

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The "realistic prediction" is that anything's possible.

Back in January, the "realistic prediction" was that we might get enough people sick that it causes supply disruption, hence the smart early preppers.
I was personally probably going overboard by getting supplies that would only be useful if power and water infrastructure went down, but even those scenarios have become less remote at this point.

Remember, right now, the number of countries that have gone from "bad corona infection" to "Under control" are zero (And yes, there is evidence that China is STILL fucked). As a result, we have no clear picture of what the end-state of a severe level of infection is.

Protip: The key to predictions when it relates to complex scenarios like this is to understand the breadth of things that you DO NOT KNOW.

And Trump thinks if no one gets tested we'll think he did a great job keeping the virus in check.

This lack of testing is by far the most important thing.

This flu will mutate an half of north hemisphere will die. Europe is over. Sorry to say that. The mutation is inevitable and soon we will face covid-20... next year: covid-21 and so on.

Gotta say, of all the things that you could possibly focus on right now, "Orange man bad" is about the least productive.

>They were saying on CNN

Really, nigger. Go to YouTube, search for and watch it yourself. Trump didn't "say" fuck all. The doctors at the briefing stated that the model based on the current data predicted a minimum of 100k to 200k with a maximum of 2 million. You need to fucking know the context to understand, nigger. Not have CNN spurt their load of propaganda down your throat so you can gulp it down.

Oh, and models can be incorrect for many reasons. Like the case of Hillary having a 95+% chance to win in 2016. Like the polls, using a shit model that don't accurately reflect who actually votes. In this case, they can't model many, many things yet.

>what is variability

Depends if pasta doctor is lying.
It's one of two ways:
1.) It's nothing, 100k dead is a lie. This is to make Trump look good come elections. "Trump beat corona"
2.) 100k dead is low, this is will a big deal

they cure it or the whole world dies in the collapse.
>but that would require a generation leap in our understanding of biology
yes, that is the point. this is the big test for technological global civilization.

Batten down the hatches, war is coming.

Trump said anyone who wants a test can get one when in fact the policy is not to test so the confirmed cases stay artificially low.

Lol at the dipshits who defend Trump.

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No way USA death toll stops at 100K. I predict around 55K deaths in The Netherlands, and we're a tiny ass cuntry.

I'm not a person with a ton of medical knowledge, but aren't viral mutations inherently unpredictable?

>The virus needs to kill more than 100k to be a big deal
The fact that the mere possibility of such an outcome has shut down the economy is already a big deal.
To say again: The "Nothing-burger" scenario has been dead for weeks. The fact that our lives are massively disrupted by this has MADE IT a "big deal" regardless of the final death count.

>in india will kill more indirectly than directly
>in africa will wipe out a quarter of the aids population
>europe total will be about 500k
>usa over a million - they are so fucked

Australian PM was just on TV saying Economies and Countries will collapse over the pandemic.
Fear mongering or do you think he has a point?


Trump doesn't think that way.
The CDC and testing labs are overrun with tests. They're at like 800k so far.
The new 5 - 15 minute test from Abbot is being produced at around 50k per day.
No one is calling or asking for less tests.
The first test was invasive going deep into the nasal cavity and required gloves and masks to be used up.
It was also giving 80% false positives.

of course he does.

Forced mass vaccinations, with untested vaccines, some deaths and bad reactions. Dow goes up ,large groups of people left totally dependent on goverment hand outs

Fuck off,

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Low iq retard. What makes u think there will be a vaccine. Humans went all on on a sars vaccine but couldnt pull it off in 10 years

This is top 3 biggest happening since WW2

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Watch today's corona virus press conference yourself.

No matter how bad it gets in the US, it will be way worse in the third world. Time to wipe the slate clean brothers. Stay safe.

It's already passed 10 million chinks u stupid mother fucker

>posts a pic of Reverend Jones, a guy who said that his religion is communism
>in order to defend communism


it's never going away

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No i don't watch that shit, i knmow it's trump and hisa hand picked stooges giving these insanely long press events that are livestreamed.

Trump knows if he wasn't livestreaming all the time they might have on guests who might tell the truth.


What are the other contenders, even?
Like, I could see the Cold War being a bigger deal than this, but that was more of a slow-burn over decades rather than a "happening".

1 million over 6 months. Check these digits.

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>it'll kill less people than the flu
>it'll start tapering off naturally starting now
>they'll keep saying the apex is "yet to come"
>they'll fudge the numbers by listing everyone possible as a related death (cancer and they happen to catch it, etc if not outright lying)
>pretty soon here they'll do some bullshit that makes it ok to say "alright we've cured it go outside" (even though none of the orders about going outside or distancing have been officially written into law or even enforced)
meanwhile the market got fucked, the fed gained more political leverage, the citizenry got tested for compliance etc

threads about it will taper off and be replaced by election hype

9/11 and vietnam war if you want American happenings. Kennedy assassination is a top contender though

You have a president who downplayed the virus for weeks and made his twitter followers and stupid boomers believe this was a nothingburger
You have a healthcare system that doesn't work for 50% of the population
You have a fuckhuge population of non-english speakers that cannot get reliable information
Your agriculture business is dependant on illegal immigrants coming from the third world that has shitty healthcare and governance
Your culture is yeehaw cowboy don't tread on me big goverment who will disobey any and all recommendations from the authorities

Quite frankly, you guys are fucked balls deep in the ass

Worst Case: Contagion, followed by Children of men

No, it's not midrange. It was the bottom of the minimum prediction of 100k to 200k that was in the model mentioned in the 3/29/20 briefing. Watch it directly, and don't shart out nigger facts. Go to the channel on JewTube. Not complicated at all, you rumor mongering burr head.


Why do you guys invest so much hatred in a politician when your only exposure is just "Listening to what other people say about him"?

I mean, ffs, I hate-watched every one of GWB's State of the Union speeches.