Why is Virgin Mary protecting the US? What does she have against us? why are "one group" pf people, better than the rest?
Virgin Mary 'appears in the sky'
Stop worshipping mary
Shes not God, only a woman
And stop praying to the dead
Catholic cult members do everything God says not to do
Destroy your stupid idols freak
Lens flare
>Pray to Mary
Things the Bible never said
>funny looking glare in the camera
She’s blessing the nation of cucks for being like her husband
Peak schizoposting
Stop worshiping Jesus.
He's not G-d, only a man.
And stop praying to the dead.
Christian cult members do everything G-d says not to do.
Destroy your stupid idols freak.
>HD cameras exist
>blurry photo
>why is mary protecting US?
>Virgin mary appears sky argentina
That’s idol worship and against god
She won't be a virgin after I'm done with her.
Take His name in vain. Just like the true Bible told you not to. Filthy idolator.
You're living in the land down under OP, you were doomed from the start
What did Argentina ever do to you?
>And stop praying to the dead
protestants don't even believe what Jesus told them about everlasting life. they think Mary is dead.
Based and Bread-pilled
blue beans. probably a military base nearby. the satanist must be getting desperate.
Not my fault your understanding of religion comes from Mike Anderson and this pisshole. Use His name in vain and damn yourself.
FFS. Do you think diffraction of light is a visitation from a 'sky fairy' ?
Mary was not translated to heaven like Enoch. She passed away as does all flesh. Her spirit is in heaven, but her body remains here until Christ returns.
To say she is dead is correct, materially. She is living in heaven with Christ, spiritually.
No man comes to the Father, except through the Son. You are a kike and deny the Son, Jesus Christ. You damn yourself already, per John 3:16.
Extremely based.
She's like the most powerful saint.
>he thinks the New Testament is inspired and not a product of Hellenism
Keep believing in your idol. Pathetic.
What an absolute retard. You need to read the bible and what Jesus had to say about the state of death. Purgatory doesn't exist. Instant gratification doesn't exist you will be judged on judgement day until then if you are dead you are at rest. Read the book you illiterate no good jew nigger.
Dulia Hyperdulia and Latria
She's at rest and if she's a saint she wouldn't want people worshipping to her either you fuck tard. Saints follow the commandments of God, that includes not worshiping idols.
Judaism was not invented until after Christ's resurrection, snownigger.
Ok, kike. The Bible says you deny Christ and have been taken by Satan. Your "god" is not mine. Mine is the Father of Jesus Christ.
Why is it virgin mary? Why specifically?
Why is it not Billy the 1920's stage lighting engineer? Why not Billy? What these folks got against Billy? OH NO MUST BE VIRGIN MARY!!!!!11
Your deity is a Trinity that is a disgrace to the G-d of Abraham. Disgusting. You will never know how much you offend Him because you are the worst kind of idolator, one who attributes His works to another false god.
>Holy Mary, Mother of God
>pray for us sinners
It's not worship, you ask her to pray for you.
based skycock poster
Pray to Mary so that she may plead your case on her son's behalf. We don't say that she has any power. We just say that her mother's love for every human and Jesus's respect for his mother means that your sinful prayer may reach God who otherwise wouldn't hear it
dumbest thread i've seen in eons
All of you beaners have to go back,
>Red text on black back
Not reading
>Judaism was not invented until after Christ's resurrection
False, Judaism is literally the oldest religion there is, Everything you’ve learned in school (Genesis, Exodus, King David) all Jewish, you’re worshiping THEIR religion and you’re too stupid to know. The best religion against Judaism is NATIONALISM like Sparta or Nazi-Germany.
What does this have to do with the discussion?
Those rays of light are built for BBC
Mary is not worshiped, but honored as the closest human link to Christ. Her beatification is not essential to her intercession, and intercessory prayer is something intrinsic to Christian faith at large. You say "pray for me" to a friend, are you worshiping that friend? You say "bless you," are you pretending to be God? You are asking intercession - You are praying to the Lord through another, out of love for another, but not out of more love than for the Lord.
As for praying to the dead, is God the God of the Dead? No, he is the God of Life. The saints are in fact and in nature more alive than you or I, as are all who dwell with the heavenly Host. Christ and Peter both prayed to saints and for the dead - when Moses was invoked, was that necromancy? No, for that was the call of intercession to the living in God's presence, not of necromancy of the dead in Hell.
I understand your misgivings, as a great deal of heresy has spread in the past centuries and especially of late with Jesuit usurpers assuming the mantle of priest, bishop, and pope - But there is an unbroken line of tradition and laying of hands from all Catholic priests to the Christ himself. Hoping Christ grants you peace.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be - World without end. Amen.
It's supposed to look like this. Digits confirm
>not reading
Then I shall likewise tell you to fuck off.
How to get a qt like Mary, bros?
You don't even believe in him and believe Rabbis can lawyer their way around God's laws.
You have no understanding of God, and certainly can't speak for how offended he is at anybody.
She's defiantly not a virgin. That's what all women look like after Danny Devito fucks them.
Not forcing my vision, is late sorry Christbro
Why did you even reply if you were just going to say generic garbage? Hang yourself.
What that gatekeepers name on your pic? He likes to talk a lot of shit about brother Nathanael since brother Nathanael is really doing gods works and unmasking jews up and down and youtube always erases his channel thanks to your pic related.
Looks like a lens flare to me. Why are Argentinians so stupid?
Why would God or Mary protect those ungodly filthy bastardized mutts called americans? They are scourge
Judge not lest ye be judged fren
Looks nothing like a Lens Flare.
And she saw it before she took the picture, why would she do that?
That's simply not how it works. This is almost pagan tier reasoning.
God Bless
Save thineselves catholics
Isaiah 14 King James Version (KJV)
>12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
>13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
>14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
>15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
You do not even honor God, Jehovah, PRAISE HIS NAME filthy kike
Jews are Edomites who come from Esau who GOD has HATED
Even the Greeks knew that the (Jews) Edomites were not Judahites or Isrealites.
Edomites(of Canaanite arabid blood)
"The western extremities of Judæa towards Casius are occupied by Idumæans(Edomites), and by the lake [Sirbonis], The Idumæans (Edomites) ARE Nabatæans (Arabs), when driven from their country by sedition, they passed over to the Judaeans ((The Kingdom of Judah Judahites (Israelites)), and adopted their customs.
Translation: The Jews (Edomites by tribe and Arab by Race) took the Kingdom of Judea through sedition.
(They murdered the last Judean Isrealite King.John Hyrcanus II)
-Strabo, Geography 16.2.34 (23 AD)
Strabo was a Greek Historian that lived between 63 BC – 24 AD
This was BEFORE there was ONE Christian alive
I'd say it's because of the brodesdans. They don't want her protection and she doesn't give it.
Why would the Jesuits, who helped spread the Word to the New World, be bad? Not to mention the oldest uneversities.
Its Freya faggot
Project blue beam
“Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860 —Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23
Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3)
The Jewish religion is from the Pharisees. The Talmud is the most important member of that literature. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume 8, page 474
"EDOM IS MODERN JEWRY." The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41
Woah Perú WTF. I though we were friends
Wtf the Virgin Mary just flew over my house!
“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple"
Luke 14:26
Pretty sure Jesus didn't want you worshiping anyone's mother.
i thought jesus said to love and pray for everyone
27 As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”
28 He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.
Not saying "God" and instead saying "G-d" is the weirdest thing. It comes off more as a denial rather than being respectful. Sure if you're using "God" in a regular sentence without need at all, sure that's needless, but when you're talking about your God, and you're speaking honestly and not disrespecting with your words, then I can't comprehend why that would be a waste of the word. It's more like not wanting to even hear the name of your father, whom you have quarrelled with.
It might be more respectful if you said "Sir God" instead. Saying "G-d" is merely a weak hebrew meme.
This is your brain on Protestant.
Fuck you she is the representation of a caring mother, we don't worship her
literally believing in a Jewish sky mother.
What's it feel like to not even realize you aren't actually Jewish, and that you're just a nomadic gypsy that will never have a home?
it's like saying "the king" instead of "phillip"
not that complicated
wtf do you think "lord" means?
She's Jesus' mother, you ignorant fuck. She deserves respect like any good mother does.
No, it's more like saying Ph*llip because his name can't even sit on your tongue or it burns.
They were cursed, they don't like to tell you folks that.