Why don't Roman Catholic churches seem "legit" in places like Australia, America, Canada etc, but Greek Orthodox churches seem authentic.
Roman vs Greek churches
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>Greek Orthodox churches
Doesn't matter. It's all bullshit.
What does that even mean? Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe He literally rose from the dead? That's what makes you "legit" as Christian, not just whether you like the look of things or not.
Traditional Catholic churches are fine. Don't confuse the Catholic church with the Vatican II sect.
Have you been to America? The most beautiful building in your city is probably a Catholic Cathedral.
I mean. They like to locate Somalis to Europe
The Church of Rome knows it can not be in communion with Orthodoxy. They want to be seen as legitimate but they know they have fallen
Beats me OP
idk most churches around here aren't grand, but we have a few catholic churches that actually look like a catholic church. all but one orthodox is in an old protestant building. churches aren't about the buildings though, it's about the people.
That's a "charity" group that uses the name Catholic. There's also a Lutheran one that brought Somalis to Minnesota. Has nothing to do with their theology, moral teaching, or teachings on a nation's rights to support and protect it's own people. Expecting a 'catholic' charity to follow Church teaching is almost as dodgy as expecting a 'catholic' school to follow Church teaching or be Catholic in any way at all.
Which orthodoxy? Oh right, they keep schisming
Legit as in, authentic feeling.
When I walk into a Greek Ortho church, its like you're walking into one in Greece.
If you walk into a Roman Catholic church in America, or Australia, it has a different feeling to it, like it's branched off into its own thing.
Kill christcucks
your nose is showing moshe
Why do you ask loaded questions?
Because you're a fucking faggot.
my post stands right
your not even Christian
I wish. My Catholic Church is a warehouse design. They have a drummer and the priest has sleeve tats.
At least the Orthodox church behaves with dignity, but I can't stand for 3 damned hours straight.
You look like THAT and you call anyone else a kike
>I wish. My Catholic Church is a warehouse design.
It doesnt matter how your Church looks like because every Church is a house of God
Both are heretics
1 Timothy 3
2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
>must be the husband of one wife, having children
Catholics and Orthodox teach the exact opposite.
shoo shoo šiptard
Because Orthodox aesthetics are genuinely the best
Orthodox aesthetics
Agreed. This is St. Nikolai of Japan.
His story is absolutely amazing, have a listen. He himself converted a shogun who was sent to kill him...
Don't even get us started.
>Because Orthodox aesthetics are genuinely the best
they are ok i guess but i prefer the aesthetics in this vid
this one is my favorite
nothing fancy
silly me forget the image
that picture makes me laugh. 2 popes who have lost their churches, now search for political power instead of actually practicing their faith.
The roman west has largely abandoned the faith, the Greek east has all but gone away. Instead of trying to get into other peoples business, take care of your own house.
The faith is larger then "Rome" and "Constantinople". The goal of Christianity is not to make you "roman catholic" or "Greek". The goal is to love.
Btw, Christianity shouldn't be a contest over who have "le best aesthetics" but still, Catholicism ftw.
That's because the Orthodox Church is the only authentic Christian Church.
>buncha pointy shit
>we wuz skeletons n sheeit
Enjoy not having hundreds of saints guide you through worship
>tfw you are born to late to be a varangian pagan chad who will loot orthodox byzzmuttines, cuck them, and then wave laughing as they try to stop you from escaping with their swartoid manlet impotent seething.
>graven images
We image of saints encompassing us too through prayer.
>we wuz skeletons n sheeit
I posted that in particular because McOrthodox converts have a fascination for those Orthodox monks dressed in black carrying skulls. Don't make me post it and don't pretend like you think that's cool to try to save face later.
>It's not graven images when we do it, I swear! I just converted to McOrthodoxy a week ago, guys!
Don't you have some icons to bust up, you iconoclast? Funny how the heresy of iconoclasm was never a thing in Catholicism.
Because Greek Orthodox churches cater to ultra-backward illiterate peasants.
I'm cradle Greek Orthodox. No fascination with skulls. Orthodox ossuaries are not meant to be tourist attractions, the way Roman Catholics set them up.
>This is how people who like orthodoxy look like
These two should fight it out. Cage match for spiritual supremacy.
I remember when I was 15
That was the Fourth Crusade and it was a decisive Catholic victory.
You leave me with no choice. If I had a dollar for every Orthodox poster on 4chin touting how Orthodoxy is the most aesthetic religion on Earth while posting a picture of one of their monks holding skulls I'd have a thousand dollars.
The most beautiful building in my city is Walmart
That's a very nice Byzantine icon of the Panagia you have front and center in that Byzantine apse and dome style cathedral.
I remember when I was a shitskin ahMEDkike who loved going to church. Oh wait no I dont.
Yes but that other dude is still alive... I mean a *decisive* battle
I'm orthodox and one of our past bishops had kids before he became a monk
because Roman churches decided to cuck out in 1962
Those are monks who are asleep in the Lord. He's just showing them for the camera. I've never seen Orthodox claim skulls are "aesthetic", on here or anywhere else. That was probably some memeing edgelord or something.
I disagree. Catholics in the United States come off as some weird fucking cult shit. Americans already don't like big brother government, so big brother Christianity isn't going to be popular. Also Catholic shit is associated with the Irish and Italians, which are just gang member pieces of shit fighting over the same scraps in New York City. I always found it amusing that their flags look similar.
Orthodox, however, most Americans probably don't know that it exists. I associate it with Greek or Russian.
Metropolitan Christopher?
I don't like to make any more assumptions but you probably do come ever often or go to other boards because so many Orthodox anons post these kind of pictures. Pic-related is probably the most famous one, I saw this picture just last week in a /lit/ thread about Orthodoxy. Anons itt wouldn't like to admit it but I know this pic has bee seen by many because "wow so cool :D".
Sure, the edgy "Death to the World" converts dig the skulls. Memento mori and all that. But you clearly find the skull thing aesthetic as well, you posted it first.
Yes bro so legit bro
Tough day at school? If someone's bullying you, always fight back and they'll leave you alone.
Sounds like you find the Orthodox skull pics aesthetic as fuck, guy
Flaggots acting like murdering monks is super based but then cry and bitch when the Baltic Crusades are brought up
I mean, we're on a chinese cartoon forum, these are probably just stupid kids you're talking about. I could just as easily bring up all the Catholic cringelords who think it's cool to celebrate the mass murder, rape, and looting of the Crusades or the Conquistadors.
Imagine any of the chucklefuck patriarchs pulling off anything like what the Holy Father pulled off a few days ago. Everything about that was sublime. I bet it leads to a lot of conversions and returns to the Faith.
Yep tough day. Day 82 where I dont work or go to school. Im sometimes bored enough to bully christcucks on Yas Forums and ruin the intention of their threads.
The Orthodox churches have a much better track record of calling out and handling sexual abuse and misconduct than the Roman Catholics do.
I would agree with that judgment as an evangelical
I don't have an issue with Orthodox traditions with skulls and stuff, because we have it too, albeit perhaps not taken as far as Orthodoxy but i'm not sure, i'd have to do more research.
Skulls are cool, just have an issue with some guys thinking that's unique to Orthodoxy when it's not.
>he thinks Protestant churches don't have rampant sex abuse
still looks better than average Yas Forums taco, desu
Both of you fags have no room to talk, there's sex abuse in both your churches too. There was a huge scandal last year with sex abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention. The Catholics were only the tip of the iceberg.
Not even that show 'The Young Pope' which a lot larpers like can't compete with reality that happened a couple oif days ago.
Also, atheists, paganlarpers, hindus, mudslimes, and literally every human organization or institution in the history of the world
Oh yeah? Has your mental health improved since you've left school? Does anyone else such as friends or family bully you?
because prods only bash the Catholic Church because it’s real
nah, fuck off demon
No you goof
There was a multi decade study released about sexual misconduct at southern Baptist churches.
They identified 600 cases.
It's a terrible thing, but it does not compare to Catholics. Sexual misconduct includes any consensual romantic activity of clergy.
Yeah, it's common knowledge that every sect will have abuse. I guess you forgot about the whole sin thing.
>Catholic Churches don't seem legit in the US
What? Have you ever been to the National Shrine in DC?
Every Orthodox church on the planet, Ecumenical Patriarchate included, is continuing to have several services a week during Great Lent, but with only one priest and one chanter. The faith doesn't get cancelled. The Patriarchate doesn't need publicity.
pic if you don't mind I do