AUS/POL None in the catalog edition

How police will deal with nothing burger posters.
Restrictions to be lifted when new cases fall
Corona bucks explained

White-pills to consider
While this is going on:
>degeneracy is paused (nightclubs, pubs and casinos)
>Borders are SHUT
>This event is breeding nationalism and globalization as we know it is dead
>Many white children will be born in 9 months time. This happens whenever there are blackouts or reasons couples must stay home.
>Boomers that mortgaged 7 houses using equity from unrealized gains are about to be financially ruined for their jewish behavior and greed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The excitement over $750 and amount of people that get centerlink is fucking sad.

This is the order in which emergency money should come from for individuals:
>Emergency cash set aside
>Liquidate non essential depreciating assets (Ebay sale of the drones, golf clubs and other items you bought and only used once)
>Unsecured credit (credit cards, overdraft)
>Family (if it wont cause issues)
>Secured Credit you know you can pay back (equity loans on anything you own with mortgage redraw/house equity loan last resort)
>Charity (friends, local community ect.)

>inb4 if $750 was on the ground you would pick it up/free gibs why not
The time it takes to go through the process is not worth $750.

You ready for the food riots?
>27 million people
>Export contracts for food for 30 million people
>Enough food in country to feed 14 million people

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That's all well and good but most of those measures would tank the economy even more.

>normies shouldn't use government gibbs to supplement income
Lmao, abolish franking credits and negative gearing now, you know nothing about welfare disparity

Sorry, does your ice dealer not deliver door to door?


i dun get it

IM silly

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Op pic - see what others dont...
>black and white mixing at 50%
Yeah, asio we all see that.
Thats why we have rope.

Why are they telling us we make 3x more food than we can eat and not to worry?

If (((contracts))) to other countries mean aussies can't eat, will people wake up? How will they spin it?

relax your eyes and look at the image in ops post

I just see a bunch of swastikas

I see a friendly merchant.

I see an ad.

How? Its exactly whats happening except majority of people do not have anything above centerlink.

I am completely aware that the government knows inflating the housing bubble is just a complicated way to give gibs to their voting base at the expense of young people.

I said its sad to see. I don't hate people who don't live in a family they can rely on for emergencies.
I fucking hate greedy boomers and the cunts are running this scam who know exactly how it works yet are happy to keep it going for as long as possible

Negative gearing and franking credits both cost more themselves alone than all of Centrelink does.

>Emergency cash
No. It's an economic/national thing. Your $3000 emergency fund (which most of the people in dire straits simply do not have) is worthless.

You're a brainlet who doesn't understand why draining individual savings is a bad idea. Do you want endless loans and debt for the next 60 years?

>Non essential deprecating assets
This works when you're thinking as an individual, where most people will actually want your drone or your motorcycle. When the economy collapses people will not want it. That's what economists understand and is why they're not recommending you sell shit on gumtree.

>Unsecured credit
No. It places undue pressure on lenders and stymies economic growth since nobody can spend on anything.

Only works if the people around you are stable and capable of giving you money. Most people who qualify for the payments do not have family members who are capable of just handing out money.

>Secured credit
This is a legitimate thing but just like emergency cash, this isn't an individual problem or a natural disaster. It's a national problem and individual solutions won't fix it.

Charity exists to help homeless people and the elderly. It is not built for or capable of helping the business analyst who just lost his job.

Think of this as Scomo literally writing a check to every Australian with his name on it and you'll get the idea of what they're doing. Centrelink is being used only because it already has the infrastructure to do mass payments. In another country the banks would get the money and you'd get $750 directly in your account.

lmao if you worked for AUS intelligence you wouldn't be able to travel to civilized countries for indirectly working for the Chinese PLA

I see this fuckwit is still duplicating posts.

Today OP was not a fag

Worse than you know.

Are these the kind of people that get caught by robodebt and then cry about it not being real?

I want a job at ASIO. It would be sick and id feel like i actually have a purpose other than mindlessly swinging tools all day


So, do I get topped up if I make less than $1500 a fortnight. Still working.

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We did make 3x more food than we eat - in 2013.
That was when we signed all those 10 and 15 year contracts with China and Indonesia to supply them with food.

No, those are the cunts that get caught by data match and then get prosecuted and a three month jail sentence.

Theres nothing there, just zigzags

Coronavirus: The Cost
Monday, March 30

Nicki Hutley, Economist, Deloitte Access Economics

Matt Comyn, CEO and Managing Director of Commonwealth Bank

Jennifer Westacott, CEO, Business Council of Australia

Josh Pyke, Singer/songwriter

Also taking some of your questions:

Michael Sukkar, Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Housing

Linda Burney, Shadow Minister for Abos and Social Services

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Normies are being redpilled via on twitter
Comments are based

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Praise him

Is it even possible to get hired at ASIO if you don’t speak Arabic or Chinese?

How can I see it with my right eye but not my left?

I know, I look at the chart on my tax assesment that shows me NEETs cost fuck all compared to boomers on pensions. Invisible gibs to non pension boomers would btfo the whole chart.

>Cash worthless
Some sectors are booming from this, saved cash will not be worthless unless there is no supply to meet demand. Supermarkets ect will always take your cash

>Draining savings
You are right, this should be lower on the list.

>No one wants my drone
Again, not every sector and person in the country isn't spending.

>undue pressure on lenders
Fuck the kikes, if you have a credit line too big thats on them not you.

I know, I am extremely lucky to be in a traditional family with enough wealth to support me if i needed it. Its incredibly sad most people don't have that.

>Secured credit
See cash

Friends and local community. I don't mean red cross and meals on wheels. I mean your friends who might be able to help you and local communities such as what stuff you saw in bushfire

I get what you are saying about it being national, but even if supermarkets and home delivery are the only thing operating there is supply and demand

The choices to the Australian government are either cancelling the contracts, or having food riots (which are probably the most violent riots there are, as it's life or death).

Tough talk about honoring contracts "or else" won't mean anything at this rate as China will face a lot of nations doing the same to maintain their own food security. The CCP would be having panicked meetings right now about this very topic.

They can't take everybody to court and they can't go to war with everybody and if it's bad enough, there will be a crisis of legitimacy within the CCP.

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It’s because the virus didn’t start on Bats, it’s a chemical weapon that was released on accident or on purpose.

Tell China to get fucked and we keep it for ourselves

what affect is this having on the housing market? i'd imagine people just wont sell in hopes that the economy will recover and tehy can get the most amount again? would that have a negative affect short term?

As per usual it will be the Linda Burney poor fucking abos show.
Why watch such shit?

>To be eligible, the turnover of a business will need to have fallen by 30% or more, or in the case of a business with an annual turnover of more than $1 bn, by 50% or more.

so retail workers for the big companies are out, fuck I hate this country.

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>getting rid of drones
You're lack of forethought is amazing.

If it was a chemical weapon, its doing a shitty job. Chemical weapons should be at least 30% kill rate. This nothingburger virus isnt even killing anyone. Only people croaking are 90 year old smoker heart diseased cruise ship boomers

my cenno app works, on a pc it doesnt.

>next payment 580 dollars


wheres my fucking scomobux

fuck my dog employer refusing to give back my 20% reduced full time hours after this wage subsidiary

Housing market will pause or drop as low as 20%

But it will boom again in 2021-2022 and housing will once again fall further out of reach for anyone not able or willing to take on a 7 figure mortgage

I don't know.

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We won't default on our food obligations. We are Venezuela.

They have produced twice as much food as is required for domestic consumption. They're in a famine.

My mate just took on an 800k mortgage. Massive F. Literally just got into the house just before coronachan market crash began. Lol

Why do so many people here hate Kevin Rudd?

we hate yanks more now fuck off

i understand the drop, but my understanding is people will simply not put their houses for the market precisely because of it. so even if there is technically a drop in value, you can't take advantage of it because there are no houses on the market.
i guess the single hope is for this virus to get out of hand, assassinate all the boomers and their retarded kids selling during a downturn because they cbs riding out the storm and want quick cash.

Good, let the fuckers starve

Because he's a spineless china-worshipping cuck who fucked up the 2008 crisis with a New Deal system

There are many types of biological weapons.

Coronavirus is one that overwhelms a nations healthcare system and local economy to a halt.

It doesn’t have to kill a lot of people, it just has to stun.

I'm not a seppo, I'm just visiting, so how about you fuck off cunt

He spent his time in office sucking chinese cocks for cash

Based Q schizo

It doesn’t matter if he can service the loan he is fine. Interest rates are too low to care.

who here getting absolutely JUSTed right now?

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>employed for literally 11.8 months

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Anyone know a (white) country town where I can basically just buy a tiny plot of land and subsistence farm while the happening occurs?

We're a completely different country and we have a much greater level of transparency and willingness among people to confront what is seen as corruption.

You can be really pessimistic about it, we all are, but you're conflating pessimism with realism.
You can read this for more details, just as a start.

What people need to remember is what *types* of food we're secure on. With these figures nobody is going to starve, but there's going to be rationing and maybe some favorite staples won't be there.

tilt screen

Imagine falling for that commercial. Kek, who wants to work for the government anyway?

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I can see it

Your American education and 52% mutt IQ is showing.

If you actually used critical thinking you could work out I was using that as an example and logic applies to what would be a non essential depreciating asset you are able to sell in the circumstances.
Let me give you an example your mutt brain might understand. You were watching TV last year and a commercial for a home gym comes on, since you are a fat stupid american you buy it but never actually use it. Right now all gyms are closed, millions of people like me are trying to buy home gym gear but its all sold out from retailers, luckily you need cash and dont need that unused home gym.

Get it now?

We’ve had a smaller yield because of drought and bushfires and beef exporters are bitching because it’s harder to ship beef to Vietnam and Indonesia now that you need to quarantine yourself for 14 days in port

We may have low corruption in gov but we have extremely high laziness gov

You get to be mediocre and never get fired, plus a pension afterwards

Go home chang

>farmers whinging again
>need urgent help
>send gibs

nothing changes with the cocksucker farmers

And a government that hates its own citizens

We've had the smallest yields of lamb, wheat, barley, and all vegetables since the federation drought.
Beef is still okay, but we have so much of it committed to export that there's basically nothing left for domestic consumption.

Everyone's buying shares in wheelbarrow makers