Should men be allowed to have beards at the workplace or should they be clean shaven?
Beards at the workplace
my body my choice bigot.
Beards are gay.
Clean shave. Anyone with half of a mind knows this. Beards are rugged. And ruggedness is something you aren’t exactly “going for” in a professional environment. Hehh
I agree. That's a great way to put it.
Save your razors for your wrists you beardlet baby face half queer girl boy
>t. onions cuck who can't grow one.
This whole beard thing for the past 6-10 years is so everyone looks like a rabbi.
Same with dressing like shit. Everyone looks like Steve Urkel with a beard.
So a jew basically.
Most NPC thing ever as well.
Chinks told me to shave for a free meal once.
I'm keeping this beard forever.
People who cut their hair are spitting in the face of evolution. Hair should naturally grow to the desired length.
holy fucking christ you faggot newfag - quit shitting up the board
Not going to have hair like a woman. No thanks. How about fingernails? Is trimming fingernails a spit in the face of evolution as well, faggot?
Now, probably, for most places. If you're preparing or serving food, you shouldn't be allowed unless you use the beard equivalent of a hair net. In the military, probably not, because they're going for uniformity with their appearance standards (and the gas mask excuse).
But for the vast majority of jobs, the employee should just look presentable given the certain fashion standards of the day. Today, neither bearded nor clean shaven are out of fashion. You can wear either and be normal. Beards are more in fashion than visible tattoos, and people still hire people with visible tattoos.
Keep shilling for Gillette, you can keep admiring your hairless legs, it won’t make you more of a man
K keep looking like an NPC beardo.
One day you woke up and were said to yourself
>I have a totally original idea, Im going to grow a beard. No one else is doing this. Im an original thinker
As long as it is not a Muslim beard, it should be fine.
real men grow mustaches while being clean shaved everywhere else on their face. it shows proper grooming as well as dabbing on feminists, as it exudes masculinity
Okay NPC. You are totally original with your beard and you woke up one day and just decided you wanted a beard and it's not cause everyone else has one as well.
Beards are gay, you might as well start hanging out at your local fag bar now.
I could grow a beard easily, because I'm not gay or a behind the times hipster
How are you going to wear a mask with a beard? Is your beard worth more than your life?
That's suck an asian mentality holy shit user.
I don't CARE how much I look like other people. My choices are my own. If you have a requirement to be different to other people I suggest you talk to your parents about how early on they knew you were gay.
Odd thread.
Anyone who is lucky enough to still have their job and working from home (myself included), grooming is the last thing on their mind.
Have not shaved or had a hair cut since this quarantine started.
Look like an ape.
No one cares, or even mentions it during the multiple daily zoom conferences.
If anything, this virus will show how silly we are to put any credence on to being clean shaven or not.
Doesn't matter.
Shave your beard if this is your "beard", okay pube face?
thread is from yesterday.
these slide threads are obvious, just stupid generic questions.
beards are onion identifiers
We are men, not women. We are free, not slaves. Beards are our birthright. If an employer disagrees, then it's not worth working there.
fuck you, I do what I want
I usually have a beard, but right now I don't because I need a tight seal on my respirator mask.
Beards are based.
Sanitation hazard, force everyone to cut it down.
>muh Vikangz beard!!
Shave pube face. It looks like you glued pubes to your face.
>muh face pubes
>I look like a VIKANGZ
>This whole beard thing for the past 6-10 years is so everyone looks like a rabbi.
It was forced to increase acceptance of nonwhites and more specifically muslims.
How is this political
Not every man who grows a beard looks like this. I'm in favor of doing whatever you want with your face. Why are you so angry about other men growing their facial hair? You've made 5 autistic posts so far. Just stop.
Intentionally keeping hair on your face is retarded and laughable
More political than BBC/porn threads that stay up for hours.
I believe in evolution for the greater good.
It's how God made us.
this sort of things drives chinks absolutely insane and I suggest everyone does it to expel the asian menace
Disgusting axe body spray millennial detected! Kys faggot!
Im growing a beard right now. Fuck mustaches, fuck clean shaven
Don't turn this thread into a religious one, faggot.
pube beard
Had it since I was 14, because I was shaving since 12. Some of us are born to be men, but you go ahead and practice your duck face selfie pose in a mirror while worrying about chafing your boyfriend while you gobble cock.
Religion is just as good a motivator as fashion to decide what to do with your personal appearance. It's fascinating reading you guys who are so angry about other men's faces. It reminds me of the fox and the grapes.
Unironically beards came back into fashion while the British empire was colonizing the world. Turns out the hair is there to keep your orifices sanitary. They gave up the powdered wigs and all the prancing about around the same time.
Do safety concerns require you to be shaven; i.e. resipirator mask usage, fire hazards, etc.
If no, let them beard it up.
Beards also suddenly came into fashion in Rome around the time of the Five Good Emperors too. It probably had something to do with the idea of a man spending a good portion of his time leading armies in remote places of the Empire, which makes it similar to Great Britain in that regard.
Men should not be preening themselves to look like children. Women should not be attracted to childish attributes. The end of the tyranny of the razor is one of the few positives to come out of pop culture in years.
Pretty rich coming from a Cancuck.
>don't groom yourself
What a fucking disgusting faggot.
Cope, seethe and everything in between
I'm not really sure. I don't have a huge opinion out of one or the other. I can grow a full beard and have had a chest-length beard in recent years, but recently I've gone back to shaving. I enjoy shaving and I like the feeling of my face afterward. Also I enjoy having a beard and how it feels, especially with the wind. It takes about the same time to shave as it does to wash and comb the beard. I think men should take advantage that the fashion is pretty much 50/50 right now on beards versus shaving and do both or do whichever they genuinely prefer.
Keep waxing queero, the tape is easier to remove when your done tucking it back.
Pilot here
Cant have beards.
keep walking around with pubes on your face, fag.
Shaving is ridiculous expensive, my 5 o’clock shadow is more beard than an Asian could grow in a lifetime
Pubes in your teeth, men grow beards because beards grow on men. It’s kind of how nature works you k-pop fantasizing ass thumber.
For most things I'd say yes, but a beard would probably be a liability in a chemistry lab or any environment that had a lot of open flames like a fire fighter or sometging. Also, if they work in the food industry and have a beard longer than a 5 oclock shadow they should wear a beardnet or keep it well maintained so that pubey locks of hair arent flaking into food.
A beard like that is atrocious and belongs on faggots. If you want a beard, grow it properly, its supposed to be nasty and unruly as point of a beard is to intimidate.
My hair makes my head look three times as large because its thick like a bear's pelt. I have a pretty great set of shoulders but if I dont shave my hair down it makes me look like I have chad body proportions abd a fucked up lollipop head.