Trump just admitted that aliens exist and he has been communicating with them. Live on air.

>His exact words: Think of it; 151 countries. Somebody said to me today, who is not from this particular world, that they didn't know that we had that many countries."

The way he said it make it sound like an accident. As if he wasn’t thinking when he said it. This is huge, he just accidentally admitted that he is in contact with extraterrestrials.

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Other urls found in this thread:

OP gay as always.
Do i have to watch 1:30 of video to find that part faggot?

Demons My man. New tech comming right up

interesting, cannot imagine what else he meant. Bump

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you posted it again
do you have any meds?
have you run out of them because of the quarantine?
im starting to worry now

the link has a timestamp query parameter you fuckin fegit, click embed and click play

>that wasn't in this particular world
He was probably talking to one one of his uneducated rural voters.

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Ok I’m not a schizo like most of pol, but that was genuinely spooky.

My ex randomly emailed me twice. Been years.

And Alaska doesn't have two huge bays on its coast, just one continuous coastline. Wrong timeline senpai

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>If I played Blink-182 to aliens they would get really offended and start an inter-planetary war

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I noticed that when I saw it live. "Not in this particular world." What the fuck does that mean? Why even mention it?

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He just misspoke man, this is a pretty big reach lol

Wait. That actually looks real


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Checked. Lots of talk about disclosure lately. Could be a set up for blue beans tho. I don’t have a fucking clue


He said "in this particular world."
Meaning he was talking to a third worlder.
Not an offworlder.
You guys are a bunch of schizos.

Country. Country is what he meant. Americans think of their country as the only one in the world.

What did he mean? What kind of person would be unaware that there are at least 151 countries on the planet? Why would POTUS bother to mention talking to such a person and that they were unaware that there were at least 151 countries?

What have you done?!

did you respond? tough times bring people back to what they feel is the core of their identity so you must've had some strong bond with her. < not implying you shouldve just curious

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The world he is ppeaking of is the NWO circle, not earth

He said, "Somebody said to me today..." Does the president talk to anyone in the third world that is not a leader or government official? What kind of people talk to POTUS that wouldn't know how many countries there are?


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He means someone not in "politics". For some reason he thinks only people in his "world" knows that kind of pre-schooler trivia.

>What kind of person would be unaware that there are at least 151 countries on the planet?
Personally, I wouldn't have put it past 100 so...

I was going to, but then I realized the picture on my Jones Soda bottle looked a little like her and the bottle cap said "your silence at this time is important"

maybe "someone who is not particularly WORLDLY" but idk, cant think of anything else, what you said doesnt seem super plausible

You're quoting hin wrong.
He said "Someone who isn't in this particular world"
Throw "part of the" in there and the sentence makes a lot more sense.

ok this is something
hes playing dumb making soft disclosure

The world where his do comes from.

Other billionaires.

Most people are surprisingly stupid, user.
t. Stupid

He's either retarded or he's lost his mind!

Take your meds schizo



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Who's ready for JFK 2? Disclosing aliens is a big no-no.

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its not aliens unless st Michael is an alien. checkem

Shit, I actually came here to say that "world" was probably loose context for whatever group he was currently referring to.
But after re-listening to what he said right before, it literally sounds like he's talking about someone not from planet Earth.

Right before he said:
>our nation and the world
So the context was literally planet Earth.

Alternatively you could take the 151 countries to be the "world", but who the hell is the president talking to that isn't from one of those countries?

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anyone else notice this?
does Q know about this?
has Alex Jones said anything?
check the facebook!

Attached: OP off his meds.png (1116x875, 527K)

He meant the world of politics
take your meds schizos

based, listen to your angels user. I made the mistake of responding, unfortunately my ex is a jewess and our love can never be, but i sure af miss her man. the universal love is greater though and man needs to reach the stars damit

He means someone from outside the sphere of news and politics. You know, just some rando without specialized knowledge of countries.

forgot pic

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Oh no you didnt

At 24:40 - 24:55 he says it

But are you the kind of person that talks to POTUS?

This is stupid. What kind of alien race observing us would not know more about the world than we do? How can he believe the "alien" is "surprised" earth has so many countries? This is just silly.
He probably was in contact with demons, like most of the states elite are. Remember that demons are fallen angels, so yes, they can fool you into thinking they still not of this world. But they literally are the powers of the "world". And if an alien is in contact with these earth fallen angels they are EVIL. Good ayys are servants of God and recognize JESUS CHRIST.

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So that's where he got his time machine...

a time or dimensional traveler


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He means the political world. Take your pills.



He was addressing Ambassador Doenitz II of the Third Reich, whom won the war in Die Niebenweld and travels freely in between.

day of the fork is coming soon pasta boi

It's also possible that he's an old man who talks a lot of shit and can't pronounce simple words.

You burgers really take what the larper says serious? Come on.


>Super baito energizu!
>Thees huk dahngle briteleee!

Get back behind your firewall you fucking ant.

Trump says wacky shit all the time.

See that you are not decieved

Oh fuk... demons confirmed

>How can he believe the "alien" is "surprised" earth has so many countries?
>This is just silly.
I think you answered your own question.
The alien is surprised because they think it's silly for a world to be so divided that we'd need 151 different countries.


Attached: muffledayylmao.jpg (500x375, 19.12K)

Yeah I've never gotten one that was like... that direct before

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CHINKS ARE THE ALIENS CHINKS ARE THE ALIENS CHINKS ARE THE ALIENS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>As if he wasn't thinking when he said it
(Also You)

(You) have a self contradictory argument... Invalid!

Attached: Screenshot_20190103-174102.png (720x1280, 679.52K)

Not from this realm

Don't fall for it bro

Tesla was literally a Venusian, retard.

Fucking retards not understanding what he meant. People who believe he was talking about aliens are the same smooth brained fucktards who actually believe that when law enforcement refers to "actors", as in "someone who has committed a crime", they really mean actors, as in Brad Pitt or Robin Williams... Can we please pass a law that allows us to beat shitheaded retards to death?

The world of politics, genius.

>I’m not a schizo
Take meds anyway.

someone must press him about it, hes giving hints and playing dumb because the elite would hate if he did disclosure by himself

This bump is paid for by:
Qwixx the great Family dice game!
In the pic, the public number (white dice) is a 3. Everyone can play the 3 on any color of their score sheet. The roller gets to play the private number as well. His options are:
1. Play the public 3 on red and the private 2 on yellow.
2. Play the public 3 on red and the private 4 on red. (red 2 + white 2)
3. Play the private 2 on yellow (yellow 1 + white 1)
4. Play the public 3 on red and private 3 on yellow.

dumb options:
5. play public on blue or green and private 4 or 3 on green or blue.
6. Take a forfeit.

The game ends whenever 2 colors get locked (5 x's on red and red 12 locked worth 2 x's) or a player takes 4 forfeits. [Open] [Open]

Play on Tabletop simulator discord

Attached: 4A75F5F1-FD5D-4D5B-A01C-B79FC666207C.jpg (1024x965, 139.72K)

Yeah he was probably talking to his kid

Sadly not the case, if you listen to how he speaks normally being "part of a world" just means something that person does. When he said he had never masturbated before he said "I was never into that world"

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Thats just Bob, hes friendly mostly

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>any billionaire being surprised that there are that many countries

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Probably people who aren't in the political world.

top kek


Delete this! Holy shit your going to fuck this up foreveryone

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Shit! He posted the one WITH the birds!

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Yes. Put me in the screencap faggot

So this might mean that some 3rd world people are of such importance and power in the world that money didnt matter. Maybe like mother theresana and abbu ghandi. But they know about all the countries. In fact, Ghandi created his own.

Argentino bro, ¿qué hiciste? ;_;

and hitler was basically a nigger


Literal holy war of numbers going on. Bless you Enriqué

Fallen angels,1777777777

>that they didn't know that we had that many countries."
trump confirmed as watching the voices of history youtube channel

I think where we're going we won't need countries.

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Close enough. This world = political world. I imagine he was talking about Barron.