Where whites come from

Colds of scandinavia?
Plains of eastern Europe?
Forrests of Russia
Mountains of Caucasus?
Sands of middle east?

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis 12&version=NIRV
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus 19&version=NIV

We evolved from niggers in Africa


whites lived across the entire steppe, from china to poland.


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Whites were the original whi5es

Ice age bottleneck populations that mixed with sand nigger farmers.

The plains of Mars & the caverns of Venus

Well yeah, humans originated in sub Saharan Africa, but where west Eurasians evolved? In which climate?


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The earliest white genes came from the Caucasus after the last glacial maximum and spread from there.

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The Pleiades

I miss you kitty

that's not 100% accurate.
consider learning about the "Into Africa" hypothesis, makes much more sense.

Most Indogermanists say from the Caucasus.

It's also what DNA says. The oldest recorded light skin DNA dates to the last glacial maximum in Georgia.

>, the individual is one of the earliest found to carry the derived HERC2 allele for blue eyes. The Satsurblia individual also likely had light skin, as he was found to carry the derived SLC24A5 allele for light skin. The Satsurblia individual was also lactose intolerant and did not carry the derived EDAR allele commonly found in East Asians and Native Americans.[8][9]

we always been in europe, migration is a gigacope from shitskins

>one of the earliest
>one of the
not earliest, and frankly, you'll never find "the earliest" his or her DNA degraded, was eaten whole by giant rabbits.

because, they find million year old hominid fossils outside of africa, some of which are better preserved specimens, it's sort of a conventional blind-spot because of racism etc.

Reality is, it's not even the case. you have multiple niches, pockets of evolution if you will, that have co-mingled over the continents for the last millions of years, different epochs, not all at once, staggered, etc.

This even includes africans, who, with into-africa theory, can be said to be at least mostly foreign to the continent, at least in the last 100k years, and the hominids that were there may have originated elsewhere too, we just have no way to confirm that far back. There were probably more advanced hominids at the time of lucy, think how many times along the red arrow humanity's ancestors double dipped with the normies of the time. This is all well beyond the concept of race but knowing it helps keep perspective.


>you'll never find "the earliest"

Because carbon dating can only be an estimate, not an exact date especially when it's that old.


yeah, but you also can't sequence degraded genomes. miracles can be worked, but it seriously has to be there. usually some form of preservation is required, cold, lack of oxygen, dryness, it's hard to find samples if they didn't come from some place frozen, and that's only IF the sample survived relatively intact for 10k+ years.

You are not prepared for the answer to that question

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Is that vin diesel?

Africa>Asia>Middle East>Europe

Whites are the only racial class to go through all environmentally evolutionary stages for humans

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white white white white whites mimimimimimimimimimi all day 24/7, 365/year. Yas Forumstards virgin scumbag obsessed with skin colour. fix yourselves or get the rope you waste of oxygen and cum from your fathers balls

Whites first evolved around eastern europe caucus mountains area.
The pure whites we think of today with blonde hair and blue eyes and pale skin fully evolved in Scandinavia

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It’s Ben gasoline, his retarded cousin

Uh, ever heard the term "Aryans" OP? Literally tells you everything. Pretty much anywhere from the Caspian Sea to Northern India. They then immigrated to Europe and so forth.

The Aryan is Gods chosen people, the Hebrew in ot, Jesus was not a jew, a member of the tribe of judea. So knowing what 1st century jews looked like really does not matter in reference to the appearance of Jesus.

they split into eastern and western steppe herders and clusterfucked and assimilated into cultures or vice versa, sometimes replacing old people but taking their customs, other times introducing people to their customs (tho both ways to some degree)
it seems while many people lived the peasant life, they were kinda still stuck in an epoch of uncivilization, not having dwellings or scripts for thosaunds of years, but still having a great cultural impact and at times having "kingdoms" (scythians) or federations, whatever you can do without the necessary tools of script (they used math and counted tho)
their sphere of living at times reached from europe to mongolia and many people there have some or more traces back to them

pic related is a hokkaidan aboriginal (related to khamchatkan and eastern steppe herders, they look a lot more like their western cousins then let's say huns, mongols or jurchen)
They weren't one race or culture to begin with but often intermingled with other nomadic steppe cultures and for the most time they were so few and so little advanced that war and strife against each other seemed to have been exceedingly rare (as is relatively rare for nomadic cultures with certain size and in certain environment anyway)

But the only people we can somewhat trace of that, come from Iran and especially the Yamnaya are of great importance because they were the first horse riders and they spread a lot of culture.

Similar things happened in many places, just see the semitic clusterfuck where modern jewish semites or even most arabian semites are barely related to north african semites and it was just the culture that spread there a really long time ago.

Everyone outside of subsahara africa is relatively closely related, even aboriginals of australia are pretty close to that group.

What I find interesting is that amenhotep III, despite having sometimes statues depict him like a broadnosed almost nigger, is related to the balkan clusterfuck

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Are you fucking retarded m8? Go study the Talmud nigger

I have, your point?

>your point?
>you’re retarded

not that guy, but how is Jesus not a Jew?

ok, that is very compelling argument, what about my original post do you disagree with, and how would reading the Talmud affect my opinion>
If you keep repeating yourself and just calling me names i will assume that you are either a troll, jew or shitskin and cease the conversation

Notice that never once int he bile does it ever call Jesus a jew or the jews and Hebrews are the same. The term Jew comes from their tribe of Judah,notice how the 12th tribe is Judah and the twelfth disciple is Judas, a member of that tribe, and how both Judas and the tribe of Judah betray God. Although jews Joseph was of that tribe, Mary was not, so Jesus is not a jew

so you're saying Jesus was a Hebrew, and one of the Hebrew tribes were Jews, but not all Hebrews are Jews?

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis 12&version=NIRV
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus 19&version=NIV
not even the same guy but you wignats are genuinely fucking retarded

Yes, the Hebrews were Aryan, Abraham was a direct descendant of Adam, Adam translates to "Blushes" in hebrew and the only race that blushes are whites.
Also if you did not look at it>>>

White people are cavemen, lighter skin pigment from less Sun and smaller noses from the colder air.

"Adam translates to "Blushes" in hebrew and the only race that blushes are whites."
>being this fucking dumb

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What were you trying to prove with those quotes?
Also KJV or die, anything else is heresy.

have you never met an asian?

Did you not read them? The holy people are the descendants of Abraham, according to the Bible. Not sure if you know literally anything about geography or history but whites did not derive from Abraham. Also
>Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk
This is symbolic. Literally look at the next fucking verse, it says their faces are black LOL pic related

btw not a jew fuck Israel and the bible and the talmud are a fucking lie

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Didn't Indo-Europeans originate from the eastern European steppes above the Black Sea where they roamed as horse warriors? Those were white people that looked like you and me. What's amazing about the Europeans is that we invented trousers, because we were horse warriors we created it to keep our legs and arse warm while also being able to ride horses.

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of course i have, your point, they get red when they drink


White "people" are nephilim (fallen angels) they are not from this world. Old tales of blonde haired pale demons roaming the ancient kingdom of Africa were written in the book of Yung Hova. Chief Bussem Chieks spoke of cavebeasts that crawled on they hands n knees but when took on a battle stance upward was almost 7 feet tall.

>Didn't Indo-Europeans originate from the eastern European steppes above the Black Sea where they roamed as horse warriors?
Indo-Euros as their own culture yes.

But not Europeans as a race.

humans came from europe

Nigger are you going to respond or have you been BTFO so bad that you've given up

Also the word Adam does not come from the word blush. It comes from an older language, Akkadian, and means "created" which makes a lot more fucking sense if you realize that he was the first man made by God.

Mediterraneans are related to each other, this means the Greeks, Iberians, and Amazigh who came from North Africa. Then you have the Euro Aryans, the Celts, Scandinavians, and surprisingly the fucking ancient Itallians who are closely related to Ukrainians and Russians. Then you have the weird people the Sami are Asian, the Finns seem to share a lot of similarities with babylonians and even the celts thought they were from scythia, the Basque are a entire ethnicity of female Clovis? who have literally fucked empires into dust evolving like xenomorphs along the way, The ashkenazi are half itallian, part Flemish, part Palestinian Jew, part Greco-Anatolian, part Rus, and part English.

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>The holy people are the descendants of Abraham
Yes, that is pretty evident, my claim is that the Hebrew and Abraham are all white, I dont understand how your sentence proves or shows anything
>This is symbolic. Literally look at the next fucking verse, it says their faces are black LOL pic related
You cannot simply choose one to be symbolic and not they other, that is bias on your part.
>btw not a jew
You act like one
>fuck Israel and the bible and the talmud are a fucking lie
So you really have not authority on this matter at all and you have no reason for uncovering any truth because it is all false to you anyway.

was wondering if anyone else would notice.

>tfw Japanese friend blushes
I know that Adam means ruddy, but did you even look at my post low iq nigger?

The various types of white europeans come from different places. Nordics are descended from Aryans of Central Asia with some WHG admixture. Alpines come from Central Asia as well. Mediterranean people originate from Middle Eastern farmers descended from a North African source. East Baltics come from the steppes.

I got a package.

There were multiple white races. Greeks were a different type than the northern caucasoid neanderthals. This indicates the origins of true human consciousness in the middle east which shouldnt be too surprising considering mesopotamia is the origins of civilization. Its unfortunate that kike religions alongside western european wannabe elitism destroyed our planet.

yes, i read it you are trying to say that jews are Levantine
also if you start spewing insults during the middle of an argument all it does is make you look like a nigger yourself, so please keep this looking like a polite and intelligent conversation.

Wrong. Blue eyes has nothing to do with white skin.

people considered white are mostly descended from indo europeans who were fucking about on the ukrainian and russian steppe. all europeans also have blood from neolithic farmers who mixed with the earlier hunter gatherers. farmers had some of the genes for light skin and some hunter gatherers had blue eyes.

Ahahaha the german rape babies in argentina aint white

Ahahahaha gotteem

>the Finns seem to share a lot of similarities with babylonians
what similarities?

North America " Altlantis"

Muh kike religions
Sexless fat incel confirmed
Fucking faggot kys

Europe was still under glaciation mostly when the first blue eyed seafarers showed up on the coast of Spain about 7000 years ago. The Med and S.Europe was only swarthy magdalenians.
The oldest X haplo blue eyed humans are found on North America in places like Windover Bog and the Moundbuilders, Old Copper Culture.
Blue eyed people swim the best of all races and love the Sea more than land.
Blue eyed people colonized the med and Europe by Sea. They were never Arctic people.