Dr Anthony Fauci from 2017

>Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.
>“What about the things we are not even thinking about?” he said. “No matter what, history has told us definitively that [outbreaks] will happen because [facing] infectious diseases is a perpetual challenge. It is not going to go away. The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we’re going to see this in the next few years.”


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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't trust this fuck at all. Seems to me he's deliberately sowing fear to help the Democrats in November, especially if his precious Hilldawg is making moves behind the scenes

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Deep State Fauci should be taken to Gitmo and waterboarded for treason

>every 2-3 years the roiling mass of humanity packed like sardines that is east Asia manages to spit out a new or remixed infectious disease
>presidential terms last 4-8 years
>ipso facto, some disease was going to occur during Trump presidency

>he's deliberately sowing fear
That's my take. He doesn't care to clarify that he's predicting worse case scenarios and spews fear porn all over the neoliberal MSM channels.

What a fag. Trump should fire his ass.

He's a turbo jew that just wants to sell vaccines.

>fuck this health expert he's probably democratic spy
drumpflets are genuinely insane

you can tell he got PISSED when trump mention the malaria drug. he needs to be removed

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Wtf how is this not all over the place?

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He's a freemasonic shill. He knew it was coming because he is the bringer of death. Sometimes these Freemasons tell the truth, usually in threat form.

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Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

>you can tell he got PISSED when trump mention the malaria drug. he needs to be removed
Yep, the cure stands in the way of the vaccine agenda and the mass hysteria.

Yeah this, it is a totally reasonable thing to say. Obama had two during his term but nothing of THIS scale. Earth got REALLY lucky with Ebola and how it mutated.

>memeflag shitting up the thread
That was quick

Of course he knew, he is part of the clinton crime family. They have been planning this for decades and have been running simulation of such events for years. You are powerless to stop it.

Dude weed lmao

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>What did he know?



FAUCI 2020

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Sorry, but we don't take it too kindly to his kind around here.

Yeah it's not at all because recommending a drug that's loaded with serious side effects as a magic cure off of data from one shitty, non-peer-reviewed paper is a bad idea. It's not like people immediately started taking chloroquine and fucking dying from it. Oh wait that's exactly what happened.

Can you fucks imagine the political fallout if Fauci resigned and blamed it all on Trump?

Instead he's giving Trump admin credibility and helping the country. How tf could you think this is a dem conspiracy lmao

>It's not like people immediately started taking chloroquine and fucking dying from it.


damn media really rolling with the guy who fucking ate aquarium cleaner. all the governors have to do is let the doctors write the script for it with directions. nobody would be dying right now

He's on and off though. I personally dislike the fear mongering based on the worst case scenario, without clarifying it's the worst case. Now everyone is screeching 200k people will die, when before it was 2 million.

Italians are like Jews. They always got each other's back. This WOP is backing that other WOP in NY

He's not telling anyone to go out and buy it themselves, which they shouldn't be able to do anyways unless prescribed by a doctor. Yes, there are serious side effects, but would you rather have the patient die from corona or have some side effects that will go away once they stop taking the drug? The drug has already gone through clinical trials, hence why its prescribed for malaria. It would take years to get all the data needed for a peer reviewed paper to say it works for COVID-19. Guess what faggot? We don't have years. We needed a treatment yesterday. Keep coping. I'll be voting Trump 2020. Be ready for four more years.

>president trump
>pic related

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I don't think Fauci never said 2 mill, did he? That was just a model from ICL, and it wasn't political.

But there's not much need to worry about models. In Italy, 10k have died and Italy has a population a fifth of the US. They haven't even peaked. If we get as bad as Italy (it could happen, maybe our suburban lifestyle will save us, maybe our lack of a lockdown will fuck us), that's already 50k dead. It's easy to see why he suggests it might get up to ~200k. Don't see how it's fear mongering.

You’re a retard. You’re talking about that dumbass boomer couple in AZ taking fish tank cleaner.

(You) don't belong here.

They've been using it over the counter in France for years

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He knew that we get this shit about every 3rd year, and it's nothing new.
He also knows that this is massive fucking overkill for a disease that might kill less than 1%, 1 out of 100.
Not happy about that, really rather sad that death is a part of life. But this affects primarily those over 60, who are already dying of things.

Also, take this as a reminder to live well while you're young.

FACT:The virus attaches to particles in the air
FACT: pollen drifts for miles
FACT: the virus stays alive 3-4 hours min on that pollen
Wind speeds of 5 mph would carry a cough or fart or sneeze for 15-20 miles Think about it


We get a new pandemic every 4-12 years
We've actually been overdue for a few years now

Will you recant when it proves successful? No because you are a TDS addled shill.

Enjoy your time here, faggot. I personally believe democrats and republicans are kiked beyond belief. Voting for a president isn't going to solve that but I'll vote Trump because I enjoy your impotent rage.

Except there are literally other health experts saying he is full of fucking shit. So where is your appeal to authority now, bitch? You fucking cunt, show your Chinese flag.

>Dr. Anthony Fauci Predicts How Many Will Die From Coronavirus In United States
>Fauci, who is a leading member on the White House coronavirus task force, also poured cold water on several doomsday scenarios projecting millions of deaths in the U.S. during the pandemic.
>He said that models projecting between 1 million and 2 million deaths are “almost…certainly off the chart.”
>One projection that has received widespread attention, from Imperial College in the United Kingdom, projected 2.2 million deaths in the U.S., but only if the government and public took no steps to slow the spread of the virus.

It did come from the ILC, but he pushed it at first too. The same way the brits revised their numbers down so did we.

He's been around advising presidents for like thirty years. We have a major infectious outbreak like every ten years. It's not rocket science to conclude there will be another outbreak ten years later either.

Will you admit you might be putting too much faith in a reality tv star when it doesn’t and is never mentioned again?

added sauce

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He didn't push it though. And he's very specifically saying you shouldn't put a ton of confidence into the models.

If the idea is to cause people to panic, he is doing a bad job.

Holy fuck you're dumb as a bag of bricks. He stressed that 200k was the very high upper limit. Sorry if you don't like facts, but most people want an educated guy out there telling them the truth.

Also Fauci knows there's likely to be way less deaths which is gunna make Trump look even better when this is all done. Pic related

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Again, my point is he's never clear enough.
He did early on
>He said it's 'possible' the US death toll could near 2 million if mitigation and containment efforts fail
When an "expert" like him says something hypothetical the MSM presents it as fact. What do you mean though? People panicked hysterically at first because of shit like this.
People thought it was some african virus that will make you bleed from your eyes at first.

>my field of work is important give me more money

Agree on that last part though.

in case anybody is curious, Fauci is registered Independent in the District of Columbia. DC is a place where the only meaningful elections occur in Democratic primaries.



Fucking moron that was aquarium cleaner those fucks ingested... you’re brainwashed by the media and don’t even suspect it

Next he'll say Trump got rid of the CDC or whatever their talking point is that's fake and gay.

if we did nothing and let the disease run its course through the population, more than half of the country would get infected easily. suppose the death rate with proper care in the US is 0.1%, which is lower than the actual. while the hospitals are overloaded, the mortality rate would approach the hospitalisation rate. this would raise the average mortality rate well above 0.1%. suppose it raised it to just 1%. with 165 million infections (half the US pop), that's more than a million dead. fauci's 2 million number is a low estimate for 0 mitigation. the actual death rate is a few percent. a high estimate for 0 mitigation would be 15 million dead. that said, it's not hard to make drastic effects with mitigation efforts.

fauci is skeptical about chloroquines actually treating people because chloroquines have been touted as having antiviral treament capabilities for many infections before. the chloroquines worked well in vitro, but they failed to translate in vivo each time. he has no reason to expect corona-chan to be different. none of the studies put forth so far were meaningful. the ongoing nyc study will show whether or not it's useful. however, chloroquines are rough to go through for treatment. they also have contraindications, so many people won't be able to take them


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Watching this fucker on CNN
He simply won't acknowledge the hydroxyquine Zpak coctail works BUT he's real big on the majhor companies coming up with a vaccine

HydroZpak costs $20 for the treatment regimen
all generic

Big Pharma loses if he promotes the cure

Panicked hysterically? People were partying on the beach in Florida.

MSM WANTS Fauci and Trump to hate eachother. idk why you bought it

ffs those were stupid zoomers
I meant everyone else

Ebola was too deadly and too visible, and was only transmittable through physical contact.

We would have had to have been extremely unlucky for Ebola to spread more than it did.

The Passage series is about them releasing a virus to kill ppl, its US fault, its out of control world nukes US, most ppl dead

Why does the pede constantly focus on
>muh democraps vs my fine amazing republicans
You know, there is more to the world than two political sportball teams you fucking subhuman

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Fauci is a leftover from the Obama Regime, I have no idea why Trump keeps him.

>that video

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why is that girls pussy so fat?

what planet are you living on? no one took it seriously.

actually he's a leftover from the Reagan Regime (why are we capitalizing?)

Thats a man

I don't think he's trying to help the Dems but I wouldn't doubt if he's just trying to help himself. He's "director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" so of course he's going to say there could be a major disease outbreak, or else he'd be out of a job. By scaring everyone with huge numbers and making it seem a lot worse than it actually is, he ensures he gets to keep his job AND he'll probably go home with a bigger paycheck as a result. At the very least there's personal incentive for him to say there will be an outbreak in the future, and for him to say the current outbreak is way worse than it actually is.

This is generally how scientists think of themselves. No matter how obscure their field is, they'll say it's the most important thing in the world, or on the verge of being one. It's part self-delusion but it's also about keeping funding.


>no one took it seriously
Right that's why markets crashed (almost literally), people raided stores like hysterical assholes, and things were preemptively shutdown.