What are you doing with all your time off?

What are you doing with all your time off?

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Drinking and fapping mostly

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Having sex with my wife mostly.

Reading and playing vydias

drinking, getting baked, playing vidya, learning how to edit videos, shitposting, trying super hard not to coom, fap, or watch porn

Watching all my furry con VHS tapes from the 90's

Man, those were the times.

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COOM central baby

Based leaf.

I tried to see how far I could launch a turd straight from my ass, turns out I had a bit of the runs, my wife gave me a good clobbering

Time off?

Very disturbing. Thank you for this post.

>implying anyone here is a wagecuck


State of Decay 2
Borderlands 3
Skyrim Special Edition
Stardew Valley
Fondling my wife in-between

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Just bought a truck

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I jerked off 12 times in one day just to see if I could

jk, actually I use Old Testament moral reasoning on internet forums to show neoliberals the error of their ways.

Isaac was celibate until age 40 and he had many kids. Be like Isaac.

Drinking smoking DUDE WEED and practicing the mandolin I just purchased for the camping/boogaloo kit

making memes, improving drawing skills

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I'm working on a holocaust sim management type game.
You need to build camps for the jews and you get all sorts of building options like theatre, brothel, post office, swimming pool.
Im having trouble with the pool texture though.
Also is any jews are less than "satisfied" at any time during the game, you automatically lose and need to start over.

If anyone wants to donate to my gofundme I can start an early release on steam.


I jerked off 12 times in one day just to see if I could

jk, actually I use Old Testament moral reasoning on internet forums to show neoliberals the error of their ways.

Isaac was celibate (khv nofap) until age 40 and he had many kids. Be like Isaac.

Fucking upload this to youtube and share dude

Smoking weed and fortnite

I'm the black man in the top right. My furry con nickname was POSD. I was one of the first furries of the nation and was assigned to video-tape every con from 1989 to 1999

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Fallout 4, s.t.a.l.k.e.r, half life 1, and the jre. That’s pretty much it.

>getting drunk on gzas juice, high-potency edibles and listening to binaural beat flac audio programming used to train psy-soldiers during Project Stargate

bretty comfy desu

>GATE anons
>intel shill niggers
>high-iq ideas

This is now a GATE thread smooth brains.

>Pic Related

oh, one more thing....
Fuck Jannies, Fuck Kikes, Fuck Niggers, Fuck spics and definitely DP every orifice of shills.

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And cooming. Lots of cooming.

Mostly depressed and doing nothing. Go days without speaking to a person irl and starting to forget what socializing is like.

Reading Yas Forums and hating myself for it.

I'll try someday.

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I'm still working. I wish I could afford time off but I don't qualify for the neetbux. I guess my wage job is too secure

Push ups, Yas Forums, and Rome!

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Are you fucking kidding me? Are you serious? I thought of making the death camp game, though not to be edgy, but to show how fucking hard the entire process was to keep killing that many people. It was hard for them to murder millions of people. It had to be incredibly stressful to kill hundreds of thousands of people in a camp, hiding the bodies. Repairing the broken machines, getting supplies, keeping inmates inline, feeding your people. All that shit.

I've been making home made Jenkum. My weed rations aren't going to last forever and I need to have an alternative waiting on standby just in case.

Had a friend who jerked into FE so much blood came out. He had a problem.

killing you.

Masturbate to doujinshi with traps and incest.

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prove you are him time stamp

Lmfao quality faggot post

Getting pissed

Learning French and German

Stockpiling ammo, lots of home improvement projects, and writing a DnD homebrew

wife blew me three times in a row yesterday until i was dry. idk that was pretty based 45 mins.

Me too except getting baked and trying not to coom (I'm with the senpai so not cooming is easy)

Why a ford though?

based if true man Yas Forums really is the crossroads of cultures!

Did she swallow?

spooky checked

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I wish I had time off. I still have to work.

You like? Have more.

This one's a hard one to see.
I remember a 'slave auction' happening and I hope there aren't any pictures of that in this image. I don't wanna get banned again :P

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Splitting my time between trying to work from home and managing a toddler.

When your an explosives tech their isnt much you can do from home.

t. seething toyota fag

Yeah, your wife blew me four times bucko.

I'm still work from home so about 3-4 hours a day are spent on that. I bought a bunch of food before SHTF so I've been spending some good time making nice meals that take time to cook that I couldn't really before. I've been doing home workouts, but they aren't as good as my old gym weight training workouts. I've been spending a lot of time in my backyard doing yard work- it's night and day how nice it looks and 1 green garbage bin is truly not enough right now. I've been trying to read more, mostly unsuccessfully, and that's the final hurdle I feel in terms of productively using my time.

I wish my wife blew me.

based russian

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Working because trucker

Check em niggers. I visualized quad 6s = 33 before posting faggots.
>They are afraid


>DESU on T3 and already known
>great refresher tho

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Masturbation, video games, more masturbation, drinking, playing guitar, cleaning, masturbation, cooking, video games, more masturbation

Link to flac files?

I don't really mind sharing my stuff. Enjoy!

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Getting some cleaning done, mtb videos. Nothing special.

I still haven't finished that game. the respawn rate of the checkpoints is fucking stupid high.

Mount and Blade tomorrow bois!