Which God is most likely the real one?

Which God is most likely the real one?

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The one that hates people who make shit threads.

I'm an Annihilationist Deist with Pentecostal leanings and Gnostic sympathies.

we did it reddit!


But look to the great blue sky, do you think.the Bible God is true?
Look to the sun and stars do you believe in Yahweh heaven and hell?

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Jesus Christ, the son of God


But they are all bs tho

Jesus Christ existed historically.
He's most likely the one.

When I see the trees, sky, clouds, sun, I hear and see no Yahweh only truth.

A jew
another JEW


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>not Azathoth
Of course a leaf would forget.

False. YHWH is the creator of life.
t. Jew

To monotheists, the question "which God" is nonsensical. It's like asking "which 3 is the correct answer to 1+2?" We can disagree about God, but there is not a variety of Gods to choose from.

You're just jealous that I got the first (and best) reply.

When you look to the sky do you think Jesus was a zombie god?

Get a breath of fresh air.

The one that is aware of your personal behavior on earth and has condemned you to eternal hell for it.

Its the same one.

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Not true, when I put on my glasses a d contemplate if the Bible God fits nature it doesn't, it comes off as fairy tale of men.

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me. when my body ceases to function then it's the end of time and i judge all you faggots --- you shitposting 2015 newfags that fucked up my board get to spend eternity getting fucked up the ass by niggers

If I wanted to if be unable to believe that the god in the Bible is true as it contradicts the reality of this world and nature, the only gods that I believe in are Zeus and the Olympians which I find much more true to me than believing in a Jew God Jew afterlife and culture.

Yeah it’s pretty bad for a Jew. God hates satanist Jews. Repent or you will all go to hell.

This theres only one God that we don't get yet


Demiurge, the pleuroma and the unknowable supreme being

All of them.
And none of them.

When you look outside do you think that the Yahweh of the Bible is true and there will be yahwehic afterlife when you look at the sky, moon, sun do you feel or see Yahweh?

The Demiurge

What if all of them are real and we go to whatever afterlife we believe because we are in a simulation?

Are your senses silent when you look at the sky and see if you feel Yahweh?
Just solemn empty silence?

The Lovecraftian pantheon.

Interdimensional beings who have zero regard or interest in us, horrible beyond imagining.

muslims, jews, and christians technically have one God just different prophet s

Enjoy getting fucked by degen Swan or Bull Zeus Olympifag.

The jewish one.


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go to therapy depressed faggot

You might wanna look into sedevacantism

A monk fucked your ass as a child? Why so mad at God? You know he's real

If a god really does exist, it's probably a superintelligent AI. Simulationism and Singularitarianism are the only theologies that make any sense.

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Just see the one that carry humanity of the misery

They have no god as none of them can truly believe in such an invention and false religion, in the real world and not in our imagination or keyboards there is silence and no Allah or Yahweh when you stare to the sky you'll not find a voice or sight looking at you and you'll not feel anys presense.

God doesnt exist in the Abrahamic sense. Look into the buddhist path to get a clearer idea of how such phenomena works

isn't slavic religion the same as germanic

only the force is real. embrace the dark side!

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>A monk fucked your ass as a child? Why so mad at God? You know he's real
DO YOU know he's real?
When you look outside do you think that Yahweh is there in an afterlife awaiting you?

Seek a faith beyond faith. Whichever God is "real" created and/or tolerated the empowerment of all faiths, as well as atheism. So find a God inclusive of all other Gods to find a true God.

Invictus sol


>Jesus Christ existed historically.
So did Muhammad, Bahá'u'lláh, Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and L. Ron Hubbard.

All monotheistic religions worship the same god, just different interpretations or prophets.

>when you look outside
Don't be such an enslaved retard that you're stuck on abusing agoraphobes even in the middle of a fucking quarantine. You're either projecting your fear or you ought to be more afraid than you are.

It’s was the Mormons

There are many gods, or at least many aspects of the one god.
All you should be concerned with is whether the god or aspect you worship is Apollonian/Solar/Martian/Jovian/light-bringing/Promethean etc, or Dionysian/Lunar/Venusian/chaotic/Mercurian/Saturnian.

You could argue there are positive aspects of the latter, but at this point in time we need the former.

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Ofc dude. Do You think this life is real? Lmao

Time is God


Do you believe Allah is real when you open your eyes and see reality, outside your imagination and a book setting?
When you stare at the ocean do you feel Yahweh?

They're very similar.

unironically the christian one. I've been looking into the abrahamic faiths and I think they have the most merit out of all the early religions in terms of history and text, Jesus fit the bill of the messiah perfectly thus making current Judaism obsolete and Islam is a butchering of the scripts to fit the new one.

I'm not even sure I'm a believer but I don't find any other religion to hold as much water as Christianity does, everything else covers the same ground but blows it when it comes to a personal relationship with the divine and having a one almighty authority. Everything else either takes the good of the OT NT and twists it or directly defies it out of pride.

No you don't, you can only retain your imagination but it dissapates after exposure to reality and truth of nature, just as the fear of the dark for monsters you are not exposed to reality as you can't see it but once you can see reality and things you are not using your imagination anymore.

It's all bullshit, but Buddhism is probably closest.

Most likely none.
We're too small to really understand whatever higher power is out there. Most "gods" are social constructs used to ensure your compliance in matters which relate to this plane of existence. It's used by psychopathic maniacs as a tool for control, to impart their norms and expectations upon you, whether they're the leader of a large religion or leading a bible study. It's all a pathetic attempt to control others so that the "leaders" can pat themselves on the back and whisper "I matter".
They don't matter. None of us really do. We're sacks of meat rotting one day at a time. We are a infinitesimal speck of dust in the great cosmos. And this "great cosmos" might be an infinitesimal speck of dust amongst many.
You do not matter.

In a book setting you are thinking with your mind and self created images and ideas while in nature you're seeing what already was there outside of your influence that is non subjective and true and this causes problems from the self created imagination of Yahweh and the reality of nature, the breeze, the sky, the sun, the ocean do not have yahwehs presence in an abrahamics believer, only through severe extension of the imagination can the idea of Yahweh persist outside of typical study and inner created ideas time.


The more You diggin un nAture the more You realizar nothing of this is a coincidence

Why do You think people outside. In nAture knew God easily? While we are now caged un our cities of cement being more atheistic?
Nothing is a coincidence

This and there's definitely enough evidence at this point to support reincarnation. I encourage sceptical anons to look into it

Jesus was resurrected. That's not easy to believe. But it's TRUE.

> Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me

Obviously The Lord is God

Read the Bible and look outside. Notice how it perfectly matches up

I especially recommemd the book of Proverbs (KJV) literally and I mean literally everything is true

No you don't believe that.

sounds pretty culty desu. was jesus a narcissist?

You don't believe that.

Tell me, o wise, 19 year old scientist. Tell me the way. Ayn Rand?


>real god
this one

I'm hopefully going to be baptized Catholic, is Jesus god or is he someone sent by god?

That you don't believe in Yahweh to be true?
Of course not, take a breath of fresh air, look outside to the sky and see reality .

My goddess is the best and most powerful. Get on your fucking knees for her. She’s 1/4 Roman, 1/4 Greek and 1/2 Scot

None of them

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Mutt's Law

This is asked from a monotheistic perspective, the Truth is closer to the idea that there are many egregores that inform certain Archetypal energies and systems, with a Creator (source of All One consciousness) at the most infinite level.

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God is barely glimpsed by us as a fractal infinite repeating pattern
I believe bibical texts and Jesus are accurate, we do not understand god only through the son is it possible

Do you even know where you get the idea that narcissism is bad from? Your conscience which was made by God. He writes his laws in our conscience so that we know he’s there and seek him.

Jesus said that because it’s true. He wouldn’t lie to man for the sake of faux humility because in his mouth there was no guile. He is truly perfection as he is God manifest in human flesh.

The one in my mirror.

Do you believe in Yahweh?

Thank you o wise men for your solid advice why are people still believing in god when they go outside and look at the sky?

i think they're all slightly different symbols for the same thing

You know user

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I really like this post, you've given me something to reflect on user. God bless.

No one knows which one of the thousands known Gods is real, but its pretty easy to tell which ones are fake.

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It's Yaldabaoth.