Yas Forums can a Jew be based?

Yas Forums can a Jew be based?

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It is not a jew if it's based.

Only if they are not Zionists or Frankist


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Jews are based on merit but not on the side of the playing field, interests conflict of Europeans and Jewish imperialist desires in the economic sector.

based on what?



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>Yas Forums can a Jew be based?
Holy fuck yes they can!!

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Yes, kushner and the rest of trumps cabinet and family are incredibly based.

MIGA and MAGA, stay mad libtards


Stephen miller
rule violation

That mirror is stained with coomer tribute.

Only dead ones.

Most Jews are Based and White Holocaust pilled
They don't even care, they post lies publicly with a dead straight face say the complete opposite the next day

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Based jews exist. Some develop a brain & even a heart. Yes I do believe not all jews are wicked Zionists

I’m a Jew and the answer is no. At no point should you trust a jews


Yes, Kubrick and Bobby Fischer for example

By murdering as many jews as possible and then suicide

Why yes they can!

Excepts to the rule do exist. However, that doesn’t change the underlying problem.


there is only one based jew

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I would always keep a Jew at arms length even if he/she is based.

You've got it all wrong. Zionists are simply Jewish nationalists, no different from nationalists from any other nation in the world. They tend to be politically and socially conservative. Notice that Jews who are against Zionism are usually on the far left? Anti-Zionist Jews are the ones who support either communism or globalism or both.

I do too a certain extent. Even some niggers are extremely based like Thomas Sowell, but I will always keep them at a safe distance.

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He's a mincing queer


Based Jew

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So helping the US govt. lie to its people about landing on the moon is based?

Based means unapologetically loving your own race, so yes.

Were but white people 10% as based as Jews

What happened to him?


I believe that it is theoretically possible, but a lot of things would have to fall into place to produce such a being.

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I mean I guess you can baste them before putting them into the oven...

In the US, 50% of Jews are married to non-Jews.
White people are still way more based than Jews.

Who knows? He's just a weird Jew pretending to be a Christian. Why anyone would pay him heed baffles me.

Only her

If she's got cute feet, maybe

>Dancing and having a good time for a silly video makes you queer now

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There’s no refuting it, they are our greatest ally.


Proof: Ron Unz - Holocaust Denial


Just when I thought that my opinion of Patton couldn't get higher....

They are both the greatest opposition and the greatest potential ally. Anybody who universally denounces Jews is a moron.

It's not just the dancing:

What Brother Nathanael dropped was a prepaid card with a scratch box for 30 free minutes from a gay adult website. Now there are many reasons as to why he could have had the prepaid card: It could be a prop he uses when he preaches that everyone is going to hell, or just something that was handed to him by a random solicitor, or maybe it actually was his.

Ok but didn’t he force march ethnic German civilians through so-called death camps to chide them for being German?

The Jewess in the Striped Pajamas

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They have been the driving factor of our destruction.
They have never been a friend to the west

based Patton poster, Patton was a true hero. Also nice digits user.

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Jews want to ID as White, so now, Whites will ID as Jews. The Holocaust was White Genocide.

No they haven't.

Largely because they are ethnocentric and self-deceptive. Jews that are able to transcend these qualities and recognize Jewish influence on the West, like Ron Unz, are potentially the greatest allies. In the modern day, only Jews are allowed to levy critiques against Jews, so they are by definition the greatest potential allies.

no. they just want attention because they're unattractive, crave attention, contribute nothing, crave wanting to be part of something

self obsessed jews everywhere... only wanting to hear about jews, and judaism and JEW JEW JEW

kill all jews,

hes still a jew. and a hateful fucked up one at that.

typical jew.

I am a White Jew and I denounce usury, From my heritage as a Jew, I denounce Globalization. As a White Jew, I denounce the State of Isreal, that was built upon lie and the destruction of Germany, that the Jews... i mean my White Jewish Heritage had declared war upon Germany first.


Name something they've done to protect this republic?

ITT: Jews jerk each other off

As a white person, I denounce White privilege. I denounce my country Canada, that was built upon the destruction of the Indigenous First Nations.

No but a jew can be the base of a really solid garden if you blend soil with the ashes just right


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Jewish activists have been among the most effective Holocaust revisionists. Jewish thought-leaders have been influential in the libertarian movement, which is basically a direct funnel to dissident right thinking once you become racially conscious.

Jews are immune from criticism in the modern day. Only Jews are allowed to criticize Jews. That makes Jews who are willing to do so very valuable allies.

Praise God.
"We've defeated the wrong enemy!"

So nothing?
My statement stands.
Kikes destroy nations.

I knew a based jew once, but he hated his Jewish mom who ran out on him and his dad as a kid. Also his dad was not Jewish and he grew up in a place with no other Jews around. He was so based he let me borrow a 4k out of print book to read about the Tavistock institute.

>Jewish activists have been among the most effective Holocaust revisionists
True, but not at all the way you're hoping people take it to be true. "revisionism" is what's taught in public schools, of course jews are at the heart of it.