>mfw Anti Q-shills in full force
What are they trying to hide?
>mfw Anti Q-shills in full force
What are they trying to hide?
The arrests have started, they will soon see the truth.
im hiding my fucking pizza bagels so my room mate doesmt eat them all again
The meds
inb4 Take your meds, Q is a larp, random random crap and shills that can't even type out proper english.
Faggot fuck off
>Mfw Q missed another deadline with no happening
>Mfw Trust the plan
>Trust session
>Oops hitch in the plan
>Disaster averted
>Just wait a few more weeks while strip away your rights,
Q predicted that you would tell me to take my meds. Nice try shill
>Make really shitty LARP threads that make no sense whatsoever
>No one on Yas Forums cares
>Keep making them for months on end
>People eventually start to call you out on shitting up the board
>"They must be the people Q was talking about! We're onto something!"
Ronald Reagan was the worst president the US ever had for closing down the mental asylums.
I had an agreement with sessions. I trusted him
+++ is coming niggers
>still believing a gay larp
Q retards should kill themselves.
Did this guy just say Qanon is an AI?
This. Fuck off boomers, the day of the coof is coming for you.
Nothing, Q is a kike psyop.
Tom Hanks started his career playing a transvestite every week on ABC. Why not reward him with the perks of Hollywood for his TV degeneration.
Cope nigger cope
if they're shilling it they don't want it to gain momentum.
Too late though.
>anti Q shills
oh you mean normal people without brain damage
>missed another deadline
What deadline? Be sure to cite the post where Q claimed something would happen by the deadline you're claiming.
>reads or pays attentions to headlines produced by any major media outlet
>you're brain damaged if you pay attention to Q
Q-Blockers should find another topic. Why waste all your time here bumping this thread? Unless you deeply care for the Q-tards. Or perhaps get shekels for shilling.
We're trying to stop you from filling this board with some larper's jerk off sessions
Keep the threads coming Anons. I don't care much for Q, but where there's fire...
Shills will slip up eventually, even though 30% of the posts are bots.
All it's going to take is for one shill to crack. Just one.
One look at the other threads shows your dubious targeting of this one. Carry on, white knight.
Bump for truth
they are so pathetic
are they forced to do it, or is it something they do for fun? They suck a it so im gussing they are paid. Id kill myself if I had a low life job like that lmaoooo
>Don't agree with my shitty mentally ill larp
Deranged American boomers who started posting during the election are pure cancer .
>What are they trying to hide?
Endless entertainment.
>Muh Q
Boomer Qikes are the fucking worst.
Visited Qresearch a few days ago
Everything was supposed to go down this weekend
I assume it didnt
Nice refutation, Qike.
Fact remains that Q is a Kushner psyop, and all the boomers fell for it hook, line and sinker.
>Trust le plan!
>Trust muh Sessions!
Yeah, none of that gay shit ever came to fruition, and your COPEposting doesn't change that.
maybe not
The last time one of you q tards posted this the thomas hanks was in his 50s
>To have winners you have to, by definition, have a certain subset of people who are born losers.
Or perhaps it's amusing fucking with you utterly predictable sperg boomers that think you're in a spy movie starring yourself.
The arrests were starting two years ago too, according to Q-tards
Y'know there are a lot of conspiracies that I have varying levels of belief in. Government had some involvement with perpetration or cover up of 911? Yea probs. UFOs? Maybe. Zionists trying to control the world through globalism? Super check. But Q has always seemed on the level of flat earth theorists or doomsayers, there is very little proof presented but the novelty of the absurdity is the means by which people are expected to believe, so essentially it's too ridiculous not to believe. But it seems that Q has latched on so hard because he gamified the theories by making them puzzles that people want to solve and they believe because they put in so much time to solving it. Like if you went up to a Qtard on the street and told them their next door neighbor is a lizard person who eats children they would look at you like you are crazy. All the while it helps to pacify the masses by giving them enemies so they dont see when the people behind Q start to dismantle your rights, telling them that they are solving the problems that they make up. Thoughts Yas Forums?
drink the bleach retard
>according to Q-tards
Why would you care what people who follow an insider say, rather than what the insider themselves says?
I don't care what any of you schizos say.
Your logic is correct.
However, Q did in fact predict Hilldawg would be arrested in 2017 in post #1
parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme.
why haven't you drank your bleach and turpentine today?Do you want the corona virus?
You mean this post? Do your homework, newfag.
well if you out of bleach i guess you could use lead.