This book is mandatory reading for Yas Forums

This is the best book I have ever read. Its about how humans evolved, spread out through the world, and how they invented society, culture, et cetera

>But the author is a gay israeli

yeah but he is based and is against bolshevism and zionism.

Read this book fags

Yas Forums book club is in session. What other books does Yas Forums recommend?

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A friend of min just gave this to me

I was created by god.

>Bill Gates praise on the cover

The same one I always recommend.

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Good book but I don't think it's life changing. My favourite in this genre is Better Angels of our Nature.

>"pol pls give money to jews"

its an interesting book. i don't get the hate for it.

He devoted nearly a whole chapter praising Hitler, was odd.

>our species
I can tell from the cover alone that it's subversive jewish garbage

>author is homo jew
What could go wrong?

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>good book
In what fucking way? All it states are constant blackpilling of "nothing matters, 300.000 pagan religions probably mean yours isn't right too". Nah fuck off

Sure u were

shut up aussie faggot you're worse than leaf posters now

>They didn't take humanities in college
i guess general education requirements have their pros

tl;dr?? please

This is left wing propaganda

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the theory of evolution is not true. we devolved from gods into animals not vice versa

>This book is mandatory reading for Yas Forums

average Yas Forums faggot

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How is the author is based?


This book is some Marxist diatribe bullshit. Shits on religion because the dudes atheist, has a whole section that reads like a PETA ad because he's a retarded vegan and also he glosses over genetic differences between races as merely a "theory that could lead to explosive consequences" if believed and then completely ignores it. And for being an atheist Israeli Jew he still praises Judaism in the book as being a better religion. Burn this book if you ever see it.

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>mandatory reading

>yeah but he is based and is against bolshevism and zionism.

It also promotes feminism, race mixing, communism, white guilt, etc.

Its an interesting book, no doubt. I own a copy as well, but you have to read past a lot of bullshit to get the woke-nuggets. The author holds a lot of particularly jewish assumptions and his contempt for the goy is palpable.

Average at best.

This or Elephant in the Brain

>What other books does Yas Forums recommend?

Also fuck off.

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I really loved this book.

>Ever since the Cognitive Revolution, Sapiens have thus been living in a dual reality. On the one hand, the objective reality of rivers, trees and lions; and on the other hand, the imagined reality of gods, nations and corporations. As time went by, the imagined reality became ever more powerful, so that today the very survival of rivers, trees and lions depends on the grace of imagined entities such as the United States and Google.

Looool, I didn't read passed the subject and first sentence.
>faggot kike
OP, get your advertising off this board, you piece of shit. Everyone else don't forget to add some herb if you feel compelled to post

Holy shit. A friend of mine lent me a copy of it a few weeks ago. Its sitting on my nightstand. I've been reading other shit in my pile first.

We traded books to read.
He gave me this. I gave him a copy of the Illumanatus

Very good book written by the same guy that wrote the bell curve. It's abit technical but that's good practice for you.

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If we're starting up our book club again, read Jesus Among Other Gods by Raci Zacharias to counteract OPs filthy garbage.


Does is explain how the Neanderthal species was quite literally the biblical; "Serpent in the Garden", Fallen Angels, Sons of God?

This book is Jewish Propaganda.

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Hitler is Vishnu.

Take the Zeihan pill.
- Disunited Nations
- Absent Superpower
- Accidental Superpower

Big Pete isn't right on everything, but his analysis is solid and will help you look at geopolitics in a more educated way.

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It's not a bad book, but you're right that it is pozzed in a lot of areas.


Based, I read Mein Kampf and considered myself a National Socialist, but the aesthetic vision of this book drove it home.

Fuck. Forgot pic.

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Its always about athletics with you nazi cunts, isn't it? lol

>you are my Internet
I hope to never hear such a gay phrase spoken aloud.

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I think that the only thing besides a religion like Christianity that can provide a reason to live and to struggle is beauty itself, in nature, in natural, non degenerate art, in animals. National Socialism is the only alternative to religion to avoid nihilism and religion has some other problems imo.

first half is a pretty good outline, would take a while to read all those wikipedia articles by yourself. some good points about collective illusions like money considering what a plebbit-tier audience this book gets. second part feels rushed and the jewishness gets more and more apparent towards the end

i suggest Oswald Spengler's book The Decline Of The West which was written about 100 years before this one

Whats wrong with nihilism?

Does it make you feel sad?
Buck it up, Sisyphus

>faggot Jew
>against Zionism
you're a fucking retard OP
ALL Jews are the same ALL OF THEM, these are their own words.
I'm not reading your kike propaganda.

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>yeah but he is based and is against bolshevism and zionism

Hes a total shill for the status quo. He is being astroturfed as a great thinker by (((the media))) for selling establishment talking points. He also has been selected for this role for being a gay israeli not despite of it - a true loyalist of the current world order with everything to lose if the trajectory ever changes.

He's selling transhumanist technooptimism which has been around for decades as if it was something new. Just look at 1950s vision of how Detroit 2020 was supposed to look like. And look at how it really is. No flying cars or cyberpunk implants lol. Trchnological progress will continue ofc, AI, chips etc will continue to develop, but people like Harari have been notoriously wrong about the pace and consequences of such progress. Also the entire metaphysics of his work is a progressive globalist individualist nerd power fantasy. For the goyim of course. Keep consuming and get the chip, goy, it will make you superhuman (although irl it will only keep a record of your amtisemitic tweets forever to prevent employment due to your "hate" status in the ADL database)

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>bill gates mini review
hard pass

Homo Deus is better. It lays out their plans for the future.

yeah it was okish
pretty good for the average person to read
not really a big fan of pop science myself

Gotta agree with the nigger here, this is obviously one of those books that fills the same role as Shapiro, it's supposed to come off as "based" and "redpilled", but it's actually just a gatekeeper to the actual issues.
A book on the history of humankind that doesn't go into depth about the genetic differences of humankind is absolutely neo-con shill territory.

>Whats wrong with nihilism?
>Does it make you feel sad?

It makes me feel cringe if anything

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>Against Zionism
>Lives in Jerusalem


Thats disgust.
What you're feeling is disgust.

Because you're a pearl clutching coward.

I can't comment on most of the book, but the final chapter is fallacious moralizing

probably you are low IQ

Fake and gay.
God created us in his image and likeness.
KJV bible is 100% true.

I think he's a Lebanese jew. Anyway yeah all of his books are brilliant.

Nah, Im feeling cringe and boredom. I was a nihilist myself for like a year when I was 16. Theres no excuse for nihilism past the age of 20 unless you are a reddit nerd with arrested personality development

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Low iq


Do you actually understand nihilism?
Or do you just picture edgy goth kids?
Like I said. Its always about aesthetics, isn't it?.

You're the one claiming there is actual meaning.
You are making the declaration of the existence of something.

Thats your burden of proof.
Where do you get yours?
Are there materially nationalism atoms? No?

Okay then whats your metaphysical model.
Cause they sure as shit don't align with the great western tradition of neoplatronism.

What're your metaphysics, dude?