Attached: inflectionpoint.jpg (1230x688, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Explain to me what this means

Attached: 1585468000886.jpg (686x526, 89.17K)

What does that mean?

Those with low IQ.
>Yesterday 525
>Today 255

Nice trips
It means it's all downwards trend from here. We got em boys.

My friend. If you are trying to say because we had less deaths than yesterday, with a disease that has a 2 week incubation period, kindly take a shotgun to the face,

This shit isn't going to calm down until the summer. Mass deaths this week.

Attached: 1545683973123.jpg (250x280, 13.71K)

Today isn't over yet asshole.

You sure?

>Mass deaths this week.
What a fucking prediction when trump just okayed a 5 minute corona test

I’m doing my best to increase today’s numbers.

Total US Deaths by 4/5/20 will be above 20k.

Screencap this post.

Attached: 1585464217941.png (893x832, 230.33K)

Attached: IpBPKHa.png (1335x634, 346.15K)


But it's already tomorrow in Australia.

>2500 deaths in 3 months
>flu kills up to 60,000 people a year in the US alone

Corona-chan is cheeky desu

>I-it grows exponentially!!!
>Except today

Attached: 1585527642871.png (739x360, 47.87K)

then it appears measures taken helped since more infectious and more deadly disease will kil lless people

>run out of test kits
>nurses wearing trash bags
I want you to step back and realize how retarded you sound

>memeflaggot. FBI report without embarrassing tabs open in browser

Attached: 465E21C7-7FA2-49B7-A0A2-9870B6BBCE25.jpg (1024x434, 67.09K)

>Things that were real in my mind

>measures taken
Like the chinks being caught on camera walking around tourist areas spitting and wiping their snot on everything

They just ran out of tests

Number of people infected is also seems to have peaked.
>Yesterday: 19452
>Today: 18426
Happening fags BTFO.

>based burger defending his poverty stricken system on all fronts, emergency preparedness, emergency equipment, emergency staff, emergency healthcare.
has none of it himself and will gas himself

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We just started, silly little boy hehe

Which one? the test kits running out or the trash bags on nurses?

Tell me which and I'll provide you sources.

>70% infected

this is a low IQ post, ignore it people

Attached: our expectation were low meme.jpg (590x680, 49.62K)

All of them dumb faggot

Shut up weirdo

> muh flu, i dont knoww its a hybrid virus of sars and hiv put together in bat-sars like virus.
> wud u mean i cant liv past fidyfive cuz lungfibrooze

Attached: 1585065068288.jpg (570x640, 77.79K)

>its a nothingburger Trump did it!!
>now lets talk about some unreleated videos from 1-3 years ago
5 cent were added to your account

>muh gooberment will save us stockpiling anti virals and medication, of curss me citizens get healthcare and wont be send home for another 5 days to come back and die to pneumonia after 1 week of coofing and 1 week of infection his surroundings

Attached: 1795607_499207746856901_1639176994_n.jpg (480x305, 38.91K)


Do you know what means?

f''(x) = 0

0/10 made newfags reply

>Statistics on coronavirus cases do not reflect everyone who may have the virus, because many people have been told to manage their illness at home and are not getting tested.

>trash bags

That pic is bullshit, no pants in Elektro.
Those that break the rule are shot on sight.

Either it stops increasing (not happening) or it will go all the way uo to never be stopped

I'm lying actually, I don't know

Let me know when that death rate gets above 10%

>Staying at home != Test kits running out

Not america


>Nurses in England Wearing Trash Bags
Who gives a shit about a 3rd world country?

>Statistics on coronavirus cases do not reflect everyone who may have the virus
That's not a case for running out of testkits.

>using shit zion don does as a measure of outlook in the US
Wake me up when he okays that same test be sent and used on our "greatest ally"

The numbers on there don't seem to be updated. NY was 965 in the morning, right? Where's the NEW YOKR UPDATE AAAAAAHHHHHH

>reporting shit to the glownigger association of america improperly
You need to learn the error of your ways. Enjoy gitmo.

Attached: someday you'll thank me.jpg (1000x533, 74.04K)

yes goyim just a few more weeks of staying and home and then you can safely live up to the age of 60 and die with lung fibrosis and mental disorder due to a sars virus but just 2 more weeks I swear goyim its not too bad right, not even germany is witholding deaths goyim u can trust!

Attached: cards.png (408x505, 312.67K)

Yes it is, and what a glorious tomorrow it is.

woo! i believe it!

Look who's talking. It's a screenshot nufag

Joe Diffie died, you piece of shit. There's no longer anything left worth saving.

an inflection point is the point where the second derivative of a graph is equal to zero and the concavity changes

Take a shower

That's the point, nigger. If you're going to report shit to the fbi, or joke that you have, you do it in microsoft edge with searches for "how to fuck sister without waking her" and "estrogen pills 100 count lowest price" and shit open in other tabs or you don't do it at all. loling at your life

Attached: 1585064098411.jpg (1270x842, 436.95K)

Graph doesn't seem to show that though.

Inflection point is when the second derivative of a function changes from positive to negative or negative to positive. In this case, it has moved from positive to negative. This means that while it will still increase for some time, it will begin to get more linear and flatten over time, and eventually drop to zero.

TDLR: This indicates that the function is becoming less exponential and will begin to look more like a bell curve and less like an exponential.

I wasn't aware reporting stopped today. Someone needs to explain the not 18k reported.


Not telling you what to do, but I've stopped replying to these faggot doomer niggers.
Their life is so pathetic that a bunch of people dying and the economy is the only thing thy have to look forward to.
They are just lonely losers craving attention and a desire to make everybody feel as helpless as them.

>there are people in this very thread who have had friends and family die
>these same people had not a single case in their towns two weeks ago
>infections tripling every day, death rate tripling every day

Attached: 1582521846848.jpg (717x833, 97.44K)

18% for whomever needs hospitalization. 40% of those who need artificial respiration are under 40.

Hi newfag, lurk for 2 years before posting again. You’re here forever!

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lol. keep trying, faggot.

>there are people in this very thread who have had friends and family die

Are you telling me out of the 350 million americans in the united states that multiple posters in this thread happen to have multiple dead friends and family of the 2400 dead in this country?

Just wait for NY to release its next batch of data later tonight.

More redpilled than you'll ever be

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Lying glownigger retard. The worldometer site is live, the number keeps increasing. You can only look one day back, not on the same day.

Go to
Look at daily deaths.
Mar. 27 400
Mar. 28 525

It is a massive jump from Friday to Saturday.

If even 2% of people in a given age range require hospitalization, the majority of those people will die. Hospitals aren't magic, retard. If you can't get treated in one, it doesn't matter what standard of care your country is capable of at the best of times.

It'll be bad huh?

still a nothingburger. flu kills more and we don't blink. old people die all the time. it's called life.

I hope so. We'll just have to see fren.

I lost a buddy in florida literally days ago, he wasn't even 40. This board gets more traffic than you seem to realize.

Proof? That's smallpox tier doomer.

>help me I’m new and I can’t stop sucking dicks
Lurk moar

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Only for the major affected areas.

Sorry to hear. Sorry to say it also doesn't mean shit

>30000 deaths worldwide
>mass hysteria
Let me guess, 2 more weeks?

FDA approved the frogmans treatment. Happening canceled. Be over by Easter.
Such a beautiful time

I think we should Nuke NYC.

Most places don’t even report on sundays and deaths aren’t even reported the same day
Your really seeing numbers from 2-3 days ago

Stop typing like a female if you want to be taken seriously. Simple fact is, you're going to lose friends and family to this, it's not "if", it's when. Enjoy this attitude of yours while you can maintain it.

Nothingburger confirmed

All you need is coronavirus.jhu.edu/
Take the numbers off of the map.
Use a calculator.

forgot pic.

Attached: Matias_Torres_AC7_Image.png (360x360, 173.48K)

Everyone point at him and laugh

Good enough

>Your tip has been submitted

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Probably as bad as yesterday but not worse

>nurses wearing trash bags
Those aren't nurses user

I move to nickname Corona "lil c" so as to distinguish it from Cancer aka "The Big C"

that's how you walk after being raped in the ass