If US declared war on China, I'd enlist.
Listen all I'm saying is
If that ever happened I'd be forced to cuff you and take you down station, you know that right
Spam bots can’t enlist in real wars.
Not gonna lie I'd sign up to blow up some gooks
>enlisting and fighting beside mutts who are not your kith and kin
rajeet will probably shoot me in the back when I'm not paying attention
I would too ngl. Not as infantry, work for Raytheon or something, cyberwarfare or engineering.
Chins would destroy USA. How has Americas latest wars gone? Since WW2 none have been a success. Im not a naive moron, you dont need to take over landmass to win, but really, what have you succeeded in Afghanistan, Iraq or Vietnam? You made all of the above shittier places if anything.
In modern warfare the invasive force almost always loses, and China has no reason to attack, it will do just fine creeping in with soft power and economic dominance.
Not a chink, just putting out the facts here. I dont like China but dont delude yourselves that your F35 have any chance in an invasion
Yeah go die overseas with larpfaggots and trailer trash kids while beaners and niggers run wild at home and californian changs evict your friends and families.
Wouldnt happen. The military has to be on the ready to fight for the zog. Unless war with china has zog interests, than its not happening.
Coming from a canadian, you need to worry more about chang than us. Theyre buying up all your property.
The Marines is being totally transformed to become an coastal China-invasion force by 2030.
The desire by our elites to invade China is even stronger than their desire to make Marines fight Israel's wars in the Middle East.
thinking insect people give a fuck about their country. That is the difference between faggot nations going to war with the US. We know we are the best country on earth and everyone deep down wishes they could be here.
Come on user, if the US actually felt like making a country into a parking lot, they would do it easily. The only thing holding that back is a bipartisan agreement to do something of that magnitude.
I would too, I'd rather join up imediately and wind up in a job I want than be drafted later and end up as a ground pounder. Nuke tech ftw!
Zion Don and his migatard followers aren't anti-interventionist in any sense whatsoever. First they wanted to start yet another clusterfuck war in the middle east against Iran and now they want full blown world war 3 against China. How are they any different from neocons?
They’re Jewish bots/paid spammers.
Because china ACTUALLY deserves to be glassed
Fucking chink shill gtfo chang.
Kill yourself you Chinese nigger.
>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
This is how fucking retarded you sound. Go back to your employers and tell them no one is buying their shit. Fucking pull back and find a new strategy newfag shill
>If US declared war on China, I'd enlist.
t. CIA agent who fucked up while on the job, pissed off his superiors, and got demoted to posting propaganda on a Korean underwater masturbation forum on a Sunday.
let me know when you leave for basic so i can get some alone time with your girl.
US and China have already been at war for almost twenty years online. If you want to enlist learn to use a fucking computer, stand up a server on an American IP address, and watch the Chinese attacks come in. From there learn how to counter attack the incoming IP addresses and take command and control over their botnets / infrastructure.
Fucking newfags ohh I wanna fight against China jesus christ learn 2 code already we already at war
based and gutter-oil pilled
why would anyone want to invade a shithole like china
We dont need to really win on the campaign level, we just need to destroy them on the tactical level and holy coastal cities like during the Opium Wars. Internal strife and civil wars will follow and China will eat itself from the inside out like its done in the past, hell we see it right now with the violent protests between 2 cities police forces due to people trying to go back to work. Take coastal cities and or just nuke the coastal cities and ignore everything else inland. Fuck land wars.
>stand up a server on an American IP address, and watch the Chinese attacks come in
Yeah it really is that pathetic. A it used to be a joke with a new win XP install almost 20 years ago, now it's par for the course setting up any new device with a unique IP, american or not, it is instantly spammed by gook-bots.
I this point in my life I’ll join I don’t even care anymore
the chinks are not your enemy, just golems. Besides their waifus have butifel alabaster skin... the high races must unite
get fucked yellowkike I hope everyone of you Han motherfuckers experiences a painful and gruesome death while your women are raped by the mutt horde
If a real war was declared, officially by the congress and full power of the federal government
instead of all these faggot "conflict wars" like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and all the others
if a real enemy was determined, a real sovereign nation was our enemy with their own official military force, then I would enlist the same day
unfortunately muttland has the Zionist too far up their asses to declare on the EU
The united states should begin the african proxy wars to retake control of the continent, kill some gook mercenaries.
Step one - kill the ccp loyalists
Step two - liberate their women
Step three - show there woman what Lincoln meant by if it ain’t white it ain’t right.
lmao why did China have to bitch move a virus onto the world? that's like nibbas sucker punching someone in a fight
The EU is the biggest threat to America by far and if the USA declared war on them I would find a way to be on the front lines
You have the riddle of steel all wrong user
It's 'Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women' faggot
we do it for free, Chang
>The EU is the biggest threat to America by far
Are you fucking serious or just this fucking retarded?
We need to put EVERY SINGLE fucking CHINAMAN into a concentration camp, deport those with citizenship and strip them of it.
>"Will that stop the virus?"
Stop the whatnow?
What are the methods of genocide?
Russia, and China are our true allies
Iran and the rest of the middle east can't do shit as the middle east would implode if any major conflict were to happen there
The EU is infested with those so called refugees and their polices become more inhumane by the day and their governments more corrupt
the EU is become less pro human and more pro authoritarian the longer this continues
the EU must be cleansed first if the West is to have a future, or else we might as well call it quits because we will destroy ourselves user
And let me explain why Russia and China are our "true allies"
if either three of us decide to go to war, it would be total thermonuclear armegeddon, and if they we're complete retards they would no having them die too isn't a win
So it is they either choose to ally with us, or try to kill us and down go down with us, no other alternative
Based Chinese spy.
>What are the methods of genocide?
You could consult a jew, but he would just try to justify selling 750000 machetes at 0.25 cents US a piece to niggers in Rwanda while pointing out the real holocaust should never be forgotten. Probably the best non-answer you will get these days.
Alright I kinda agree I guess, but
>Russia, and China are our true allies
Russia yeah, China no. The chinks are not human
>Russia yeah, China no. The chinks are not human
I never said they were user.
the thing I am world about with the Chinese is not their actual military force, 100 bugmen, 1 million bugmen, 100 million bugmen, we can defeat them regardless
it is those damned nuclear weapons user, the CCP knows they cannot win a conventional war, so they would no other choice to potentially win other than to use the nukes
Unfortunately, it is not a matter of whether we like our allies user, we must be allies if we are to survive,
this isn't the case with the EU, as their policies go against USA interest more and more, and they would be more hesitant to use their smaller nuclear arsenal I would believe
Russia is the smartest one besides US, they don't want nuclear war and want to continue, and they are not corrupted by the same deterioration as the EU or even the USA
it is all about the future of humanity user, and whether we want to be mindless slaves of really humans centuries from now, based on what action we take in the 21st century
if there was a way to count China out of the equation user, I hope we would take it
as I foresee, options are limited as long as they have nukes
Out of hypothetical war between China, North Korea, South Korea, and Japan, who would you anons like to win the war and still exist? (they are all enemies, no allies, just hypothetical)
>also I would like an answer more than "hope they all perish", kek
>and whether we want to be mindless slaves of really humans centuries from now, based on what action we take in the 21st century
You know the only action that needs to be done. The rest will work itself out and we will be headed to the stars.
>if there was a way to count China out of the equation user, I hope we would take it
First strike? Just 3 Ohio class subs could glass the entire shithole at short range in under 10 minutes with ~1.5 GIGA tons each of Tridents, so ~4.5 gigatons a ridiculous amout of destruction in minutes. That's only 3 subs out of 14 that could theoretically be sent. No chance for retaliation. Gunna need a President with a lot bigger balls and less kike connections than even Trump to pull that trigger though.
>That's only 3 subs out of 14 that could theoretically be sent. No chance for retaliation. Gunna need a President with a lot bigger balls and less kike connections than even Trump to pull that trigger though.
if only
Imagine going to war to die for Israel.
top. fucking. kek
>Imagine going to war to die for Israel.
this user gets it
We've pretended to care about civilians and never actually declared war, which would enable much more power than we have access to right now. Everything else has been on a backburner
>Imagine going to war to die for Israel.
>this user gets it
I spent 6 years (on and off) in afgan shooting at sandcunts in the morning and then helping repair bridges that we destroyed the last night (I was CME, the equivalent of your army corps of engs). All fun and games user. Funny enough I can't remember running into a single jew in the entire time I was there. Just a coincidence I'm sure.
I mean youd be dead in a week, but good on you.
yes mutt, volunteer as cannon fodder for your jew overlords. you are nothing but a serf race of cucks
The U.S. is already getting it's ass handed to it by China, why do you think we initiated the trade war? because they were completely winning. Opium wars? You mean like all the heroin and fentanyl here already? It's almost like they are using the same tactics of buying out our politicians and importing drugs just like what happened to them. You can't go to a small town in the midwest without seeing this shit everywhere, O.D. posters plastered in every gas station window etc. They are winning, not every enemy you can fight with might, you will find out the hard way like the Romans did.
I would too but I’m too old. I’d love to be army tho, killing those red chink fuckers in Minecraft sounds awesome
Why didnt you sign up for the other wars, kikes?
There won't be much of a war. The US will likely hit them with nuclear subs at night. By the time they realize what happened it will be ogre. Only bad thing is we may have to hit Russia too. They may try to take advantage of the situation and nuke us
those were cuck wars. you ever seen how shit crazy Americans can get when they're mad? it would be boom boom boom the end.
Not even american but
>hurr murricans can't win wars
>america goes all out and ignores geneva convention
>btfos whatever country they fight
>what have you succeeded in Afghanistan, Iraq or Vietnam? You made all of the above shittier places if anything
That was the point.
>being this bluepilled to believe in the 'nation building' meme
No one White should be anywhere near the US military or any endeavor that assists or supplies it.
Not gooks, chinks. Chinks