You wouldn’t eat your cat or dog, so why would you eat a calf or pig?

You wouldn’t eat your cat or dog, so why would you eat a calf or pig?

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To piss you off.

I'd eat a cat or dog
I guess I got a bit of that China spunk in me
shoutout to horse meat, which is lean and delicious

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I would, but I would never intentionally cook a domesticated animal unless absolutely necessary

Meat eaters are the cringiest people on this planet and the funniest thing is they don't even realize it

Cows and pigs have been selectively bread for eating for thousands of years. Dogs have been selectively bread for companionship for tens of thousands of years. Cats have evolved a symbiotic relationship with humans as rodent control over thousands of years.

Sister found a kitten at a Wally world and decided to keep it, I'm hoping it gets preggo so I can have some protein during this wuhan-flu crises

I bet he has diarrhea every day 3 times a day

The amount of meat on a cat or dog is tiny

Dogs are bros. Fuck cats though.

dogs have been breed to have human emotions that no other animals seem to have. This makes dogs very loving of other people. It appear that only humans and dogs have these genes. Their Wolve ancestors do not have these genes.

As a meat eating omnivore I don't delude myself into thinking I couldn't/wouldn't eat dog, cat, horse, rat, etc. I choose not to due to perceived quality differences, and convenience of commercial meat. I'd prefer to eat cleanly farmed or wildly raised animal also; no trash-eaters. Sadly, we feed our pets trash, making them a poor food source and burdening them with health problems while alive.
We Love our pets so much \s

>so why would you eat a calf or pig?
i dont, i eat cows and chickens. veal is overrated shit and pig aint koshah

Because I was raised to think of dogs and cats as pets and chickens and cows as food.

The cow and pig has less chance of making me sick. That’s what separates food and non food animals

dependence isn't love

>implying I won't eat cats and dogs

Nice apples to oranges fallacy you have there. On the one hand, you're comparing eating beef to eating regular house pets. Should we eat rodents and bats too? Some meat is healthy to eat, some of it isn't. Dogs weren't selected for food, I hope you know that. Would you compare eating portobello mushrooms to eating Amanitas? What are you, a fucking malnourished vegan?

Dogs evolved to trigger a chemical response in humans. So the case is not the same, you retarded doublenigger faggot.

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Imagine getting a tattoo on the side of your leg

Woah Edgy.
Oh wait, I forgot, Canadians can't afford food and you're probably actually starving. Good luck user!

this guy is known to take steroids and eat eggs dumbass

Maybe if I had cows and pigs as pets I might change my mind.

The way it is right now there's a disconnection between the animal and what you see in the supermarket. I don't think of baby cows or pigs being killed when I buy meat.

Because we domesticated dogs and cats to serve as companions and cows and pigs to be food.

Because they taste good, and I don't pet my pigs and cows. Go cough on a human carrot.

Vegans claim that there is no difference between humans and animals. But if you were trapped on an island with humans and some dogs, and starving, would you start eating the dogs or the humans first?

the funny thing is that on reddit theres tons of thread about 'vegan gas' or other issues.

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This. Dogs are able to understand gestures like pointing that even monkeys don't recognize.

Yas Forums doesn't realize this for the same reason many on this board like the chinese: they are IQ obsessed dorks


I value the cat and dog as a companion animal and value the calf and pig as a food animal.

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based oysters

Dogs release oxytocin in their brains the same way that people do. Dogs share some of the same gene mutations that produces Williams syndrome in humans. People who have the syndrome have an overwhelming desire to give love and be loved. Dogs are wolves with Williams syndrome. Wolves do not have the same brain chemistry as dogs. Selective breeding for genleness seems to bring these traits out, as seen with the russian fox breeding program, which led to actual morphological changes in the foxes, causing them to be more dog like. Pigs and cows are bred to be delicious. That's why.

Better flavor, better nutrition, the former have less meat per animal than the latter as well as more use

really good for you t levels since theyre full of zinc and other nutrients that are great for men.

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that dude clearly made 1 or 2 cycle no meat involved here just pure testo

>99% of the world population is cringey and they don’t realize it

Dogs release oxytocin in their brains the same way that people do. Dogs share some of the same gene mutations that produces Williams syndrome in humans. People who have the syndrome have an overwhelming desire to give love and be loved. Dogs are wolves with Williams syndrome. Wolves do not have the same brain chemistry as dogs. Selective breeding for genleness seems to bring these traits out, as seen with the russian fox breeding program, which led to actual morphological changes in the foxes, causing them to be more dog like. Pigs and cows are bred to be delicious. That's why.

eat vegan get your estrogen level high!

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Cats and dogs are predators, cows and pigs are prey animals. That's why.

You'd eat a cat or dog, just depends on how hungry you are.

It's better to eat herbivores. They're less intelligent and have less bioaccumulation than predatory animals. That's why dogs and cats have been bred as companion animals and why calves and pigs are bred for food.

>you wouldn't eat pets so why would you eat livestock?
Really gets my noggin jogging.

It would be a betrayal of the relationship we've cultivated on a group level.

Tastes better and before starving you bet your ass i eat cat dog and you vegan faggot ^^

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Because it's been established in our society. Yes, it's a social construct, so what? We eat cows but not dogs or cats. Get over it

Mostly raw vegan for over a year

No regrets. No diarrhea. No gas issues. 8 hours of sleep a night. Skin smoother now than ever before. Hair is soft and silky. Massive cardio and calisthenics gains. Squat bench deadlift did go down

I take a b12 vitamin twice a year. The body stores YEARS of B12 and each pill is like 83,333% the daily dose

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cause cows and pigs have been bread for generations to provide more meat for effort put in. Also we understand the illnesses that may or may not beassociated with cow and pig quite well as they have been used for meat for quite some time. tl;dr cost effectivness and saftey

Now go back to watching jamal fuck yer wife

Okay, meat is meat. If you are starving you're going to eat the dog or the cat, even if you wouldn't eat the ones you keep for companionship you'd still eat the others if it came to it.

The problem isn't that chinks eat dogs and cats, it's that they are subhumans who torture them to death first. There is no justifcation for torturing animals.

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I never eat tofu. I'm pretty sure the entire planet know onions is bad. Peanuts are trash, I eat walnuts and Brazil nuts

Bread is also trash. All processed foods are trash

That looks and sounds like a nightmare.

>Bottled Water
>Söi products
>Not working out
>Smoking weed excessively
>Heavy drinking
>Dabbling in hard drugs
All faggot shit, too many faggot these days.

meh probably. if I was starving I would do whatever it took to survive. point is that human beings and dogs have worked together for thousands of years and I wouldn't betray that pact unless my life depended on it. I feel the same way about horses and donkeys. fuck cats though. I'd eat em if they were tasty. they're in the same boat as rabbits.

Why torture your food to death? Have mercy for the beast at least.

Cats and dogs are cute, pigs and cows are fuck ugly.
Before you reply with anger because you are undoubtedly a liberal faggot or a woman, consider your sexual attractions. You probably want a super hot rich guy to fuck you senseless, but cringe at the idea of even speaking to a fat ugly dude, much less giving him access to your holes. You just wish they would all die.
Everything in life is appearances. If you're gonna say the value of an ugly animal is equal to the value of a cute animal, then you have to let fat incels fuck you or else you're a hypocrite.


that is something i admit some vegans do right the (SAD) standard american diet isnt a good one and going from that to a vegan diet helps. Honestly most food now a days is manufactured so eating eincorn wheat is still good but not shitty white flower which is mutated as hell from its original counterpart

Horses are amazing sources of meat, I think they're on to something in the uk.

>Skin smoother now than ever before. Hair is soft and silky.
That would be the estrogen
>massive gains
And that would be delusion.

god I wish I could get vored by a plant

Human children don’t love their parents then.

no that's the 20 lbs. of pussy and ass he's gained.

dogs are useful companions the others are livestock

theres a cool speech about that you should check out how plastics and our water supply is poisoning us and decreasing t levels among men.

yes goy

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Yas Forums...would you kill and
eat a retriever?

I've got a beard like a sand nigger and my voice is so low the bass would give your girl an orgasm from the vibration

>t. has never been around cows or pigs
Literally nobody who had 4H in high schools minds killing cows and pigs, NOBODY.

This pt. 2. That shit is a tunnel straight to the soul of a person or people, and that is not the sort of person or people one should give the time off day to.
T. Cow

Well you should go eat a pangolin and a bat, idiot.

most cruciferous vegetables do block the production of estrogen

beard growth really isnt determined by t levels its mostly dht and genes

because i assign the dog moral value to it while a cow is too delicious for bonding

Depends on how hungry I got I'd have to reckon.

Because Pigs and Calves are Herbivores and Omnivores. Cats and Dogs are Carnivores and thus should not be eaten. Cats also deter rodents and dogs deter Intruders, pigs and cows just fuck your shit up

haha, "edgy"

From last night. For the record, I don't smoke. Girl who took the pic gave it to me as a prop. Fucked her raw half an hour before

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Whoa is that actually her smiling

holy shit

She was definitely an autist though, probably an r9k poster

the problem lies in that not everyone can efficently make vitamin a from carotenoids, so it may work for him but that doesnt mean veganism is right for everyone.

You’re not fooling anyone with your VPN you bat eating dink