Hydroxychloroquine SALT

They are absolutely seething

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Is this the final stage of TDS? Where they want people to die just to "own" Trump?

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The liberals don't want an effective treatment for covid19. They've tried everything to get rid of trump and this is their last chance. They're praying for this happening to destroy the economy and Trump's presidency

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Unironically, actually yes.

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These people are so stupid. They want mass death just to be right and Trump wrong.

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>trying to make a buck
Somebody inform them that Hydroxychloroquine and Zpack is off patent for years now. Nobody would be greatly profiting off of this.

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Their last effort will be an assassination, because their current scheme will fail too.


they want bill gate's "vaccine" for a novel chimera virus that generates no detectable antibodies

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user, they've already tried SEVERAL assassinations. Either he has a DAMN good security team, or hes got an invisible plasma shield or something, because they've all failed.


I cant believe people could be against a possible low-cost highly-available cure

Liberals are rooting for mutually assured destruction at this point. Coronavirus may kill them, but as long as it also kills conservatives then they are okay with it.

I fucking miss Giuliani, he was so damn based.

Ok settle down r*ddit. We get it, you LOVE zion don.

Who even are these people to have an opinion? I can understand not immediately trusting a politician in the midst of a crisis, but at least he has access to professionals. Their source is feels fed to them by proven liars.

they remind me of those kids who used to argue about who had it worst, just so they could feel accomplished.

If you look up news articles for chloroquine and Trump, you’ll find they’re mostly negative. Going to be a lot of Twitter salt when he’s proven right.

I live the good goyim salt.

France has already approved chloroquine as a treatment, leftists are delusional.

this is a virus, what good is an antibiotic going to do? treat your chlamydia at the same time?

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Look at all the crazy cat ladies in the comments. This shit is unreal

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So he believes a placebo can cure pnemonia or coronavirus?

That's exactly what they are doing.
They'll take us all down in flames and burn this country to the ground before giving up power.
That's some sick shit right there.


This people actually scare me more than any virus. I’m absolutely sure they’d let people die just so they can say “trump was wrong!”.

Well it’s used to treat pneumonia which is what this virus leads you to. Basically it saves your lungs

Most deaths from Spanish Flu were from opportunistic bacterial infections that themselves caused pneumonia. This may be similar. Also, azithromycin supposedly has some antiviral properties.

top salt

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They’re so eager to point out the supposed hate in the hearts of the right but are obviously filled with hate themselves.

This. Some of it is batshit insanity. And some of it is not being done for free.

Have they thought to think why that is? A regular person cant go into the pharmacy to clean out the hydroxychloroquine like they can the toilet paper. Maybe hospitals and dr are requisitioning the medicine because they know they are going to need it to treat the virus.

They want this virus to be bad so they can force mandatory vaccinations on everybody. It's why shit governments like ours already say "this will take 6 months"

They want people getting sick, dying and all healthy people to be scared for 6 months to allow this to pass.

>Tell @realDonaldTrump to fire Fauci. He is DEEP STATE.
he sure gets around. pic related

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hydroxychlroquine faciliates Zinc entering cells. once zinc is in the cell, it slows down virus replication.
azithromycin has some synergies with HCQ, but it also fights off other infections that could hurt you while your body is busy fighting the virus. the time that the zinc buys you allows your white blood cells to kill the virus before it gets too big in number.

from what i've read, i'm not a doctor.

thanks user

Zinc sounds like holistic bs, but I go for zicam every time I start getting sick. Shit works.

How fucking deranged are these people? They would rather a virus kill off the country than for Trump to be correct about something. It's not like he invented the idea, scientists did

>Is this the final stage of TDS?
When not enough people die, they will get violent.
No doubt they want to crash with no survivors if they don't get their way.

Lol show me one store that carries hydroxy, retard. It's generic so it's dirt cheap, but that doesn't mean it's OTC. Penicillin is also off patent but you still need a prescription.

Placebo can literally cure cancer

Well the MSM has been stoking the fire trying to get someone unstable enough to try that.

What do they mean “might” be right?

Of course hes right or he wouldnt have announced it

This. They can't accept the idea that there is a treatment for this thing that might actually work and that doesn't include satanic microchips being implanted under your skin under the aegis of UN mandated forced vaccinations.

Also, big pharma stands to lose a LOT of money if hydroxychoroquine and azithromicine work as they're both generic drugs with no patent = no big buxxx for them

BuT AZithrOmyCIN iS a aNTi-BacTerAL

The only problem as far as i can tell is that you need to get pumped with hcq + zpak before your lungs are totally fucked.

But people now only get hospitalised if they are almost choking which is simply too late.

virus kills the cells in your lungs
dead cell bits float in your lungs after killed by virus
dead cell bits cause bacterial infection
get inflammation
get pneumonia
be kill

Read again thats the point i was making. They are saying that lupus patients cant find the stuff. Im saying that hydchl isnt toilet paper. People cant go to the store and clear the shelves of it. Im saying if people are having trouble finding it it might be because dr and hospitals are ordering it in bulk bc they know it works.

Liberalism is a suicidal ideology only the effeminate would dare take in as their own. Death is their endgoal.

>alternating caps

Reddit, return please

>Humans are good at fooling themselves, especially when desperate.
Does he really not hear the irony of that statement?

It's been 4 yrs of salt, what a time, it just never fucking ends.
And all I have to do is sit back and watch.

I heard some American doctors got in trouble for writing false prescriptions for themselves and family
Not sure if it was true, and not sure if they were actual Americans or ((((Americans))))

do these retards think people are going to prescribe themselves these meds or what?

Nah zinc isn't holistic bs, it's one of the minerals almost everyone is deficient in, like magnesium. It has a lot of beneficial effects desu

I wonder how many TDS sufferers will refuse to take the drug just because Trump said something nice about it.

>so they can force mandatory vaccinations on everybody.
That and make it legal to track your phone so they know where you were, and who you were with.
Or how about chipping everyone, for the children.

All we had to do was close the borders, remind everyone of this

In addition to Secret Service, Trump has brought along his own private security from his civilian days.

Anyone against hydrocloroquine is a Gilead shill. Big pharma cock suckers. Tell em I said so, thanks.

>that face

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