Is it too late to start prepping?
Is it too late to start prepping?
You are retarded.
Hurry up
I'm still in denial. Trump said we'd be back to normal, but he lied.
Depends on where you live. I just started prepping last week and while a lot food was gone there was still enough to get by for a month. I am going shopping again to get more supplies this week.
Based and deenz pilled
Everyone should. There is no reason not to own one.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off when you retards actually open that can of SPAM and realize you have months worth of inedible food that youve spent money for.
If by prepping you mean stretching your anus before you get raped then no it's not too late OP.
at this point it isn't prepping, it's just reacting
prepping was being ready 2,4,6 weeks ago
If you don't have a CCW odds are you cant get a gun anymore
SPAM is good if you fry it. You can make sandwiches with it and it goes well with white rice. Take the SPAM pill, user. You won't regret it.
Are sardines even edible or is the whole DEENZ meme an elaborate ruse? They seem catfood tier.
this is why I was very careful about what crazy shit I bought.. mostly bought stuff I knew I would eat
No. After the initial panic, stores re-stocked. Better get in before the big looty panic though that may come if this shit gets worse.
if you have noodles, make the noodles and butter em up, add a tiny bit of olive oil and some parmesean cheese and have that with the noodles, pretty lit
maybe that's what I'll make for post apocalyptic dinner
>no one buying anything from the asian aisle
fuck china
I bought 5 cans of deenz and vomited after forcing myself to eat one of them. Fuck you Yas Forums.
Sardines are salty as fuck and taste like dead rotting fish, so if you like that flavor enjoy. Bring water.
No one buys months worth of foods that they don't like or won't eat, retard.
Unironically no.
It won't be easy but there is stuff left you can still stockpile.
>I bought 5 cans of deenz and vomited after forcing myself to eat one of them. Fuck you Yas Forums.
Yeah those things are fucking NASTY and I eat sardines and calamari.
sardines are fucking disgusting. then again im a prarie boy raised on beef so i hate most seafood. my gf will open a can of sardines and eat 1 on salad and leave the stinky can in the fridge fpr weeks. good thing the cat likes them.
Guys I got 200lbs of rice, 50lbs of beans, and 100 cans of deenz and haven't needed to eat any of it. Starting to think this was just a big empty bun
That's anchovies dolt
Sardines are delish!
Tinned mackerel is too rich tho not so great
How do you prepare the sardines? Eating straight out of the literally tastes like shit. And this is the expensive American brands.
Who has the botato box instructions?
yes, way too late.
better late then never
Never too late while stores are still open and you can get deliveries
Shelves are full now. But for some reason toilet paper is still missing
This is only the first wave, it'll subside in the summer. Right now you only have to hold off till the summer but it'll come back next year as a much bigger issue and that is when you need to be prepped for 1-2 years of lockdown.
There will be a downtime in the middle where everything will go back to normal and normies will think that it's over and stop prepping. That will be your chance to prep.
Sardines are delicious when fried in a pan. Better do it outside.
Get it while you can.
Sardines are just like anything. You have to pay for quality.
99 cent dines are usually bigger, the bones are noticeable, and the flavor is not great.
You get tiny tots or some King Oscars and you'll love them with pasta or crackers.
My personal favorite is the Mediterranean King Oscars, but I've had trouble finding them recently.
Now it's called "reacting," you retard
yes, and it’s called panic buying at this point
I agree
LITERALLY THIS. I went into my store today, and everything was packed to the brim EXCEPT for toilet paper. That's the first time it's been loaded with stuff for the past week and a half.
It cannot be called prepping anymore
prepping is to avoid high prices, get enough of what you want and more, and just get enough so you don't have to step outside until things get better outside, which you gest it, they don't.
You should have started years ago. It would have been better to start yesterday. It will be worse to start tomorrow.
>preety much confirmed that supply chain is not in any danger
>GuYz Is It To LaTe To StArT pRePiNg ?!
Imagine being this naive.
Hunger is the best seasoning.
It's never too late, but Amazon doesn't have any delivery windows.
No still time. People loaded their freezers already, they bought nore than they could eat and have no ability to store more. If your freezer is empty load her up.
You can run out of space to put 10lbs of hamburgers, but you cab always find a place to store a gun or bullets.
Guns and bullets dont expire like food.
>My personal favorite is the Mediterranean King Oscars, but I've had trouble finding them recently.
Yeah sorry lol
Are you fucking kidding me?
Is it too late to pick up your mom?
Sounds to me like you're completely new to prepping and don't know how to rotate your food stores. It doesn't matter if the crisis ends or not, as I can still go on living like normal (which is the point of prepping in the first place).
hope you got dem deez while you cold.
Just wait till April when it gets warmer. Trust the plan
If i was stuck with nothing but canned fish, i would just kill myself
is coffee good for you?
A lot of stores have limits on things so unless they get restocked you'll have a hard time getting enough.
With a lot on lockdown the supply should replenish until the second wave hits.
no, you mean panic buying and hoarding.
if you were prepping:
1. 5 years ago start
2. learned how to (waterbath+pressure) can your own food
3. would have a long term food storage already done.
4. would have a short term food storage already done.
5. Like I did.
>Is it too late to start prepping?
Yes. You should keep telling us about how this is a nothingburger and how the flu is worse.
i will literally kill for spam, or maim for offbrand spam
Buy deenz, club crackers, cream cheese and pic related. Its really good. Ive tried like 20 sauces on my deenz and this is the best
No, but this event is likely over.
Every store near me is full stock almost and I live in north NJ...
Sardines are surprisingly good in mustard, tomato or mango sauces
just get tuna in water instead, just as nutritious and the flavor is much more tolerable.
Prepped but love in a state that bans guns. Beans and rice will carry us Maryland goys I guess
>yeah everything is over please start killing each other over food and other supplies
>everything really terrible
>I failed but at least I didnt lie
You really expect them to say that?
when I get my Trump Bux I'm going to PrEP by buying Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Airpods Pro
just as long as we don't need corn any more, we're all good
Everybody is a prepper now.
No, start prepping now, it's always nicer when there's more targets for those of us who are just going to raid and murder if it ever really gets that bad. Less work for us to do.
>get the Deenz Pill last year
>eat a tin of deenz and a kale shake every lunch at work
>go to store to pick up my 5 tins of sardines to use during the work week
>canned meat aisle is empty