best place to buy STEROIDS online?
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Just lift and eat more protein. Stay natty or you're a faggot.
> go to gym
> find roid head
> try not to be such an obvious glownigger.
well thats shit advice desu . u must be quite dyel looking
Go to Mexico and shove them up your dickhole 'cause you're a faggot
im not buying infected bunk gear some roidhead cooked in his bath tub lmao
Hahaha hahah juice heads running out of juice. I know this day would come. I was already stronger than the majority of juice heads at my gym while weighing about 40lbs less. Natty beasts will rule the world while all juice heads kill themselves cause they have the same natural test production as 70yr women hahahahhahahahahahahahahahha do you know where steroids are made???? CHYNA HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
buy it on the darknet. Just buy domestic
This belongs in Yas Forums most of them would think you’re a faggot too though
Best option is to join a gym and get to know the big guys. Usually the really big units are super autistic types so you might even make some cool frens.
wanna know how I know your're a weakfag?
Have you started getting emotional like a little bitch yet? Are your breasts starting to get sensitive without all that testosterone big boy? You are so fucked. You can't have the test levels of a large mammal and then drop down to those of a small child. Do you realise how fucked you are? Your dick will never get hard again when the last bit of juice leave your system. You fucking juice head retard, hahahahhahahahhahahabahahhahababaha.
All the juice comes drop Chyna you better be ready to pay a fucking big price to look like a gay porn model you fucking juice head pussy.
You can easily recover with some Clomid or Nolvadex and have your levels at exactly where they were before while having gained some muscle mass from the cycle.
wrong fag I have yeeears worth
>doesn't know what pct is
>admits he's smaller than everyone
>b-but im stronger tho!1!!
>doesn't understand most juicer types lift for hypertrophy, i.e aesthetics..
>and the few that lift for strength are around 30% stronger than natty
fuck you're a sour lil one aren't you faggot
made in Germany
you know you can make them out of peanuts, right doofus?
Yeah I'm sure Chyna is rushing to produce fucking fertility meds at the moment. If these juice dealers have got half a brain theyll up the price of clomid to $30 a tablet because all that shit will be in extremely short supply very soon. Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahha.
Its all bunk, boi. The powders come from china and are full of fun things like fentanyl and estrogen. Go get a prescription from a TRT doctor - they're generally more lenient about how much they'll prescribe (usually the max of 200mg/wk).
Alright brother, quick question. I have like a months old inflamed bursitis or a type of tendonitis on my right shoulder and whenever I do overhead press it hurts from 7/10. What over type of back exercise can I do for back besides the rows? I only have a pair of dumbbells and a long bar.
Hahaha hahahaha you won't be roid ragin soon you fucking faggot. I literally stare juice heads down in the gym, Juice heads are pathetic faggots who aspire to look like gsy porn models. Get a grip of yourself you faggot. I dl 240kg while you faggot juice heads are curling 30kg for 500 reps. You useless cunt, hahahahahahahhahaha.
Go to the gym
Ask a roidhead about 'the app'
Get steroids from South America shipped in discreet packages by 'doctors'
What's your gripe? Did a juice head steal your girlfriend?
Posting beautiful solid snake like body.
Where does Germany get their precursor chemicals from? CHYNA! Hahahaha. Take this as a blessing, You are lucky enough to know that your juice is running out now big boy. Buy up all the clomid you can get your hands on and sell it to your gay porn buddies.
You’re a fat fuck that gets 0 pussy
>Implying 90% of women don't look at juice heads like the circus freaks they are
>juice heads are curling 30kg for 500 reps
holy shit its almost as if hypertrophy is a thing..
you sound like a little bitch maybe you should get your levels checked
ask nigger
And then beautiful bear mode ala krauser from re4
I've got 3 kids you stupid juice head, Bitches love naturally high test men who don't have to pay to look good. Haahahahah.
Napsgear. Assuming it's legit. I ain't injecting that shit nigga.jpg
Who gives a fuck about hypertrophy? I'd annihilate every juice head in my gym in a fight you fuckin sted freak. They all gas out at the end of their fucking forearm curls hahahaha
half-Jew 6'1'' Chad here. 8 years of lifting all natty.
Op I am ashamed of you.
There is absolutely no
When women start looking like this is when I get nervous, and there’s been a whole lotta shakin goin on.
So gay
Your wife is fat too
Egypt I heard , but why not go the top notch healthy suplements? There are t-boosters that also contain estrogen blockers totally legal and reasonably safe. Go that route.
Hey. I might order some hormones. For real. But I only really do it for chicks and the governments is saying we are locked down for 6 months. I should be working out now but I’m about to open a bottle of Kraken. No pussy for 6 months???
Farmers can get some nice agricultural stuff if you are dead set on it.
>just stay natty bro
>*eats chicken and beef filled with growth hormones*
ok dude
Your gay little insults calling someone fat because they are rightfully putting it on you fucking juice freaks. Hahahahahahahhahaha. You wish she was fat. She's 8.4/10 fine as fuck, trad housewife material. She even asked if I was on steroids when we were first getting together went on to tell me she'd never want to get with a juice head, haha hahaha.
Is it it possible to make gains without getting fat too ?
Lmfao the amount of cope. How disgusting
Shit up faggot......Jesus
Why does gear put baby bois so deep into their feelings?
Women will be able to tell your a low test faggot pumped full of artifical hormones anyway. Give it up go natural. If you aren't naturally big do calisthenics/cardio and you'll get a good physique. Don't fall into the steroid trap dude.
Post body
The amount of haha's from this user is really off-putting.
Growth hormone is not orally bioavailabile, that's why its injected.
Welp I'm a 6'4 x 230lb steelworker so ok bud i guess
you're trolling right
Keep telling yourself that you fucking gsy porn looking juice freak. Juice heads really are the most pathetic people on earth. Literally paying money to feel masculine because they don't naturally Hahahahahahaha. Why would I come to a juice head thread and blast the juice heads to cope you stupid cunt? Hahaba
I don’t even like booze but it’s this or suicide. I hope they call it off & go out and die and then me and some chick survivors can have some space, this is really getting me down. What’s the point in living on at this point?
I need hormones so I can rage? Nothing to screw? My brain is confused and saddened. My dick is all crushed and bruised.
Of course it fucking is.
Hahaha how pissed off are you? How much would you weigh without the juice? 180-190. Id choke you out so quickly.
Don’t do it user, just lift more and eat a shit ton. If you get a little pudgy for a while than so be it, you can always lean out later. Unless you’re a pro athlete steroids are not worth the trouble.
Based hahaha poster
Ha, gaaaaaiiiii.
Doesn’t that prove my point, faggot?
Literally laughing at the juice heads running out their life line. If you went to gyms you'd know that juice heads are literally faggots who try and act like they are something when they'd be nowhere without their Chinese drugs.
I bought some shit from China years ago, but I wouldn’t trust anything from there at this point.
the point is that you are surrounded by this shit and you even ingest it. that's part of modern life. there is literally no "natty living" it's a farce. go ahead and inject your shit just don't take it too far and blow up your heart.
>This bootyblasted
I pitty you ahmed
i usually go to
You'll have to gain fat while you build muscle. Then lose the fat and keep as much muscle on as possible. The only way to build muscle and not gain fat is to use steroids.
These junkies from /fraud/ are really freaking out. Fucking losers. lmao
Who knows when the gyms will be open so I wouldn’t suggest wasting a cycle. Just be prepared for your T to fall off a cliff as soon as you cycle off.
Or you know, track your diet.
wtf did steroids fuck your mother or something relax ahmed
Giggle your man tits and lactate s o i boi
Who the fuck are you? You just jumped in to defend your fellow gay porn steroid freaks? You will literally kys when you can't get anymore Chinese you fucking pleb hahahahahah
I have to repeat
Why is OP asking about
here? he could just like, idk, google something...
that is unironically how we all behave at work, not even taking the piss
kids take steroids so you don't grow up to be this guy
You would gain such a miniscule amount of muscle at 2.5k calories a day it really wouldn't be worth the effort. Bulk/cut is the only realistic way to build a decent physique naturally.
Most faggots on here can’t be bothered to learn the simplest of new technologies to get what they want
Yeah take steroids so you can sit and stare at yourself for 30minutes after every workout like some deluded freak. Your jealous I'm constantly your chemically induced testosterone rush because I'm a high T motherfucker naturally. Keep Seething you gay porn looking freak.
Must be hard being such a loser and low test you gotta come into the thread to shit talk something you hate. I have nothing against juicing in a responsible manner, but your comments say alot about how shit your life and mental health is.
Yeah, no. If you bulk dirty then you risk your gains cutting fat. Those are the breaks.
Thats what i thought, thanks
Oh wow, did you get your PhD in psychology from Yas Forums you fkin retard? Get a fucking grip sted head. I've given plenty of sound lifting advice to people considering turning themselves into a drug dependent freak. We both know when the juice runs out all you faggots will never lift a weight again in your lives. It's pathetic, literally cheating in real life will never end well.