Is it morally acceptable to be a landlord?

Every month, I give half of the product of my labor to a landlord, which I had to work many long hours to earn. He, in contrast, works for zero hours to “earn” MY money.

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You're living on HIS property. What makes you think you are entitled to other peoples things?

This pandemic has been the best shit ever, I have two mid-20s Bernie chicks sucking my dick twice a week in exchange for rent.

Then earn more faggot, no one forcing you to work at low income jobs

Get a car, a gym membership and you don't need to be "leeched".

I'm jelly my wife and kids never suck my dick and I still give them a place to live

you're slowly trying to sow socialism and shitty living conditions. Stop .

What makes him entitled to "own" a piece of the Earth? Whatever you can't physically hold in your hands you can't own. The current system is a stupid system.

I think some landlords might have worked to earn their properties, plus your argument would be totally invalid if you are renting somebody's car....

I own your mom's clit

Why is Russia shilling al these landlord threads? Nobody in America is losing their apartment. I just got a letter from our management company saying they will work with us over the next 4 months if we need time to pay. Pretty sure this all just Kremlin bullshit.

We give our money as tax for your rats. Owning property is essential to freedom. Get a job or make one yourself. Loser.

baw. put a bullet in your brain faggot

land ownership being used as leverage by a tiny minority of people to extort the entire population. pretty jewy. definitely revolt worthy. give me liberty or give me death, usurers get the rope.

No. Landlords are parasites who extract wealth from others and generate no value.

>Then earn more faggot, no one forcing you to work at low income jobs

Or be a Jew banker in the USA and give no interest loans aka FREE MONEY to your Jewish tribe that comes from Israel because the goy gives them 4 billion a year.

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i mean... you SAY that and TECHNICALLY its true. what does "market saturation" mean? population replacement? diversity quotas and diversity officers? hm... not really feeling enough community anymore to want to help a jewy landlord. maybe if he was on my side and wanted me to do good sure but id much rather make their lices a living hell because ive seen where their collectice loyalties lie, and yours, and people like you.

what is the kallergi plan and how could it potentially have impacted the idea that you can hypothetically "just earn more"?

i think that all landlords should be executed by the local populations and their properties be knocked down to just a plot, on which to build more houses.

Of rent is theft, what about mortgage payments? Insurance? Property tax?

we are getting there, mein friend. the jewery of the landlord is not protected by the government as much as the literal IRS.


hello landlord, have your tenants been paying or is that why youre on here bitching? stay mad that the normies are waking up, bootlicker. death to all usurers.

I say we all kill each other and the strongest men left rebuild the country.
Like one big gladiator fight.

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One of the upsides of renting is that it's a lot easier to move if, say, you get a new job in a different city or something. If you own a home or apartment, then moving entails putting your current residence on the market and trying to find a new residence to move to, find a mortgage for, etc. It's a lot easier to just end a lease and then enter a new lease. I'm not sure how this process would be carried out if there were no landlords owning rental properties.

I have a right to a house, and you don't have a right to make me homeless. You don't deserve that extra apartment just for being born rich. You were lucky, I wasn't lucky, and who the fuck do you think you are to be so self righteous and take my apartment away from me just because you get to be rich, and then, now that you are rich, instead of supporting your community you are going to pull even more money from victims of society like me. Don't you understand that you are rich because you are taking more than your fair share? Seriously, you have three places to live when you only need one. I am only having trouble finding a place because you came in and took three houses and left me with none.
Not just you, of course, you are representative of a whole class of parasites victimizing the rest of society, but you should certainly feel ashamed yourself for impoverishing the rest of your countrymen thanks to your laziness and greed.

Why is half of your paycheck rent? It should be no more than 33%, 25% if possible.
Financially irresponsible faggot. Oh and I WILL be posting gore to your subreddit later.

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you know, im starting to really feel thid. purge vibes are too easy though its giving alot of foreign governments exactly what they want and im not down with giving government what it wants at least not easily. im the pry-it-from-my-dead-fingers type.

that sounds like a city slicker lifestyle. selling your home isnt hard, if this is your excuse for renting youre probably a low test cuck who busses everywhere.

I had to sell my house to pay rent.

When I get old I'm going to bang holes in the wall and overflow my house with water to get it condemned - fuck whiny tenants and fuck speculator vultures - go live in an LLC-owned apartment complex on 1/3 of your wagie shekels

Shut up pussy

>going to pull even more money from victims of society like me
How is charging rent any better or worse than a bank charging you interest on a mortgage?

You're implying that it's okay for landlords to own multiple houses in cities but not rural areas?

So your car isnt yours
Your money in the bank is not yours
and every other shit you cant hold into your hands doesnt belong to you.

I guess that the buttplug you hold on to your arse is mine property now faggot.

You’re effectively living in his house. Pretty much all being a landlord is is fixing shit that breaks all the time, and general maintenance.

OP is a loser fag who wants free shit.
Need to change the system so I can have free shit. Liberals

Alright then go live in the wild
Better yet, send some Finnish land and pussy over here to me

Don't live in somebody else's property if you don't want to pay rent.

>I give half of the product of my labor to a landlord
Move out of California.

So getting your dick sucked 4 times a week = worth 1200+ to you? Embarrassing loser. No wonder you're a landlord. I get that for free.

>the biggest small business owners in America are parasites fuck them and rent from LLC-protected Slumlords instead

nah, usurers get the rope. give me the liberty that i was entitled to at birth for being american. the children are seeing what youve done. it goes against what we were entitled to be as american citizens. we will change it. theres nothing any of you can do, or you would have done it already. (why do so many americans still have guns i wonder)

our birthright has been stolen by weaker older generations and foreigners. trust me when i say a war is coming and that you and your kind should hide.

Half your income? Kys poorfag.

Abolish mortgages

Is the landlord taking your money in exchange for upkeep and improvement of the place you call home?

I'm cool with that. Is he letting it slowly fall apart while you deal with broken shit and a decaying home? No.

I rent. The landlord keeps my lawns clean and mowed, fixes the parking lot when there's potholes, makes sure my heat remains working if something goes wrong, deals with trash removal, and so on.

That's what I pay for. Fair's fair. I could in theory be paying for every one of those services individually, but it's what my rent check covers in one go.

Every month I give 15% of one week's paycheck to my landlord because I willingly agreed to.

You save money because you dint pay property taxes and your renters insurance is small

Work hard , Save up, make sacrifices and one day you too can afford a down payment on a house or buy it out right.

Buy your own house cuck.

>I was entitled to at birth
Fuck off troll

It's not the landlord bit itself that's the issue. The issue is landlords are hilariously rarely held accountable towards what the rent is supposed to go to, which is maintenance and upkeep of the property. The entire point is to pay bob x$ a month to not have to personally deal with the washer exploding and ruining two stories of rooms.

Usually not the case, though.

You forgot to change your flag to "communist".

you're a faggot.

This fucking thread again.

In capitalist society you get option of living by your means. If you are more commercially capable you get to enjoy fruits of your labor, or you can invest with risk into passive income assets - such as rentals.

In a socialist/communist society you get a shitty small apartment. If you are a mediocre barely capable moron you get a shitty small apartment. If you're a genius and your efforts benefit many people - you get a shitty small apartment. If you're a doctor or a software developer - aka someone who is willing to apply themselves far and beyond the easy way - you get a shitty small apartment.

So you always have useless eaters arguing for 'free shit' aka socialism because they think they will live in a 3 story mansion. No you wont. That mansion will be sectioned off into shitty little apartments and you will get a shitty small apartment.

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>two mid-20s Bernie chicks

Pics or GTFO

Nothing is morally acceptable about or in capitalism.

But being a communist is immoral.

>1 post by this ID
slide thread

Generation of faggots. You wanna live free, take over a squat and fight the cops like your fathers did.

Mods should delete this shit for being commy autist faggot tier. It isn't yours. You agreed contractually to pay a sum each month in order to live there. It was done by your own free fucking will. You didn't get a mortgage to buy a house and pay the bank, so eventually you'd own it (maybe). You don't have a problem with hotels, do you? It's the same shit, except a lot fucking cheaper in comparison. At least normally it is. And there's nothing wrong with it. If you think yourself wronged, cancel the contract and leave. Someone else will take your place. Go petition the fucking government to outlaw renting if you're that butthurt about it. Fucking idiot.


only if its morally acceptable to think you have the right to live on someone elses land
I mean really though.. what kind of "man" thinks he can just squat in someone elses house? pathetic really.

Consider the big picture. The government enforces the landlord's property rights. That same government prevents renters by land-use restrictions from buying our own plot of vacant land and building a cheap house to live in, and prevents us by zoning regulations and building codes from uniting to buy a house that we can add rooms to in order to live.
So the government is one-side - it's not being fair. It is enforcing renting but not allowing us to buy and build our own cheap alternatives. Due to restricted supply, and vigilent eviction procedures, our rent is sky high.
In this scenario, we have a legitimate gripe - we are being unfairly, unjustly squeezed.

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You're literally living on his property you fucking nigger.
You pay rent so that you don't 1) have to throw a massive amount of money at once to buy a house and 2) don't have to build the house yourself.

Did you read the lease you signed?

Any argument landlords had has flown completely out the window when the elites decided to import millions upon millions of low IQ foreign invaders against the will of the citizens. The only reason tenants are seething is because this mass immigration has both driven wages down and rent way way up. Places like California are literal hellholes if you werent born rich.